Ephesians 1:4a – The Meaning of “Chose”

For he chose us in him before the creation of the world …

Summary: Paul’s insights can be logically challenging. The Word of God can seem non-sensical from a worldly point of view. Viewed correctly, everything makes sense.

When we try and imagine a time before the universe existed, we draw a blank. It is tempting to conclude that before the universe existed, there was nothing.

Nothing could be farther from the truth!

The first four words of the Bible tell us about that time, but they give us very little detail. “In the beginning God…” (Genesis 1:1)

In the beginning, before the universe was created, God existed. We know from the Bible that God is a spiritual being (John 4:24), and so it seems clear that the spiritual realm existed before the physical realm was created.

Therefore, it is not true that “nothing existed” before the universe was created. What is true is that nothing physical existed before the universe was created. The physical universe we live in does not contain a spiritual realm. The opposite is true. The spiritual realm contains the physical universe.

When we accept Jesus Christ into our lives as Lord and Savior, we also accept that he is alive now, today. He lives in the spiritual realm and communicates with us through the Bible, his Word, and his Holy Spirit. With billions of people on the planet now, Jesus needs to be in billions of places at once. From where he is in the spiritual realm, this is possible.

This brings us to today’s passage.

The God and Father of Jesus Christ is also our Father. All biological males are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). Since males contain the “seed” of the children that they have, it is not unthinkable that God, our Father, also contained our spiritual “seed” before we were born. If that is the case, then God, being all-knowing, would know each individual “seed” he contained.

If all of this is true, logical, and reasonable, then we could say with confidence that God knows “us in him before the creation of the world.” But that is not what Paul is saying. Paul takes this reasoning one step further and says that God “chose us in him before the creation of the world.”

The implication is that God chose some of his seed to be saved. This also suggests that he, by default, decided some of his seed would not be saved but would end up in the eternal trash heap.

That sounds rather heartless and horrible.

Because it sounds so unlike something a loving God would do, we have to consider the possibility that God chose all his seed for salvation.

So what happened? How come there are so many “bad seeds” in the mix?

Matthew, chapter thirteen, contains two parables that explain what happened. The first one talks about seed that is scattered on different kinds of soil. The second one is a story about an enemy that scatters weed seeds among the good seeds.

If I were a farmer and I went to the feed supply store for seed, I would pick out the best seed and “choose” that seed for my fields. So all the seed is “chosen” for salvation as it were. But on the way to the farm, some of the seed is scattered on the road, some in the ditch, and some in the berry vines. The rest of the seed makes it to the farmer’s field where an enemy has also planted tares or weeds that look like the plants my good seed will grow into.

God chose all of us for salvation. The fact that not all of us are saved does not change or invalidate that truth. We were chosen in him before the creation of the world.

Application: We can be confident that all of God’s “seed” has been chosen for salvation (1 Timothy 2: 3-4).

Food for Thought: How does knowing that all people are chosen by God impact how we see others, even those who behave badly?

9 Replies to “Ephesians 1:4a – The Meaning of “Chose””

  1. 03-02-2023, How does knowing that all people are chosen by God impact how we see others, even those who behave badly?

    1 Peter 1:1-2, An apostle of Jesus Christ, To God’s elect, exiles scattered throughout the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, 2 WHO HAVE BEEN CHOSEN ACCORDING TO THE FOREKNOWLEDGE OF GOD THE FATHER.

    God is All Knowing, He knew before creation, the names of every person who would choose to be with Him through Jesus Christ, and the names of every person who would reject Him. Just as He knew Satan could not tempt Job to reject his faith.

    God could have saved a lot of time by simply creating everyone in their appropriate places, Heaven or Hell, however we would not have the experience of actually choosing our destination ourselves, and this would give us an excuse to argue with God who has plenty of time and knows the importance of each of us actually making our choice, so we take the long road. God has chosen for EVERYONE to get to spend eternity knowing the” free will choice “ we have made regarding our turning from sin, to Christ in repentance, as well as every single thought and experience of our life, which will be revealed by God on Judgement Day, and remain with each person for all eternity. There will be no argument about this fact.

    All who behave badly are doing so by their free will choice.

    1. Sorry, I meant to add these verses for reference for any who are interested in checking further.

      Isaiah 42:9, 44:7, 46:10, Acts 2:23, 4:27-28, Romans 8:29

  2. I think it allows us to see all people as equally loved by the Lord. It allows us to see the cross as sufficient for everyone. And hopefully it will allow us to see everyone as a soul who can repent and be saved. This should motivate us to prayer and evangelistic efforts.

  3. I live and walk with God under His grace, and I am expected to give others the same grace (or at least as much as I can possible give). Its not just saying I give them grace, but actually giving them grace. Sometimes I have to ask the Lord for the grace to give grace.

    Colossians 3:12-13 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

    2 Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

    1. Chris,

      Great verses! I am right there with you asking the Father for the grace to give grace … every day! What a nice way to put it. 🙂

    2. I really enjoy those 2 verses. I just need to pray more for the ability to apply them more.

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