Matthew 4:4 – Food for the Soul

Man shall not live on bread alone …

Summary: There are two kinds of “bread” in the story about Jesus being tempted in the wilderness. One is bread for the body, the other is bread for the soul.

Looking back on our meditations about our “daily bread,” I am surprised by how much there has been to write about. We have explored our “daily bread” as an analogy for all of our physical needs and as an analogy for our spiritual needs. But what about the literal meaning of having enough to eat?

When Jesus began his ministry, he was baptized by John. Then, “Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil” (Matthew 4:1). The first temptation involved food and hunger.

Scripture says that Jesus fasted “forty days and forty nights” (Matthew 4:2) and afterward “he was hungry” (ibid).


That may be the biggest understatement in the Bible!

When God’s Spirit sends Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted, he wasn’t messing around. The Spirit wanted to make sure that Jesus was temptable. Nobody is going to say that after fasting for forty days, someone isn’t hungry. Nobody is going to fault you for wanting to eat if you have been without food for a long time. Yet even after forty days without food for the physical body, Jesus doesn’t take his eyes off of God.

When the tempter suggests that Jesus should use his power as the Son of God to make bread appear so he can eat, he doesn’t waver. God has not told him it is okay to eat yet. Jesus is waiting on God. But the tempter still needs an answer.

While Jesus waits for God’s instruction, he responds to the devil with a quote from Deuteronomy 8:3:

“It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4)

We are spiritual beings first and physical beings second. Jesus demonstrates this for us with his answer to temptation. Our real need is not food for the body but food for the soul.

Sometimes God wants us to see the difference.

Sometimes it is good for the flesh to be hungry.

Like Jesus, we are both physical and spiritual. Unlike Jesus, we do not have a perfect relationship with the Father. Our relationship with God is absent at birth. (This is not to say that God does not look out for those whose lives are cut short when they are very young.) Like the prodigal son, we need to acknowledge our poverty and hunger and come home to our Father.

Application: Take care of your soul.

Food for Thought: Why is it difficult for us to realize that our soul is hungry?

10 Replies to “Matthew 4:4 – Food for the Soul”

  1. Romans 6: 8 – 23; Romans 7: 13 – 25; Romans 8: 1 – 17 describes a war that is taking place within us. The sinful nature at war with our spiritual nature – which does not come to life until we place our faith in Christ. And then, we must obey the Spirit and walk in the Spirit and not indulge the base cravings of our sinful desires (Galatians 5: 16 – 26). Paul personally relates to this very real struggle and describes it in detail in Romans 7. It is a struggle to which we can all relate.

    When we feed our sinful desires we are like the child who only wants to eat Twinkie’s all day. That might feed our hunger but has no nutritional value that will lead to a healthy life. But as long as their is another Twinkie, that child does not realize that what they need to satisfy their greater need is vegetables. That is why they need to listen to their parents – and by analogy why we need to listen to and obey the Spirit.

    1. Brother Rich,

      Thank you for an excellent overview of the “war” within us! As we come out of the Christmas season and begin the New Year, I have to confront the consequences of too many Twinkie-like foods. Am I going to submit to the body’s desire to eat all of the remaining Christmas goodies, or do I wrest control of my dietary fate back from the flesh?

      Like Paul, “I want to do good, [but] evil is right there with me.” (Romans 7:21) Thank God for his Word and his Spirit! Amen!

  2. Why is it difficult for us to realize that our soul is hungry?

    Because it doesn’t make our stomachs growl like physical hunger does.

    Like stated earlier we were born not knowing our relationship with God. Never knowing our need from birth about that hunger yet still feeling like something is missing in this life always trying to fill an emptiness.

    What’s your soul’s favorite kind of food?

  3. 12-29-2022, Why is it difficult for us to realize that our soul is hungry?

    Some say soul hunger is a silent epidemic in our society.
    Soul hunger is greatest in those who have too much ego and not enough soul. It is an authentic experience, and just as physical hunger is a sign that we need nourishment, soul hunger is a sign that our soul needs food.

    We have been born into Satans world, where approval of others is top priority, and “ he who dies with the most toys wins.” Looking out for number one has priority over taking care of others.

    The Holy Spirit of God is convicting the world of sin, righteousness and judgement to come, John 16:8, and we are all being given an opportunity to chose our path. The sad truth is “ many are are called but few are chosen. Matthew 22:14

    1. Ron,

      Thank you! So what I am taking from your words today is that a satisfied ego is a sign of a hungry soul. Does that sound right? If it does, it makes sense to me.

  4. Jeff,
    Yes, very much so, as explained in different words above by Rich. God’s Word and the Holy Spirit restrict the power of the ego down and provide the humble spirit in each believer as required by God.

    Christ is our example, He desired and posessed nothing of this world.

    Matthew 18:3-4, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

    1. Thank you Ron. Your always inspiring me and are a kind of hope for Gods plan in my life with life events. Military, wild lifestyle, finding Jesus, separated from family ( “he who dies with the most toys wins” was all over in my family. ) , leaving all negative sinful things and walking away hurt, then finding an awsome wife and family with brothers and sisters in Christ, being encouraged that someday I can have a strong relationship with Jesus and be an encouragement to others to know the Lord.
      I liked “many are are called but few are chosen”

      1. Praise God Anon. Sounds like we have both come from the same background. I am so very thankful our God was able to speak through all the noise and make Himself known to our hearts. someone once told me ” He who is forgiven much, loves much. ” Thank you for your encouraging words.


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