1 John 5:19 – A Messy Business

We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.

Summary: If life is like a football game, everyone on the field is getting pushed around.

What does John mean when he writes, “the whole world is under the control of the evil one?” If that is true, what does it mean that Jesus has us ask the Father to “deliver us from the evil one?”

It is natural to imagine that the “evil one” is really evil. When I think of “evil,” I think of people hurting other people. Bank robbers are evil because they steal what belongs to other people. Murderers are evil because they kill people, deprive them of life, cause them pain, and take them away from other people who need and love them. Even bosses are “evil” if they abuse their power over the people who work for them.

Evil people are easy to recognize because they are, you know … evil.

But are they?

Let’s imagine a football field again. One end zone represents “Good” and the other represents “Evil.” Everything in-between is … what?

This is where things get complicated.

Most of us want to imagine that everyone on the field is “in the middle.” Maybe we aren’t exactly “good,” but we are not “evil” either. Right? … Right??

Well, no. That’s not right.

Biblically speaking, if you are not actually in the “Good” end zone, you are evil. This is why Jesus says “No one is good — except God alone.” (Luke 18:19) When it comes to “good guys” and “bad guys,” there is only one person in the “good guy” category. Keeping in mind that Jesus is God (John 10:30), the rest of us are stuck in the “not good” category. This is why we need to be rescued from the evil one.

So what does that mean for us?

It means that out on the field, between the end zones, we see other people in relation to where we are. If I am on the fifty-yard line, then everyone closer to the “Good” end zone looks like a “good guy” to me. By the same token, everyone who is closer to the “Evil” end zone looks like a “bad guy.”

So how can John write, “We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin…?” (1 John 5:18) The answer has to do with the fact that there are two kinds of sin. As we discussed in “What is the Bullseye?” sin can be trying to do what is right and “missing the mark” or “willful disobedience.” Both fall short of getting us into the “Good” end zone.

As Christians, we submit our wills to God and give up “willful disobedience.” In other words, we try and do what is right by God. Just because we can’t get into the “Good” end zone under our own power doesn’t mean we don’t try.

But which end zone is Good? With eyes that see both good and evil (Genesis 3:5), we can see both end zones, but we can’t tell the difference. The “evil one” is out on the field encouraging us to head towards his end zone. He doesn’t tell us he is evil or explain where he is leading us. Sometimes he gets a whole group of people moving toward his end zone, and we can get swept up with the crowd.

When we pray, “deliver us from the evil one,” we ask God to keep us safe while we are on the field. Safe from being enticed by others to go the wrong direction. Safe from leading others astray. Safe from willful disobedience.

Life is a messy business. Like a football game in the rain, we can end up with mud all over us. Fortunately, we have a Savior, Jesus Christ. At the end of the day, when our time on the field is up, he makes certain that we end up in the “Good” end zone. (John 3: 14-15)

Application: Keep your eye on Jesus.

Food for Thought: How can we ensure that we are heading toward the “Good” end zone?

9 Replies to “1 John 5:19 – A Messy Business”

  1. I think you may have answered your question in the application box. By keeping our eyes on Jesus and pursuing Him. Hebrews 12: 1 – 2; Philippians 3: 7 – 14. By not being conformed to this world but being transformed in our thinking. Romans 12: 1 – 2; 2 Corinthians 10: 3 – 5. This will certainly include knowing and obeying God’s word, prayer and the other spiritual disciplines.

  2. 01-25-2023, How can we ensure that we are heading toward the “Good” end zone?

    As I read our Bible I am clearly told, there is only good and evil, the righteous and sinful, and there is only one way to freedom from evil. Jesus Christ!

    The one God Zone provided for all, is Jesus Christ by the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Our lives are not spent heading toward the the Good zone. We are all either IN Jesus Christ or Of this world. John 16:8-15.

    Romans 3:22-24, And this righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no distinction, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. 24 and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

    There is no degrees of righteousness, sin, in between or middle ground.
    Revelation 3:14a, To the angel of the church in Laodicea write:
    15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
    Matthew 12:30, He that is not with me is against me; whoever does not gather with me scatters.

    Romans 8:14-17, 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. 15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. 16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

    “We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.”

      1. Hey Jeff,
        I enjoy your blog everyday, you are always spot on and come up with these great questions that make us dig. Today I was just puzzled and could not fit the pieces together. I really appreciate your gift from God and hit your devotions as quickly as I can each day.
        God Bless You Brother,

        1. Ron,

          God bless you, brother! Thank you for your kind words. 🙂

          One of the (many) gifts of fellowship is that we each bring a unique perspective to the discussion. I am honored that you are willing to share your perspective here!

          A word of caution though: Tomorrow I take my metaphor and warp it even more!! 🙂

  3. When I read today’s devotion, it made me think about certain times of my own life. I see times of “missing the mark.” I also see times of what I would call “passive disobedience.” In those times, I acted and made decisions, but didn’t really think about anything too hard. I can also remember a time when I was “willfully disobedient.” It was a period of time where I hurt a lot of people, including myself. I look at those times, and how I choose to live my life now, and it is as Rich put it “By keeping [my] eyes on Jesus and pursuing Him.” I hear His voice (I listen for it), on small decisions, on big decisions, and I believe that He is guiding me into the right “end zone.”

    Isaiah 48:17 This is what the Lord says—
    your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:
    “I am the Lord your God,
    who teaches you what is best for you,
    who directs you in the way you should go.

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