Matthew 5: 2 — Who is Jesus? Part VII


… and he began to teach them.

Summary: The priesthood of Jesus is a gargantuan topic that could fill volumes all by itself. In this short passage, we look at the historic covenants with God and Jesus’ role as priest.   

The role of a priest is important in human society. Even pagan religions have their priests. In many ways, a priest is like a king. The priest is someone we look to as an authority. A priest intercedes for us with a “higher power.” 

The Bible traces the history of God’s priesthood from ancient times to the modern day. In ancient times, we meet Melchizedek, someone scripture describes as, “priest of God Most High” (Genesis 14: 18). Exactly who or what Melchizedek is, is somewhat of a mystery.

The next time we hear about him is in Psalm 110. This psalm is referenced four times in the New Testament (Matthew 22:44, Mark 12:36, Luke 20:42, Acts 2:34). The Matthew 22 passage tells the story this way: 

“While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, ‘What do you think about the Messiah? Whose son is he?’

“‘The son of David,’ they replied.

“He said to them, ‘How is it then that David, speaking by the Spirit, calls him “Lord”? For he says,

The Lord said to my Lord:
    “Sit at my right hand
until I put your enemies
    under your feet.”’

If then David calls him “Lord,” how can he be his son?’ No one could say a word in reply, and from that day on no one dared to ask him any more questions.” (Matthew 22: 41-46)

The reference to Melchizedek may seem incidental, but it is not. The Psalm goes on to say: 

The Lord has sworn
    and will not change his mind:
‘You are a priest forever,
    in the order of Melchizedek.’” (Psalm 110: 4)

Why is Melchizedek special?

The priests for the Israelites came from the tribe of Levi. The leading priests, those who served God directly in the Holy of Holies, were descendants of Aaron, who was also a Levite. The Levites had a lock on the priesthood. No one else could be one because God had decreed that they were chosen to be priests.

There was only one problem.

Their priesthood was bound up in God’s covenant with Abraham and Moses. The covenant was contingent on the Israelites being faithful to God. And guess what? Yep. The Israelites did not remain faithful.

I am not pointing fingers at them. I am not very faithful either. I try, but on the whole, I am a lousy example of the kind of Christian I imagine Jesus wants me to be. If the New Covenant were depending on me to keep it intact, it would have been shattered years ago.

But it’s not.

The New Covenant is not dependent on me, you, or anyone else on earth. It depends only on Jesus. It also depends on what Jesus did on the cross. He is our priest, and he is also the sacrifice. The details of what Jesus did and why he did it are complicated, but the reason is simple: He loves you and me too much to allow us to be condemned to the Lake of Fire for all eternity. He wants us to be with him in heaven.

The New Covenant cannot be broken by you or me because it doesn’t depend on you or me. It only depends on Jesus; God, Creator, King, Son, Brother, Healer, and Priest. Jesus is these, and much more. The story of Jesus as Savior is the central theme of the Bible. It is why we celebrate Christmas and the reason we are humbled and hopeful at Easter. But that is not what we are here to talk about.

Our theme in this study is the Lord’s Prayer. It is a prayer that is prayed by a disciple of Jesus. It is the prayer that Jesus himself taught us to pray. It is not a prayer of repentance and salvation. Rather, it is a daily prayer for the Christians who find themselves on the front lines of life in a corrupt world. We struggle to follow Jesus throughout the day. We already know about Jesus the Savior. Now we need to see Jesus’ other attributes to understand what he is teaching us.

God, Creator, King, Son, Brother, Healer, and Priest; Jesus is all of these. Do you think we should listen to him?

Application: Imagine life as a believer without Jesus as High Priest.     

Food for Thought: Why is it important to recognize Jesus as a priest, in addition to the other roles he fills?     

6 Replies to “Matthew 5: 2 — Who is Jesus? Part VII”

  1. Hebrews 4: 14 – 16; 9: 13 – 14, 27- 28 reminds us that He lived a sinless life as our representative and sacrifice before God. He saves us from eternal separation from God and lives to intercede for us as our priest and mediator before the Father. Thus, we can directly approach God’s throne with confidence as we pray. We have direct access through Jesus. All other mediators have been rendered useless and unnecessary. What a privilege. “What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.”

  2. I think Rich definitely hit the main point: Jesus intercedes on our behalf to God, as He is the only one worthy.

    As our Priest, Jesus not only atoned for our sin, but He prepares us to meet God, as His life and Word demonstrate how we should serve God. Sometimes it is hard for me to wrap my head around it. That upon my (physical) death, I will be met by Jesus, and He will take me to stand before the Father. He will present me blameless, as having paid for all my sin. The Father, Jesus, and the holy Spirit will delight at my homecoming. All of that is only possible because Jesus interceded (and intercedes).

    1. Chris,

      So true! Salvation, e.g. – being released from the debt I incurred by ignoring and/or opposing God, is only possible if the debt can be paid. Jesus, in his role as High Priest, paid that price and offers you and me reconciliation with God.

  3. I’m with Rich and Chris.

    10-12-2022, Why is it important to recognize Jesus as a priest, in addition to the other roles he fills?   

    Jesus isn’t just a priest, he’s our forever Priest, the only mediator we need.

    Jesus, became a man in order to serve God on earth, suffer death for our sins and and serve as our High Priest before God.. As a man, He was subject to all the weaknesses and temptations that we are, yet he did not sin, and can personally relate to us in our struggles. Jesus is greater than any other priest, so He is called our “Great High Priest”, who gives us the boldness to come before the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need which is basically every moment we spend on this earth.

    Hebrews 4:14-16

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