Matthew 6:10 – Boloney!

… on earth as it is in heaven.

Summary: Jesus compares earth and heaven in a way that only he can. It is a teaching moment that illuminates who Jesus is as well as where he is from.

The Lord’s Prayer contains only two sentences. The first one ends with “on earth as it is in heaven.” The theme of this first sentence is doing God’s will. The second sentence is all about why it is important to do God’s will, though the “why” is not explained in the prayer. It is more of a simple little instruction from a parent to a small child.

When Jesus teaches us to pray “on earth as it is in heaven” he is revealing something about heaven that no one but Jesus could know; God’s will is fulfilled in heaven. The people in heaven love God above all else, and they love him with all their heart and soul, and mind. They also love each other. Not in any sordid fleshly way, but with the kind of love that God shows us; a selfless, caring love that wants the best for everyone.

We, of course, can’t “see” into heaven anymore than we can see in a dark room. When the lights go out, visible things become invisible. That doesn’t mean that they go away. It just means that we can’t see them.

One of the BIG LIES that Satan feeds those of us here on earth is this: What you see is all there is to see.


We can’t see the back side of the moon. Does that mean there is no backside? No, of course not. We can’t see atoms, molecules, or amoeba with our unaided eyes. Does that mean they don’t exist? And what about your thoughts, feelings, and emotions? Can anyone else see them? Can you prove that they exist? Of course not. Yet, you know that your thoughts are real because you experience them.

In the same way, we know our thoughts are real we can know God is real. His Word in the Bible resonates with our spirits. The healing touch of God in a broken life is very real. I can testify to that!

As Shakespeare wrote in “Hamlet” centuries ago, “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Application: If we want to be a disciple of Jesus, it is important to do what he tells us to do.

Food for Thought: What other examples of “things we can’t see” come to mind?

9 Replies to “Matthew 6:10 – Boloney!”

  1. 12-15-2022, What other examples of “things we can’t see” come to mind?

    In John 3:3, Jesus makes a statement that contains a significant term: “Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Our first reaction to the word “see” is to assume a literal, visual observation. However, the Greek word here is eidon Strong’s #1492, which means to know, be aware, consider, perceive, be sure, and understand. It’s usage also includes behold, look on, and see. The Bible frequently uses it in the sense of mental apprehension rather than visual sight, that is, as I get it, I understand, or now I see it.

    In 2 Kings 6:15-17, The servant of Elisha was fearful at the sight of an army with horses and chariots which had surrounded the city they were in. Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. He could see a small portion of the army of God filling the hill around them.

    In Psalm 139:7-10, Jeremiah 23:23-24, Isaiah 57:15 we learn our God is Omnipresent. He is everywhere and all we see with our eyes exists in Him. He is the power of our creation And sustains all life, The Bible says He gives life to everything: “He prepares rain for the earth; He gives the beasts their food, and to the young ravens that cry” Psalm 147:8-9.

    God did not simply create and walk away. He constantly sustains that which He created as we exist in Him.

  2. I love your examples brother. And I also love R2T2’s additions. I had also thought of John 3, where Jesus compares the Holy Spirit to the wind that we feel but cannot see. We cannot see the air that we breathe. Another passage about the unseen spiritual world that is similar to what R2T2 mentioned in the 2 Kings passage, is Daniel 10. There we understand that there are mighty angels engaged in an unseen spiritual battle.

  3. In 1 John 4:7-21 the Bible talks about God’s love, and love for ne another. One verse that resonated with me was verse 10:

    This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

    It made me think about how closed off I was from love because of some things that happened early in my life. How the only time, for a long time, when I felt emotion I always felt pain. Then I thought about how God opened my heart, cleared out the pain, and how I now can feel love, feel loved, and can love. Before I knew God, I could not love Him. Once I made that vital connection with Him, that realization of who He is, who I was and who I am to Him, I felt His love. It is as real to me as anything I can see, hear, taste or touch.

    1 John 4:12 No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

    Oh also, WIFI. No one can see WIFI, but we know it exists. 🙂

    1. Chris,

      You are funny! You had me all wrapped up in your description of how God’s love has transformed you, and then … *POW* … you zing me with WIFI. 🙂 I love it!

      Yes, both love and WIFI are real things that no one can see. Well said!

  4. Opportunity, the wind, the Holy Spirit, possibilities, silent prayers
    and the list can go on from here,..

    When I pray this prayer, I ask God to show me what it’s like in heaven for His will to be done here on earth as it is in heaven. I have never been to heaven yet so I really don’t know what it would look like to do His will in heaven so that I can do it here on earth. I get glimpses in the Bible when I read, but as John explains in Revelation, it is like, it is like, it is like.

    1. John,

      It is interesting that you include “opportunity” in your list of things we can’t see. You are absolutely right. Opportunity is a good example because those who “see” it are few and they see it with their minds, not their eyes.

      Thank you!

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