Mark 8:23 – Lost and Found

He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village.

Summary: Life as a blind person is hard. Without our eyes, we are limited to the use of our other senses. Many blind people compensate in amazing ways, but there is no substitute for being able to see. When we realize we are spiritually blind it is easy to “see” our need for God.

Years ago I met a man who was blind. He was trying to make his way through a grassy swale between two streets, one going north, the other one going south. There was traffic on both sides of him and he was nowhere near a sidewalk. He was feeling his way along through the grass with his white and red cane, looking for a way out. There wasn’t one. He was trapped.

I parked my car and went over to where he was. Introducing myself, I asked if I could help. His name was Greg and he was glad to accept. So I gently put my hand to his elbow and guided him back to the pavement and across the street to the sidewalk. Along the way, I used verbal instructions to help guide his steps.

As God watches us try and navigate through life without him, we probably look very much like the blind man looked to me. In some ways, it was a bit comical. The poor guy had turned away from the crosswalk too soon and ended up in the median. As a sighted person I could see everything he couldn’t see, and like watching a baby try and learn to walk, there is humor in watching a blind person make their way through an obstacle course. I suspect God has a similar reaction at times to watching me struggle.

The other emotion that comes into play for me is compassion. I want to protect the baby from getting hurt, and I wanted to help Greg find his way. At the same time, I didn’t want to embarrass him any more than he already was.

Spiritually, we are as blind as Greg is physically blind. We can “see” good and evil the same way he “sees” the world around him. Greg can “see” with his hands and feet and cane. So he can see everything within reach, but he can’t see the larger perspective. He can’t see where he is going.

We are all in the same boat.

Spiritually, we see what is right in front of us, but we cannot “see” the larger perspective. We can’t see what God sees. And so he comes to us, introduces himself, and gently offers to guide us out of our situation and back onto safe ground. If we accept, he puts his hand on our elbow and speaks into our ear as he guides us along.

Application: Close your eyes and imagine you are blind. Now imagine that God has taken you by the elbow and is quietly speaking into your ear.

Food for Thought: People often go through life thinking that their judgment is sound. When it comes to right and wrong, how do we know whether we can “see” or not?

11 Replies to “Mark 8:23 – Lost and Found”

  1. Good devotion and great illustration of leading a blind man.

    Right and wrong is defined by the Moral Lawgiver. So our ideas of right and wrong should be shaped by Him through His word.

    1. Thank you, Brother!

      Yes. And I would add, through his Word and Spirit.
      In my personal experience, the whisper in the ear has been something I am learning to pay attention to.

  2. Wow,.. I was just telling my crew the other day about how God see’s the bigger picture, I can plan all I want for the fence company but things happen that I can’t see and when that happens I need to be the one seeking His guidance and direction on how to handle the situation at hand.

    I just started reading John’s letter of Revelation to us to the crew on Monday’s. I have told them to close their eyes and picture yourself in isolation blinded because your eyes have been gouged out. Now you have been tasked to write what God has spoken to you. Then I started reading.

    We truly are blessed to hear and receive His word to us. Thank you for another great meditation. Keep it up, my brother in Christ and keep smiling in Him as well.

  3. 12-10-2022, People often go through life thinking that their judgment is sound. When it comes to right and wrong, how do we know whether we can “see” or not?

    We live in this physical world as subjects to our flesh, or as born again believers, in submission to Our Lord by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our judgement is sound only to the degree it aligns with the Word of God, and conviction of the Holy Spirit.

    I’m still like a puppy, chasing butterflies and digging holes. but I’m still His work in progress and I know all that is good in my life comes from the Lord. One day I will be made totally like Him who today I seek serve.

    Romans 8:5 Those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh; but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.

    Matthew 11:5 The “blind” ( cannot see the Lord ) receive sight,
    the lame ( cannot walk with the Lord ) walk,
    the lepers ( sinners ) are cleansed,
    the deaf ( cannot hear the Lord ) hear ,
    the dead ( in their sins shall be given life ) are raised,
    and the good news ( salvation has come thru Christ ) is preached to the poor.

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