Matthew 6:13 – The Powerful Pause

And lead us …

Summary: How we speak the words we speak has a great impact on the meaning others hear in our words. It also impacts what we hear in our own words. Pausing after the words “lead us” leads us to consider their meaning more closely.

Normally, I stick close to scripture. As we explore the Lord’s Prayer together, I have been sharing questions and insights closely bound to the text. In this meditation, I am going to share a personal insight.

The text of verse thirteen reads:

“And lead us 
	not into temptation,
  but deliver us	
       from the evil one.”

I have always read this as a continuous thought. When I speak it, there is a regular cadence to the text. It feels slightly hypnotic to say the words for the one-millionth time the same way I have said them for sixty years.

Now, as a result of this meditation, I say it differently. I can’t point to anything in the original language as a grammatical reason for this, but it has been especially meaningful for me.

Instead of continuing my march through the prayer as if we were in a parade, I pause after “lead us.”

“And lead us [PERIOD].”

Stop there and ponder those three words for a minute. Isn’t that what we want? Is there any believer who does not want to follow our Lord? What a great reminder that we need to be led.

“Lead us…” every day.

“Lead us…” through every situation.

“Lead us…” in our decision-making.

“Lead us…” as we learn to do your will.

It is a simple thing. The original text wants us to continue the thought and say:

“Lead us… not into temptation…”

But think about that. The statement assumes that God is leading us in the first place. The text infers that we are being led. It is not wrong to acknowledge this as we recite the prayer.

“Lead us.”

Jesus understands that his disciples know they are being led, but as a Gentile believer, I confess I have needed to learn this the hard way. I need to be led every minute of the day. If I stop following Jesus, even for a minute, my thoughts stray into the brambles and briars of places I shouldn’t be. If my thoughts stray, the rest of me is not far behind.

I need to be following Jesus every day. I need to be led. I need to remember that I need to be led.

Lead us.


Application: Remember that we have to follow Jesus every hour of every day.

Food for Thought: When it comes to following Jesus, how do you know you are on the right track?

9 Replies to “Matthew 6:13 – The Powerful Pause”

  1. 01-11-2023, When it comes to following Jesus, how do you know you are on the right track?

    I know following Jesus is the right track because I have witnesses, experienced His changing power in my Life. I know what it is to be an eternal child of God on earth, to be used by God to do his will, and enjoy His peace which passes all understanding.

    John 15:16, “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.”

    John 8:12, 10:27, Matthew 7:21-23, 1 John 2:3-4,

  2. Him leading us makes complete sense as He is the Good Shepherd (John 10: 11; Psalm 23). The greater question is if I am following His lead. Do I do what He commands (Like 6: 46)? Do I chose to love Him and others? Do I listen to His voice? (John 10: 27 – 30). Do I spend time with Him? Do I know His word? Is my life being transformed to look more like Christ? The answers to these questions are critical for evaluation and adjustments.

  3. I think that is a very good question. I think that you will stop thinking about yourself (at least, as much), and your mind is full (or fuller) of what God’s Will is in your life and what you can do for others. I add those caveats because I recognize that until I leave this earth, I will always battle my own will. Also, I think you will see yourself at odds with what the world sees as good. I mean that in a very basic sense, that in conversations you will notice that your values are different, or were once similar, but now are different. Lastly, I think you will notice the Fruit of the Spirit present in your life. I heard it said that the Fruit of the Spirit is not something that we can “strive to achieve” but is something that will naturally become a part of our life. I like that because it puts the walk in the right order. We seek Christ, and He transforms us, not we transform ourselves and then Christ accepts us.

    1. Chris,

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I like your point about the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) being an indicator of growth although I think they work well as a goal for growth, too.

  4. Interesting, I have never stopped at the period there after, lead me.
    I often wondered why, since God has nothing to do with sin, why am I asking Him to lead me not into temptation,..

    I know I am on the right track when trouble seems to creep in and I turn to Jesus for the direction, ( leadership ), to go. I am constantly seeking His guidance for my life, and with this prayer, I catch myself repeating it over and over in my head while I am driving down the road, behind the computer screen, before I doze off to sleep and during breakfast. Never once have I stopped to think about how you explained it here, period, I love it, thanks so much for the assurance and reminder of just who is doing this leading I ask for. Just what the Dr. ordered.

    Again, Thanks!

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