Ephesians 2:14a – Peacemaker

For he himself is our peace,

Summary: Peace is something that many of us want but not everyone agrees. Peace has a cost and not everyone is willing to pay their share. In Christ, we find a peace that is life-changing.


Sounds nice, doesn’t it?

Would you like some?

If you have ever flown on a commercial airplane, you have experienced a pretty good illustration of how the word “peace” functions. To make this illustration work, we have to substitute the word “comfort” for “peace.” Play along with me for a minute, and I think you will see what I mean.

When I fly, it is normally because I need to get somewhere far away, and I prefer not to take a bus or drive my own car. It is quicker to fly. So if I can get somewhere faster without the discomfort of sitting in a car or bus for days on end, flying presents me with a more comfortable option. Of course, I pay a price for that comfort, but after comparing the costs of an extended trip, the cost of the flight seems reasonable.

When flying, we have a choice of seats. The cheapest seats are in the economy seats in the back of the plane. Next are the business class seats, which are a little more comfortable. Finally, in front, the first class seats. The first-class seats are wide and comfortable, with lots of legroom. Each of these three choices comes with a cost. The more comfortable the seat, the more expensive it is.

Peace is like comfort. The more peace you have, the more it costs.

When Jesus came to earth, he paid a price for peace. It was not just a little peace he was after but an infinitely larger peace. Jesus didn’t come to only bring a feeling of peace to those who believe in him. Jesus came to make peace between the Creator and the Created, between our God and us.

So if you were Jesus, and you could make peace between God and man, what would you do with those who didn’t want peace?

Sadly, some people refuse to submit to their Maker. These people want peace, but only if they can have it on their terms. Unfortunately for them, they are in no position to negotiate. God has the final say.

So what do we do with those people?

Jesus said:

Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division.” (Luke 12:51)

He didn’t say this to be contrary. He is not looking for a fight. Rather, he is stating the obvious. Peace is not available where there is no willingness to have peace.

When Jesus sent out the seventy-two to work in his “harvest field” (Luke 10:2), he sent them with these instructions:

When you enter a house, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ If someone who promotes peace is there, your peace will rest on them; if not, it will return to you.” (Luke 10: 5-6)

Jesus understands better than anyone that peace is only possible where a heart is open to God’s will. In Him we find unity with our Father, and in this unity is peace. Those who reject God’s peace will only submit to power, and God has plenty of that. In time, we will all be confronted by God’s power. For those who believe in Jesus, Jesus has the power to give new life. For those who reject Jesus, he has the power to reject them.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” — Jesus (John 14:27)

Application: Turn to Jesus and discover the Peace that passes all understanding. (Philippians 4:7)

Food for Thought: What tools does society have to keep the peace? How does this compare with God’s methods?

11 Replies to “Ephesians 2:14a – Peacemaker”

  1. What tools does society have to keep the peace? How does this compare with God’s methods?
    Well society originally had the Levitical Law, the 10 commandments but nobody could keep the standard of Holiness and it revealed how sinful mankind is. Paul even goes so far as to say he would not have known what sin was except by the Law (Romans 7:7 )
    We have new laws written by man and some of them are shadows of the ten commandments. Some isolated tribes have God’s law written on their hearts (something from our Creator) without knowing God or any laws. All our laws and courts are nothing compared to the final judgment because God knows everything including our hearts. I pray that Jesus has given everyone that’s willing a new heart.

    1. Tim,

      I pray that your prayer is answered! We all need relief from the demands of the old heart. We all need the hope that comes with having Christ Jesus as our new heart.

  2. I’m with “T” on this, society believes in laws and enforcement of laws to keep the peace. Not that laws or the enforcement of laws is necessarily a bad thing. Some laws are designed to give people rights, others are made to take them away. One only has to look at the intent and the application to see if can bring the peace it promises. More often than not, failing to follow the laws results in losing something (liberty, property). If everyone loved God above all else, and their neighbor as much as themselves, there would be no need for so many laws. God would be in control of our lives and our interactions.

    John 5:30 I can do nothing on My own initiative. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.

    1. Chris,

      What a great point!

      “If everyone loved God above all else, and their neighbor as much as themselves, there would be no need for so many laws.”

      So true!

  3. I really liked your devotion today brother and agree with Chris and T.

    Peace is definitely not cheap. Society has ways to enforce laws and to make people submit to their will, but it does not bring in lasting peace and it does not change the heart. God does both – change hearts and brings lasting, eternal peace between us and Him – and eventually peace between all people who trust in Him.

    1. Rich,

      You make a great point: Society’s tools for enforcing peace do not change hearts. God’s approach is to do what society cannot do. You might say that God’s method goes to the ‘heart’ of the matter. 🙂

  4. 04-19-2023, What tools does society have to keep the peace? How does this compare with God’s methods?

    In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
    2 Corinthians 4:4

    We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.
    1John 5:19

    I see this world as increasingly encouraging, chaos, perversion, and every ungodly act conceived by mankind as corruption has become the standard. Total government control by corrupt leadership, with harsh penalties for non compliance to government standards rules billions, while the entire population of Africa is kept in extreme poverty and exploited for their resources by the rest of the world. At the same time billions in India live in an evil cast system where the majority live in the streets, some actually live in the garbage dumps and search for any food they can find, and they are all taught life is a continuing cycle of death and reincarnation.

    Christians today are the blessed remnant of the true Church, the body of Christ, chosen out of the millions who have lived and died over the centuries. Jesus makes it clear that throughout history, His remnant will be small when compared to the number of people on the earth.

    “Many” will find the way to eternal destruction, but “few” will find the way to eternal life. Matthew 7:13-14.

    We who know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior can, with great peace, rest in the fact that we belong to the “remnant.” Our rest is a busy one as we live separated from the ways of this world, Joined with Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit, and alert to every possible opportunity to minister to those brought to us by God. No matter where we turn, there is work to be done, submit to Christ and let Him do it.

    Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives
    do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be
    afraid. John 14:27

  5. I have many thoughts.
    First, this all depends on which definition of peace you are using. The promised peace from laws is not the same kind of peace God promises. So it’s somewhat of an unfair comparison.

    Second, I disagree with everyone…. ish.

    What tools does society have to keep the peace?
    Our society uses punishment not law to keep peace. Any law or rule is useless without consequences. Saying it’s the law that keeps the peace is like saying that the theif will stop taking if you just tell him that he did a bad thing. I know some the year olds that don’t care if an action is bad or good, I think adults might feel the same, except that they’ve learned consequences.

    The law given to Moses were instructions on how to live a holy life so that God could dwell amongst them. (Leviticus repeats this over and over) The punishments were just and related to the offense. God, however, does not solely use punishment (the curse), but also rewards (blessings). The curse or the blessing will motivate you to follow the law. God’s law always exists.

    Many cultures in between that time and this have had far worse punishments, and far less justice, and no reward.

    Our society legally uses:
    Government assigned work
    Death penalty
    Loss of certain privileges
    And even loss of certain rights

    Our society commonly uses:
    Loss of job and accreditation

    I made these two categories because both are being treated as acceptable by our society even though in writing only the first list should be.

    These are the strategies to keep peace AKA not have violence.

    So…. society upped the punishment side. What did God do?

    Well, he upped everything. Cursing and blessing in the law looks small in comparison to tribulation and hell, salvation and heaven. And His version of peace is way better than what governments promise. So far beyond physical non-violence.

    1. Angela,

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this! It is obvious that you gave today’s topic a lot of thought!

      I like your analysis and I think your conclusion makes a very important point. God’s methods of keeping the peace function on the same principle as human laws; they only function when they are enforced. This is why it is so important that people hear the truth about life and death, heaven and hell.

      Thank you for sharing this evening!

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