10 Replies to “Matthew 6:9 — A Question”

  1. There are probably a myriad of ways to define a father. I think a father is more than a biological contributor. Any fool can have a baby, but it takes commitment to the nurture and care of another to be a father. Among other things, our Father in heaven created us in His image (Genesis 1: 26 – 27; Psalm 139: 13 – 16); provides for us (Matthew 5: 43 – 45); leads us (Psalm 23); and disciplines us (Hebrews 12: 5 – 10). Just in the Lord’s Prayer alone we see Him “give us,” “forgive us,” “lead us,” and “deliver us.” Our Father is personally involved in every detail of our lives and is not absent. He will never leave us or forsake us. He is a good Father indeed.

  2. I agree with Pastor Rich. A Father is more than a “Creator”. A Father should be more than that. The bond should be so much more. The love, the care, wanting the best for eachother, the relationship should have a love that is worth sacrificing for.
    I’m thankful for our Perfect Father in Heaven. I am thankful for all fathers.

  3. Thanks R,

    It would be difficult for me to explain what a father is, my father molested me as a child, isn’t that what father’s do to their children, what did I know?

    I have asked our Father in heaven before if that’s what He wants from me, sex? Obviously I have found out by reading His word that is is a big NO,.. His love for me is better than sex.

    It makes me angry when I hear it has happened to other children with their father, I have gone into my closet, shut the door and prayed to our Father in some words I have no idea what I was saying but I felt the anger, I felt the rage and I felt the tears they didn’t stop until the prayer was finished. I know He heard me, because Jesus was there with me. Not even the devil knew what I was saying.

    Anyway, I am not sure if my father wanted the best for me or for him. I now know our Father wants the best for me and for Him, that’s why He sent Jesus to the rescue,.. Jesus has let me into a whole different family with a Father that actually loves me for who I am and doesn’t want to have sex with me. Halleluiah!!

    1. John,

      Your testimony here is a powerful reason to tread lightly as we discuss fathers. Our human fathers are, well… , human. They are all flawed, some more than others. What you went through no child should ever have to experience. That Jesus has been able to soften your heart and heal the hurt in you is an amazing testimony to the power of our God to heal. Thank you for sharing, brother. Thank you!

  4. 10-26-2022, What is a “father?” 

    To me we must get out of our skin if we hope to begin to attempt to define a father. Spend some time with the Lord and begin the process of absorbing the character of our Heavenly Father. He is our Father, the definition of a father as defined in His word.

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