Ephesians 1:17d – The Spiritual Sniffer

… so that you may know him better.

Summary: Continuing with the theme of the Spirit of revelation, we explore what it means to have the Holy Spirit and know what he reveals to us.

Why does God give us the Spirit of revelation? Paul goes on to tell us why. He says, “so that you may know him better.”

Who doesn’t want to know Jesus better?

Some people grow up never knowing who their father or mother is. Perhaps they were killed or taken away. Sometimes people are given up for adoption. Even though they have moved on in life, they hunger to know who they are. Now and then, I hear a story about someone who has been reunited with a child or parent after a lifetime of not knowing.

When people talk about “sharing the Gospel,” what they are doing is introducing people to Jesus. People who didn’t know their had a spiritual brother are amazed to discover Jesus. Jesus, of course, points them to their spiritual Father, God.

People who meet Jesus are sometimes confused about who he is. Even when he lived as a man on earth, Jesus was met with confusion. One day he asked his followers, “Who do you say I am?” (Matthew 16:15) I suspect there was an awkward pause, and then Peter spoke up. He said, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:16)

Then Jesus says something very interesting. He says, “… this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.” (Matthew 16:17)

Peter had experienced a revelation from God. The Spirit of revelation had “revealed” this truth to Peter. (Jesus said so, so it must be true!)

Peter doesn’t tell us what this felt like. He might not even have known it was a revelation from God unless Jesus had told him. The Spirit of revelation is like that. Like smelling a smell or hearing a sound, it may not make any sense if we have never smelled or heard anything like it before. Spiritually, if we don’t know what our spiritual sense is telling us, we might be confused about that, too.

Paul himself is very familiar with this. He tells us:

I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.“ (Galatians 1:11-12)

What shall we say about this then? Is getting a “revelation” still a thing?

In his first letter to the church at Corinth, Paul writes, “When you come together, each of you has a …” and then, he lists several gifts of the Spirit. One of those gifts is a “revelation.” (1 Corinthians 14:26)

In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul tells us that the gifts of the Spirit, including revelation, are given “so that the church may be built up.” (Ibid) In today’s letter, Paul tells us that the Spirit of revelation is so that we might know Christ better.

What a wonderful thing! I definitely want to know Jesus better! I hope my spiritual sniffer is up to the task.

Application: Think about how you “know” Jesus. Was spiritual revelation involved?

Food for Thought: In John 14:26 and other places, Jesus promises to send us the Holy Spirit. How can we know we have the Spirit if there is no revelation?

*Matthew 3:16

10 Replies to “Ephesians 1:17d – The Spiritual Sniffer”

  1. Thanks brother.

    I might be good to define what is meant by the spirit of revelation.

    In Ephesians it is something we have after coming to Christ. When we come to Christ we receive and are sealed by the indwelling Holy Spirit. John 14: 17; Romans 8: 9; Ephesians 1: 13 – 14. So the spirit of wisdom and revelation that Paul prays for the Ephesians believers is not that initial indwelling (Ephesians 1: 3 – 16 – especially verse 15 – makes it clear this prayer is for Holy Spirit indwelt believers).

    I believe the answer in the context is seen in what is said next: “in the knowledge of Him” (KJV; NASB; ESV); or that you may know Him better (NIV; NLT). Now that they have the Holy Spirit in their hearts, Paul prays that they may have a greater understanding to know Him more. The revelation appears to be a greater understanding of Who He is and what His will is. To know the Infinite God better we need insight and understanding from above as He reveals Himself to us more and more. This will enable us to better grasp His incomparably great power (Ephesians 1: 19). The spirit of wisdom and understanding is the work of the Holy Spirit to help His children understand the truths of God, indeed God Himself, more fully.

    We know we have the Spirit when we receive the gospel message come to Christ (Ephesians 1: 13). This truth is revealed spiritually in God’s word and through His indwelling presence. Our growth in Him shows fruit that reveals something is there (Galatians 5: 22 – 23; Ephesians 5: 8 – 10).

    That is my “two cents” worth. I am interested to see what others thing.

    Much peace to you all.

    1. Brother Rich,

      Thank you for your words today! You certainly gave me some things to think about! And, I would say, you gave us much more than “two cents’ worth”! 🙂

      Outside of a couple of questions, I agreed with everything you wrote. I liked your comment, “Our growth in Him shows fruit that reveals something is there.”

      The “fruit” is a “reveal” or “revelation” in its own way. Of course, that is a physical manifestation of the spiritual reality. I have to wonder, is there something more?

      1. If you have an idea then just say so. No need for fishing here. If you want to say there is something more, then brother, just say it.

        1. You are very kind, brother!

          The problem (for me) is that some things are difficult to pin down in words. Talking about spiritual matters is challenging because there is nothing objective that we can point to and say, “See, this is what I mean.”

          That leaves me with questions rather than statements.

          The main question I have regarding your comment was “How do we define a spirit?”

          To define something is to draw a line around it. When we define something we are able to say definitely this is it and that isn’t it.

          So my question is really more of a prompt. Is there more than the physical manifestation of the Spirit? Can we, at different times, “see” what the Spirit reveals to us internally?

          It is a question I am trying to understand better myself. I hope this helps explain.

  2. So now I’m supposed to pray for
    wisdom, revelation, knowledge, understanding, His indwelling presence, insite, and for ” two cents”?
    How about WKU, to glorify God with my thoughts and actions. To reflect our Lord to everyone I can, to protect and lead the lost to a good shepherd, to become an instrument of His Divine will, to build a better relationship with the Trinity, and to do it all joyfully…………

    I forgot Jeff’s question….

    1. Thanks T. That made me laugh. And I would stick with W, K and U. That would include everything I put out there anyway.

  3. 03-10-2023, In John 14:26 and other places, Jesus promises to send us the Holy Spirit. How can we know we have the Spirit if there is no revelation?

    Great Job Rich!

    To reveal means to uncover something unknown and to see with clarity something that was previously a mystery. But how does this relate to the revelation of Jesus, how does this relate to the revelation of the Holy Spirit?

    Without the Holy Spirit we would not have Jesus Christ in our hearts, we would simply be spiritually dead flesh of no eternal value or purpose. To become spiritually alive, yet spiritually blind would serve no purpose.

    As believers we perceive with the senses and our inner vision of knowing or by understanding from discovery or experience. Some can also see through visions and dreams and through the use of metaphor. God’s truth’s are revealed to each believer by the Holy Spirit as we grow spiritually.

    John the Baptist ( filled with the Holy Spirit since birth ) Luke 1:15 recognized who Jesus was when He asked John to baptize Him, and this was confirmed to all when the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, descended from heaven and rested upon Jesus.

    The disciples, prior to receiving the Holy Spirit, didn’t always recognize Jesus. In the account of His walking on the water, they thought they were seeing a ghost!

    Revelation for me came as I was taught the scriptures and it was through study that I saw Jesus. It was in the process of studying what He did, how He functioned here on earth, and in His heavenly role that I came to know Him. 

    Holy Spirit witnesses and reveals Jesus to us. John’s gospel chapters 15-17 are key to our understanding of this. When He warns of His imminent departure, Jesus is about to return to heaven but says, “When the Advocate (The Holy Spirit) comes, whom I will send to you from the Father — the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, “HE WILL TESTIFY ABOUT ME.” In John 15:26, we see clearly that it is the Holy Spirit that reveals Jesus to us.

  4. Ron,

    Thank you!

    Well written. I especially liked this comment:

    To become spiritually alive, yet spiritually blind would serve no purpose.

    It makes me wonder about our spiritual eyes.

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