Proverbs 12:6 — The Best Defense

The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood,
    but the speech of the upright rescues them.

Summary: This passage provides another argument for righteousness before God. The wisdom God provides to those who ask gives us the words we need to avoid the wicked. 

Let’s face it, the Old Testament has a lot of blood in it. Today, we live a sort of antiseptic life devoid of exposure to the violence that was common in ancient times. Yet, we are only a few tiny steps away from returning to a world where violence is the answer to disagreements. 

Because violence was so common in Solomon’s day, his saying that begins with “The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood,” takes on a literal meaning. He is not speaking metaphorically here. The wicked literally “lie in wait for blood.” 

The descriptions of Old Testament violence are so graphic that some people I have known are put off by the violence. “How could a loving God allow such a thing?” they ask. In asking this question, people put themselves in the position of judging God. This is not a good look for someone who hopes to spend eternity in heaven! 

God’s definition of “life” and “death” is different from ours. We have discussed this many times here on Three Minute Bible. In short, God sees us as eternal beings. Our life on this earth is a gift and a challenge. If we abuse the gift, God takes it away. He hasn’t “killed” anybody. From his perspective, all the people who “die” are still alive in his eyes. The important question is whether they accept God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ, or whether they prefer to stand on their own merits before their God. 

Sometimes it takes the shock of bloodshed to get people’s attention. But that is not what we are here to talk about today. Solomon lives in a time when bloodshed is common. People understand that the wicked “lie in wait for blood.” So the question becomes, if we want to continue in the gift of physical life God has given us, how do we do that? Solomon gives us the answer: “The speech of the upright rescues them.”

How can speech rescue us from death? 

There is a story in 2 Samuel that shows us how. It is a small part of a larger story about David and Bathsheba. Because of David’s sin in his adultery with Bathsheba and having Uriah the Hittite murdered, there are consequences. God tells David: 

Out of your own household I am going to bring calamity on you. Before your very eyes I will take your wives and give them to one who is close to you, and he will sleep with your wives in broad daylight. 12 You did it in secret, but I will do this thing in broad daylight before all Israel.” (2 Samuel 12: 11-12)

This story continues years later with Absalom’s rebellion. After the rebellion is put down, there is a second rebellion, and Joab, the commander of David’s army, goes after their leader, a man named Sheba, son of Bikri. Sheba has taken refuge in a city called Abel Beth Maakah. When it became clear that Joab’s army was intent on destroying the city and all the people in it, a wise woman came to the wall and called to Joab (2 Samuel 20: 16). 

In essence, she asks him, “What do you want?” Joab’s answer was Sheba son of Bikri. “Hand over this one man, and I’ll withdraw from the city.” (2 Samuel 20: 21) The woman’s answer is what saved the city. She says, “His head will be thrown to you from the wall.” (Ibid) 

Now, I’ll grant you I am making some assumptions about whether the woman was upright or not. Given that the Bible describes her as “wise,” I think it is safe to assume she probably was. If she had not spoken, her city would have been destroyed and her own life lost. The speech of the upright saved the day.

Application: Speech by itself is not enough to rescue us. We need to walk with God upright in order to have the right kind of speech. 

Food for Thought: How do “words lie in wait for blood” today?

16 Replies to “Proverbs 12:6 — The Best Defense”

  1. How do “words lie in wait for blood” today?

    I see a lot of issues that arise today and the arguments that ensue from them. To me, those arguments are “words that wait for blood”, some quite literally. I say that because on the outside they appear to be arguments for “human rights” but are really just wickedness wrapped in a sugary coating. As a imperfect person, me trying to maintain a discussion where the main points are to love God above all else, my neighbor as much as myself, and yet not tolerate sin, is one I know I cannot do by myself.

    Romans 8:13 For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.

    1. Chris,

      Thanks for tackling this question. There are far too many news reports of words leading to acts of violence today and far too many people recklessly inciting violence.

  2. I know the question is about today, but I want to use the example of Jesus before the religious elite. Accusation after accusation is thrown until finally, they ask Jesus if He is the Messiah. When He answers yes they tear their robes and send Him to be executed.

    They used and twisted words until they felt justified shedding blood. Not killing Jesus was not an option. (Him being the Messiah, was not an option) That’s what “words lie in wait for blood” looks like. That’s what we are moving towards. Just like the trials to bring down baker’s because they wouldn’t participate in a gay wedding. They will use any words against the upright to destroy them. Just like any trial where one who is adept at manipulating the court room takes advantage of an honest defendant.

    Right now, our court system doesn’t usually end in blood, but as unrighteousness, wickedness, and unreasonableness take over…..

    1. I agree with you A. It is sad to say its beyond our regular court systems. Our political leaders have spread lies and turned away from the truth. For so long the have been laying their lies for the bloodshed of over 60,000,000 babies.

  3. Interesting and good responses. A – I like your description of twisted words used to justify and destroy. I agree, we see that often in our culture.

    To take a slightly different angle on this topic – I see the courage needed to stand against abortion in the public square as one way the words of the righteous rescue the innocent. Just as William Wilberforce used his words to end the slave trade system in Britain, the upright can fight the good fight to rescue the innocent by speaking up. proverbs 31: 8 – 9.

    The efforts and words of the wicked will justify the merciless slaughter of babies. Someone needs to stand in the gap for the innocent babies – that is the job for those speaking up as God’s ambassadors on earth.

      1. What is Good? A good head on your shoulders.
        Make sure you are following sound doctrine before you go head first.
        Joab gave her a heads up on what she should do.
        By the title ( header)I didn’t know which way you were heading.
        Joab was head strong.
        They figured out how to get rid of the head ache called sheba.
        Sheba was kinda flaky so Joab suggested head and shoulders.

  4. 07-05-2022, Proverbs 12:6, How do “words lie in wait for blood” today?

    God instructed John to identify Jesus as “The Word”, John 1:1. He’s the source of all the right words which come from our hearts. He is also the One who reminds us of the wrong words and how acting on them brings devastation.

    To have value, words must be Spirit-activated as all others lie in wait for blood. Right words can change our world and the worlds of those around us. One word, one conversation, at a time, as we encourage others to live their purpose in God. Share the things we have learned, hard-fought lessons of surrender which resulted in action, as we accepted and and seek life in Christ.

    Reckless words have the effect of a spiritual club, sword or a sharp arrow, and are spoken all the time. Proverbs 12:18, 25:18,

    Wrong words such as lies, gossip and malicious talk can cause pain, death and destruction. The truth can also cause pain when presented improperly, in our power as we harshly condemn a sinner rather than point them to salvation. These are the words which lie in ones heart, waiting to shed spiritual blood.

  5. Great comments this morning! Thank you all!

    – The Pharisee’s pursuit of Jesus’ life
    – Abortion
    – the power of words to change the world
    – and the power of ungodly words to hurt.

    All of these are important aspects of the power of words.

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