Proverbs 11:30 — Mixed Metaphor

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,
    and the one who is wise saves lives.

Summary: Sometimes the meaning of something needs to be dug out of the words. Today’s passage provides us with a very interesting bone to chew on. 

You have heard of a “tongue twister?” Well, today’s proverb is a “brain twister!” How can the fruit of anything be a tree? Fruit comes from a tree. Right? Am I missing something here?

Well, yes, I am.

It is so important to remember that the Bible is written by Jesus, not by man (John 1: 1-4). The entire Bible is an integrated whole. It is not bits and pieces. Instead, it is a complete message to you and me. The reference to a “tree of life” is not happenstance. It appears several times throughout the Bible.

In Genesis 2:9 we are told, “The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”

In Proverbs 3:18, we read, “She [wisdom] is a tree of life to those who take hold of her; those who hold her fast will be blessed.”

Revelation mentions the “tree of life” four times. The most relevant passage tells us, “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.” (Revelation 22: 14)

The “tree of life” is a reference to something different from mere physical existence. We can be alive, but not “alive” at the same time. Remember that God defines living as being in relationship with him. Anyone who is alive but not “alive” needs to be “born again” (John 3: 3). This rebirth is the beginning of being really alive.

And what is righteousness? Isn’t righteousness simply doing what is right in God’s eyes? If we love him above all else and love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22: 37-40) aren’t we doing God’s will? (For those of you who are concerned that we are forgetting that we need Jesus, remember what Jesus said about him and the Father being both “one” [John 10:30].)

So here we are, the “fruit of righteousness,” putting God (aka Jesus) first in our lives, is being born again into a relationship with God that results in eternal life with him forever. Amen!

Application: If you have put God first in your life enjoy the fruit of righteousness!

Food for Thought: How does “one who is wise” save lives? 

11 Replies to “Proverbs 11:30 — Mixed Metaphor”

  1. How does “one who is wise” save lives?

    I think this is an important question for a believer to ask of themselves. One who is wise will look to the Lord for true and complete wisdom, and as they begin to bear the Fruits of the Spirit, they will live a life much different than others in the world, and others will take notice. Opportunities will naturally surface to share God’s message. Also seeds will be planted for another to harvest later on. Living righteously shows others a life more abundant through Christ, something that can bring them hope.

    I reflect on my walk, how the seeds were planted in my heart, and through the years God’s Word has grown into a Tree of Life in my heart. The fruits I bear in the Spirit are from that Tree of Life.

    James 3:17 “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.”

    Proverbs 12:28 “In the way of righteousness is life,
    And in its pathway there is no death.”

    Romans 8:6 “For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace,”

    1. Chris,

      I think your conclusion is excellent and it also answers the question in today’s cartoon:

      “The fruits I bear in the Spirit are from that Tree of Life.”

  2. I think there could be many examples. One example would be Abigail the wife of Nabal. In his harsh and foolish response, Nabal was going to bring the death of his entire household. Abigail’s wise intervention literally saved lives. When someone in their wisdom prevents war that saves lives. By deciding to apply God’s wisdom through sharing the gospel this truth can have a spiritual component as well. God’s wisdom in providing the cross certainly saved lives.

  3. Something comes to mind of Daniel and how he was able to be used by God to save all the wise men. But I have a brain fog today.

    1. Tim,

      You are right. Daniel, chapter 2, tells the story of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream. All of the wise men were to be executed because they could not tell the king what his dream was. Daniel’s wisdom was to turn to God. God provided the dream and the interpretation and saved not only Daniel’s life but all the other wise men as well.

  4. 06-28-2021, Proverbs 11:30, How does “one who is wise” save lives? 

    The conviction of the Holy Spirit saves lives.
    John 16:8-11

    He can operate alone as with Paul, or He can use believers to teach through word and deed as He did with Peter in Acts. As we submit to His work in our lives, His power working through each of us will grow and He will use us to minister to those God brings to us.
    1 Corinthians 12:8, 1 Corinthians 12:8

    He will do all the work as we enjoy watching lives being changed as Daniel did while he watched Nebuchadnezzar change when he witnessed a fourth man dancing in the fiery furnace with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and praised their God.
    Daniel 3:8-30

  5. Hope I am not off track here but what about those that are wise to save lives through inventions like condoms, vaccines and say pace makers? Their wisdom has saved lives and I would bet strongly that the wisdom they have was given to them by God.

    So I would think that the one who is wise is the one who seeks and asks God for the wisdom to deal with whatever kind of fruit that has been picked off of the tree of life to save lives with.

    Again,..hope I am not off track.

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