Matthew 5: 1-2 — Finding Jesus

Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them.

Summary: Learning about God is a tricky business. It is easy to fall into the trap of depending on someone else’s description of God rather than listening to God directly. 

It has been a long while since I have sat down at my keyboard and typed for the blog. I have missed it, and I have missed you — my dear readers! We have important conversations here and I learn a lot from you. So, here I am, once again. 

To be honest, it feels a little awkward writing again. My world has been turned inside-out these past few months and I don’t suppose it will ever go back to being what it was. Perhaps that is a good thing? Maybe it will be better? I hope so! Let’s find out!

When we last spent time together here, we were talking about Proverbs. Today I want to head off in a new direction and in a new way. For the longest while, I have been longing for some guidance on prayer. What is it? How are we supposed to do it? Is there a “right” way to pray? 

Several months ago I felt the Spirit pointing me towards the prayer in Matthew 6: 9-13. It is commonly called, “The Lord’s Prayer,” and is one that I learned as a child. Being raised as a Lutheran, we said the prayer every Sunday in church. 

As a group prayer, it works rather well. There is a nice rhythm to it, and it is short enough that everyone can remember the words. The only point of contention for most of us is whether we want God to forgive us our “trespasses” or our “debts.” But that is a small difference. When we say it, we do so with the confidence that we are praying the prayer Jesus told us to pray. Yet without understanding the prayer, it becomes little more than the mindless repetition of words that we long ago stopped wondering about. 

Just say it. 

Is that what God wants? I don’t think so. Somehow, the empty repetition of a prayer sounds a lot like the description of Israel’s sacrifices to God in the days of Isaiah: 

“Stop bringing meaningless offerings!” (Isaiah 1: 13)

Then God, speaking through Isaiah, adds:

When you spread out your hands in prayer,
  I hide my eyes from you;
even when you offer many prayers,
  I am not listening.
Your hands are full of blood!” (Isaiah 1: 15)

If I come before God with my hands full of blood, metaphorically speaking, will he be impressed with my mindless repetition of a few words from the New Testament? Somehow, I don’t think so. 

So what are we supposed to do? 

Matthew 5 begins with Jesus looking out and seeing the crowds. You are I are in the crowd, too! Jesus sees us just as clearly as he saw the people from Galilee, the Decapolis, Judea, and the surrounding areas. As he looks at us, Jesus smiles, perhaps tiredly. He climbs up on the mountainside and sits down. Then he begins to teach. If we listen in, maybe he will explain what prayer is all about. 

Application: Listen to Jesus’ words as if he were talking directly to you, because he is. 

Food for Thought: How real are Jesus’ words to you? Are you happy with how they seem to you? 

12 Replies to “Matthew 5: 1-2 — Finding Jesus”

  1. Morning Jeff and everyone!

    It brought my heart joy to read this post!

    Jesus’s Words become truly real in the application of His Word in your life. It becomes less of applying God’s Word to fit your life and more of applying your life to God’s Word. Praying not for your will, but for God to reveal His Will and giving you the courage and resolve to accept and obey. His Words prove true and real in the unfolding of time and circumstance. I have found that in praying alone and telling God how I feel about something, like a counselor, God reveals to me in thought and scripture what I should do. It is always specific to what is in my heart. I then have to choose to obey, and that decision to obey brings me peace, and I can see the Life in His Words.

    He is the Wonderful Counselor!

    Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

    His Word cuts through any trial, any tribulation, any distress in our life like a sword. He invites us to pray to Him for anything at anytime. God’s not going to go against His Will to please us, but rather if we pray for something that is against His Will, he will reveal it to us, and that is a part of growing in the Lord.

    Ephesians 6 17-18 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

    Two verses that bring me great comfort are these:

    James 1:19-20 “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.”

    Luke 21:14-15 But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves. For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict.

    These two bring my peace because I know that if I keep in His Word, I don’t need to worry. Keeping his Word in my heart, waiting patiently if trouble arises, He will give me the direction I should go in.

    1. Chris,

      It is a delight to see your words here again. : -) Thank you! Like you, I find great comfort in our Lord’s words. We are so very blessed!

  2. Jeff, good question and a good response from Chris H. While I find that happiness comes and goes in my life, Jesus’ words tend to bring me either peace or conviction. If I respond correctly to the conviction, I sense even more peace from Him. Romans 5:1-5. Jesus’ words are real to me as evidenced by the peace provided by the Prince of Peace.

    1. Thank you, JEC.

      Great passage:

      “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:

      By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

      And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;

      And patience, experience; and experience, hope:

      And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”

      Romans 5: 1-5 (KJV)

  3. Hey Jeff,..

    Thanks for getting back at it! Much appreciated even when I don’t comment,..

    As I read it, the disciples had asked Jesus how to pray and then Jesus gave us an example of how to pray. I like to call it, The Disciples prayer, since they are the ones that asked for advice.

    I agree with you about saying the same prayer over and over, I do it quite a lot myself, however I do catch myself and work harder at switching the words up, like for Hallowed be Thy Name, I say something like set apart are You from all creation and You have set me apart for You, How wonderful in Your Name.

    Just finished reading the first letter to all believers from John, we will be starting the second letter next Monday. It’s so cool to see how the Holy Spirit takes His place in our discussions. The words from Jesus do come alive. The only way they do come alive is by reading His word, and I am more than happy that He picked me to read His word to His people here at His fence company.

    Again Jeff, thanks for getting back at it, like the song goes, You can’t keep a good man down. Jesus is alive and so are the words He gives you to write to us here that read. Keep smiling!

    1. John,

      Thank you for the encouragement, brother. I love that you are still sharing the Word with the men God has brought into your life. Keep up the great work!

  4. Jesus’ words are as applicable today as two thousand years ago. What a privilege that the Creator, Sustainer and King if the universe should talk to us. It seems prudent to listen and obey.

    1. Brother Rich,

      I love your take on this: “It seems prudent to listen and obey.” Yes, I would have to agree. The eternal consequences of imprudence in this area of life are … terrifying.

  5. 10-04-2022, Matthew 5:1-2, How real are Jesus’ words to you? Are you happy with how they seem to you? 

    It is so good to hear from you today. I pray the Holy Love of God will rest and with great peace in your heart Jeff.

    The spiritual condition, education and growth of every person on this earth were foreknown by our Sovereign, All-Knowing God prior to creation. His message to all mankind has been written and preserved by men, as well as written in the hearts of all so there will be no excuse regarding knowledge of the truth. We have been called by the Holy Spirit to submit and are honored as we allow Jesus Christ to minister to others of this world through us. His truths, recorded in the Bible are the source of true life, and all righteous acts including the growth in our ministry.

    Our obedience to the truths of God can be very costly as followers of Christ are separated from friends, family and ridiculed by those committed to this world view of right and wrong.

    The reality and peace provided by our faith in our God and His words recorded in our Bibles can only come to us as we with purpose determine to live these words and overcome adversity. Can we remain faithful as a loved one suffers, or can we remain rich when all is taken from us? Can we love the unlovable, turn the other cheek, and humbly serve God when we don’t like the life He has given us?

    One can only see how real, true the words of Jesus are, and experience the peace of following His words as we give ourselves to living them as He has. This is the hard part. We must let go of all we have been taught by mankind. We must learn to walk in the faith expressed in the words and acts of Jesus. We must DIE TO SELF, ( stop following our ingrained impulse, set physical feelings aside ), and by faith, allow the power of Jesus Christ, as taught in God’s Word, TO REMAIN OBEDIENT TO GOD NO MATTER WHAT.

    As we grow, we see Christ achieve victory over a situation, and are immediately in the middle of another, or several. We learn about the mustard seed moving a mountain, mountains being laid flat by the Lord and crooked paths being made straight for us by God. We grow in faith and understand the mustard seed is tiny faith, we accept the mountain as a metaphor indicating any problem, and in time we begin to see reality. This is when cares for this world seem to fade away as things of God take a priority. He is Sovereign, His will is being done. Let His will be done, submerse ourselves in His truths, and live in NOW. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not arrived, and it may not.

    The words of Jesus are real and bring peace through encouragement, and wisdom. He is on our side, He understands all we endure and is our power to overcome.

    1. Thank you, Ron!

      Good to hear from you, too!!

      When you write “We must die to self…” you capture the heart of what this series will likely be about. I have heard it said before, but the “how” of dying to self has remained a mystery. I think Jesus has given us the answer if we can just wrap our heads around it. 🙂

  6. We have found a brand of chocolate ice cream with little chips of chocolate that is unbelievably delicious. Ron wants to eat a BIG bowel every evening, but my wife explains this would not be good for me and limits our ice cream days to one bowl per week.
    She is right, so when it comes eating ice cream, I have died to what my physical self wants and choose to live in a happy home in obedience to my wise wife. We have ice cream together once each week.

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