1 Corinthians 13:12 – Mrs. Meier’s Mirror

For now we see in a mirror dimly …

Summary: If we want to know what heaven is like, we have to learn to see with our spiritual eyes.

In yesterday’s passage, 2 Corinthians 12: 2, we pondered Paul’s words about a “third heaven” and discovered that Scripture uses the word “heaven” in at least three different ways. Today, we look more closely at this third heaven.

Keep in mind that the reason we are studying this word is that we are trying to understand the Lord’s Prayer. What does it mean that our Father is in heaven? What does it mean that his will is done there? If our Father is in heaven, can he still see us?

I happened to see a real-life example of a one-way mirror recently. Pastor Rich and I were scouting out potential church retreat facilities and one place we visited was an old estate that had been built by Julius Meier.1 Mr. Meier had been one of the founding partners of the Meier and Frank retail chain. He was obviously very wealthy.

The country estate was centered around a beautiful lodge that looked like an old movie set. In the center of the lodge was a large ballroom surrounded by a balcony leading off to guest rooms. At the far end of the ballroom was a suite of rooms reserved for the owner’s wife. On our tour, we learned that the powder room had a one-way mirror in the back of the medicine cabinet. By sliding a panel to one side, Mrs. Meier could see who was in the ballroom without being seen. This allowed her to keep an eye on who had arrived at their parties (and what they were wearing!) before she made her grand entrance.

If you knew where to look, you might see her staring at you through the mirror. But while she could see you clearly, you could only see a dim shadow of her form. You could not make out any details unless she turned on the light while the panel was open.

When it comes to trying to peer through the mirror and see if we can catch a glimpse of heaven, we face the same problem as you would with Mrs. Meier’s mirror. First, we have to know where to look. If you don’t know that, then you end up just staring at the wall, or in our case, the stars. Once we find where to look, we are looking through our spiritual eyes. If we haven’t used them very much, then we are going to have trouble seeing even under the best conditions. Even for those whose spiritual eyesight is 20/20, we are still limited to what God allows us to see at this time.

Application: Work to develop your spiritual eyesight.

Food for Thought: How does spiritual eyesight compare to physical eyesight?

1 If you would like more information on the Meier’s estate their web page is at menucha.org

9 Replies to “1 Corinthians 13:12 – Mrs. Meier’s Mirror”

  1. With physical eyesight, one needs to have functional, working eyes to see clearly. With spiritual eyesight we must be born again to truly see (John 3: 3). Jesus must heal us of our blindness so we can have true spiritual vision. In John 9: 1 – 12, Jesus heals a man born blind. As the passage develops and moves forward in John 9, the healed man moves from seeing Jesus as just a man, to understanding He is a prophet, to believing He is uniquely from God, to worshipping Jesus as God in the flesh. He truly came to see with correct spiritual vision. We also need Jesus’ touch to see clearly from a spiritual perspective.

  2. 11-09-2022, How does spiritual eyesight compare to physical eyesight?

    The Holy Spirit is God, a member of the Holy Trinity, co-equal, co-eternal, and co-existing with God the Father and God the Son, Jesus Christ.

    The very moment a person gives themselves to Christ, the Holy Spirit takes up residence in their heart. He is our confidence that we are a child of God, our power to discern spiritual things,and the assurance of our eternal home in heaven,

    Romans 8:9, “You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ”

    God has created each of us with both “physical” and “spiritual” eyes.  Our physical eyes can only see “physical” reality such as clouds, trees, the sun, moon and all life around us, (Physical evidence that God exists.) They are completely useless when it comes to seeing, or perceiving, “spiritual” reality. (Truths and a greater understanding of God) Our spiritual life is just as real as our physical life. It is more challenging as we can’t see it. Our Spiritual Vision begins with believing and putting our full trust in Jesus. The Bible tells us that until a person repents of their sins and places their trust in Jesus they remain spiritually blind.

    Romans 8:6, The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children”.

    Romans 8:26-27, The Holy Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. The Spirit of God can help our prayers line up with the will of God and God will always do what is in line with His will. 

    Once a person obtains spiritual eyesight, they can then begin to strengthen their spiritual vision through a deeper understanding, trust, and obedience of the truths of the Bible, God, and Jesus Christ. Strengthening our spiritual vision is a lifelong process known as discipleship or sanctification. The process where believers grow-up and mature in their faith and will be finalized when we stand before Christ. 

      1. This really was a great question Jeff!

        He really changes the lives of all who will listen to Him. It’s just easier, more pleasant and the actions of others is just that, with no effect upon us.

  3. I really enjoyed reading the two responses from “R” & “R2D2.” Very well put together, Spirit led responses.

    One thing I have seen in my walk with the Lord is that past experiences change in my mind when I look at them again with spiritual eyes. Instead of “focusing” on how I was hurt, I instead “see” that they were hurting. Instead of cold, hard faces, I can see that there was pain behind their eyes. Instead of wishing I could go back in time and “poke ’em in the eye” I want to tell them what Jesus has done in my life.

    What I can see through my physical eyes can be deceiving. What I see with my spiritual eyes is always the truth.

  4. How does spiritual eyesight compare to physical eyesight?
    One is physical / of this world, the other is from God.
    One is how I want things to be, my point of view, . . . About me.
    One is how God wants you to see things, things of His Kingdom, things that truly matter.
    Some are blinded so bad that they can’t see at all, they can’t see the truth. No matter what you legally do to get them to see the what is right or wrong, the “Truth” some have scales over their eyes, and they aren’t ready or willing to see Gods words until it is too late. ( visualize a bible being thrown at someone who won’t listen ).

    1. Tim,

      Well said! I especially like the contrast between my point of view and God’s point of view. And yes, “Bible thumping” is a thing! 🙂

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