Ephesians 2:21a – The Ultimate Rock

In him the whole building is joined together …

Summary: Paul uses a stone building as a metaphor for the body of Christ. As we look more closely at the metaphor, we discover that Jesus is all that matters.

In Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, he describes the family of God as a “body” with “many parts .” (1 Corinthians 12:12) Because we are all familiar with our bodies, it is easier to understand the metaphor. A building is an equally good metaphor but less familiar.

“Really?” you might ask. “How is a building less familiar?”

If you have been in a house or office building, you understand the general concept of a building. Paul’s use of a human body as a metaphor takes his idea to another level. The point he makes to the Ephesians is different than his point made to the Corinthians.

In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul illustrates how two different groups become one building. To use Peter’s metaphor, we are “like living stones, … being built into a spiritual house.” (1 Peter 2:5) Yet, like the body, a building has different parts for different purposes. As discussed in “Internidiot,” a capstone, keystone, and cornerstone are all building stones, but they have different purposes.

To take this analogy further, a building might have many capstones and as many keystones as there are arches, but it will only have one cornerstone. A stone building has many kinds of stones, but the cornerstone is unique. The cornerstone is also critical. Without a cornerstone, there could be no building.

Jesus is unique. Throughout the Bible, he is often referred to as a rock or stone. He is the famous “stumbling stone” that Paul mentions in his letter to the church in Rome. (Romans 9:32) David referred to the Lord as his “rock.” (2 Samuel 22:2) David saw the rock as a symbol of strength and protection. When Jacob blessed his sons, he referred to God as “the Rock of Israel.” (Genesis 49:24)

In Jesus, we find the ultimate expression of a rock. He is perfect in every dimension. He conforms in every way to the Master Designer’s will. His placement on the foundation is exact. In him, all of us “living stones” are joined together.

Are you sad because you are a building stone instead of a capstone? Where would the building be without you? God has created each of us to fit perfectly together. Not because we are perfect but because the Cornerstone is perfect. Each of us has a unique place in the Master’s design, but we can only find that place when we align ourselves with our Cornerstone, Jesus.

Application: Seek the Lord’s will and set aside our own.

Food for Thought: What happens to our personal opinions when we are “joined together” into one building?

7 Replies to “Ephesians 2:21a – The Ultimate Rock”

  1. In my professional life, I work with vehicles. Worked on them, managed fleets, managed fleet programs, and now compliance in fleet programs.

    Personally, I dont care about vehicles. To me, they are only a mode of travel…a work mule…point A to point B type thing.

    I meet people that are way too enthusiastic about particular makes, models, designs, or performance and accessories.

    To me, a vehicle needs to be safe, serviceable, and purposeful. That’s it. Everything else is gravy.

    As belivers, our faith is in Christ. God sent Christ as a sacrifice for our sin, we accept His gift, and believe in His eternal salvation. We ask Jesus to be Lord of our lives, to show His love to us and through us. We are united together as believers and followers in our faith. We are united in His peace, service, and purpose.

    Our personal opinions are just gravy. 😋

    Galations 1:10 For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

    Romans 14:1 As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions.

    1. Chris,

      Well said! The comparison between cars and religion is quite interesting. As you say, at the end of the day, a car is transportation. Everything else is gravy. When it comes to religion, the only thing that matters is getting to spend eternity with God. There is only one way to get there; Jesus. (John 14:6)

  2. 04-29-2023, What happens to our personal opinions when we are “joined together” into one building?

    Leave them at the door.

    We are individually (1 Corinthians 3:16-17) and collectively (Ephesians 2:19-22) the temple of God.

    We have each been called by God, who is the power of life in each of us. We are not the result of our creative talents, we have been known by God before creation, and individually shaped by Him for a specific purpose. That purpose is to be a physical manifestation of His power and perfect will for all mankind.

    He is the good done through us as individuals, the binding power and good works done by the united body of Christ around the world, and the power which has shaped each into the perfect stone, to be placed into the perfect spot in the Temple which He will fill with His presence. God is Holy and perfect, and will not allow a molecule of imperfection to contaminate Him.

    Our personal opinions which so often, briefly separate us from God , interfere with our ministry, will be those aligned perfectly with God’s will.

    1. Ron,

      “Leave them at the door” is good advice. I think you are right about our opinions ‘separating us from God’ as well. That is a very interesting thought because it highlights where we put our emphasis; God’s will or our own.

  3. Philippians 2: 1 – 4 has a good answer. Philippians 2: 5 – 8 has the perfect example.

    1. Thank you, Rich.

      Excellent verses!

      “he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant,
       … he humbled himself by becoming obedient”

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