Proverbs 12:5 — July 4th

The plans of the righteous are just,
    but the advice of the wicked is deceitful.

Summary: On this 4th of July let us remember that this nation was not founded on the will of men, but on the will of God. 

Were there any wicked men in the Continental Congress of 1776? It is an interesting question. We know that the fifty-six men who comprised the congress worked hard to overcome their disagreements. These disagreements began with a disagreement about prayer.

“As John Adams reports in his letter to his wife: ‘We were so divided in religious sentiments—some Episcopalians, some Quakers, some Anabaptists, some Presbyterians, and some Congregationalists—that we could not join in the same act of worship.’” (See ref 1 below)

The next day, they finally agreed to put aside their theological differences and pray together. Each man there bowed before the Creator and asked for divine guidance regarding their work on behalf of our soon-to-be nation.

“John Adams reports: ‘I never saw a greater effect produced upon an audience … George Washington was kneeling there, alongside him Patrick Henry, James Madison, and John Hancock. By their side there stood, bowed in reverence, the Puritan patriots of New England … They prayed fervently for America, for Congress … And who can realize the emotions with which they turned imploringly to heaven for divine help. It was enough to melt a heart of stone. I saw the tears gush into the eyes of the old, grave, pacifist Quakers of Philadelphia.’” (Ibid)

The men who founded our country were not saints, they were men. Yet, each of them, in their own way, acknowledged the existence of God. In turn, they humbled themselves before God and submitted to his will. As we have seen in our repeated discussions of what it means to be righteous, these men all qualify.

As we celebrate the 4th of July this year, I hope we can all follow the example of the founders of our country. Let us submit humbly to the God and Creator of all things and pray for deliverance for our nation. For too long, we have submitted to the “advice of the wicked.” For too long, we have strayed from our faith in God. If we value our freedom and want the same for our children, let us pray to God for guidance and deliverance.

Application: Pray today!

Food for Thought: What do you imagine the men of that Continental Congress prayed for? 

Ref 1:

Image for today is public domain

9 Replies to “Proverbs 12:5 — July 4th”

  1. Proverbs 22:4
    By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honor, and life.
    If we put aside our earthly differences and humble ourselves one to another realizing that we are all sinners in need of God’s grace. One of us not greater than another and turning to the Lord in prayer with the same humbleness asking for His guidance and will to be done in all matters. This nation can be salvaged. As a righteous nation we shall stand as an unrighteousness we shall fall.
    God bless America

  2. These men had a monumental task before them as they united at the feet of God and sought His will to be done through them.

    Yes Phil, God bless America!

  3. Ben Franklin. Perhaps the least “religious” of our founding fathers once gave his answer at the constitutional convention of 1787:
    “We have arrived, Mr. President . . . at a very momentous and interesting crisis in our deliberations. Hitherto our views have been as harmonious, and our progress as great as could reasonably have been expected. But now an unlooked for and formidable obstacle is thrown in our way, which threatens to arrest our course, and, if not skillfully removed, to render all our fond hopes of a constitution abortive.

    It is, however, to be feared that the members of this Convention are not in a temper, at this moment, to approach the subject in which we differ, in this spirit. I would, therefore, propose, Mr. President, that, without proceeding further in this business at this time, the Convention shall adjourn for three days, in order to let the present ferment pass off, and to afford time for a more full, free, and dispassionate investigation of the subject; and I would earnestly recommend to the members of this Convention, that they spend the time of this recess, not in associating with their own party, and devising new arguments to fortify themselves in their old opinions, but that they mix with members of opposite sentiments, lend a patient ear to their reasonings, and candidly allow them all the weight to which they may be entitled; and when we assemble again, I hope it will be with a determination to form a constitution, if not such an one as we can individually, and in all respects, approve, yet the best, which, under existing circumstances, can be obtained.

    (Here the countenance of Washington brightened, and a cheering ray seemed to break in upon the gloom which had recently covered our political horizon.) The doctor continued:

    Before I sit down, Mr. President, I will suggest another matter; and I am really surprised that it has not been proposed by some other member at an earlier period of our deliberations. I will suggest, Mr. President, that propriety of nominating and appointing, before we separate, a chaplain to this Convention, whose duty it shall be uniformly to assemble with us, and introduce the business of each day by and address to the Creator of the universe, and the Governor of all nations, beseeching Him to preside in our council, enlighten our minds with a portion of heavenly wisdom, influence our hearts with a love of truth and justice, and crown our labors with complete and abundant success!

    The doctor sat down, and never did I [General Dayton] behold a countenance at once so dignified and delighted as was that of Washington, at the close of the address! Nor were the members of the Convention, generally less affected. The words of the venerable Franklin fell upon our ears with a weight and authority, even greater than we may suppose an oracle to have had in a Roman Senate! A silent admiration superseded, for a moment, the expression of that assent and approbation which was strongly marked on almost every countenance.”

    1. Rich,

      Thank you for this additional historical perspective. Even the least of those who were considered “religious” respected the fact that we are created beings who are subject to a Creator.

  4. Unity. God’s will. Solutions without death. A voice for the innocent and oppressed. That their prayers are aligned with Gods will. And so many more prayers that I prayed for today in the sanctuary prayers of tears for our nation.
    As I pray and stand behind the pulpit I have to stop and think pastor Rich is kinda tall. Then I pray for him because he is just a man trying to lead others to Christ. Yes Rich does have a gift from God to preach. But still just a man. Like yesterday sermon about how a nation can repent and how one man who didn’t want to obey God but still did what he was told to do, how that one man helped save a nation, even if he had other plans.
    God has a plan He is in control. Control of my life could be an illusion that I try to believe. The Holy Spirit can help me with my conviction of proclaiming the gospel and not hitting people over the back of the head with a bible. That conviction to share Jesus and Gods plan changed my plan last night.
    Last night my plan was to get a sandwich with the lovely lady that’s always holding my arm. Well the short story is our plan wasn’t Gods plan because at the end of the night we walked out of a bar that we just became members of and had almost everyone glorifying God, proclaiming their faith, and even asking to hold a bible study there and that theres a bunch of ladies that are intrested in it.
    Gods plan not mine.

    1. Tim,

      Sounds like an amazing evening! I appreciate your prayers for Pastor Rich, too. Your prayers for our nation probably echo exactly what was prayed by our founding fathers almost 250 years ago.

      Thank you for encouraging us with your prayers and your story of God’s plan and how it is playing out in your life.

  5. God’s will to be done on earth (United states of America) as it is in heaven.

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