Ephesians 2:21b – The Heart of the Lord

… and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.

Summary: Paul’s metaphors are intended to help us visualize spiritual truths. It helps to realize that metaphors are not the actual truth but only an illustration of truth.

Metaphors are like grainy pictures. If you stand back far enough, they look amazing, but when you get close, all you see are the dots, and the picture gets lost. Paul’s metaphor is no different. Looking at it from afar is amazing, but when we look at it closer, the “dots” come into focus.

The main “dot” I see here is that Jesus is the cornerstone of the building, and at the same time, the building is “in the Lord.” Does this make sense?


In the spiritual realm, there is no conflict between being the cornerstone that ties everything together and, at the same time, the place where the building exists. In this case, the building is a temple, a place devoted to worshiping God.

The picture that comes to mind as I read this part of the passage is a heart. The holy temple that is within the Lord is his heart. It is what he exists for. His love for us is beyond comprehension. It makes total sense that Paul would see us, the ones who believe in Jesus, coming together in the Lord.

As odd as it seems, Jesus is both our cornerstone and the place we exist in.

Application: Worship Jesus!

Food for Thought: What does it mean to be a “holy temple?”

5 Replies to “Ephesians 2:21b – The Heart of the Lord”

  1. The temple is the place set aside for God to dwell in and be worshipped. It is set aside for God, to live for God, to know God, to worship God, to honor God, to serve God. It is a place His people gather to point each other to God and to confirm our need and His worthiness. That is why it is holy (set apart, separate, distinct from common use). With the Holy Spirit’s indwelling our bodies are temples – both individually and corporately. 1 Corinthians 3:16 – 17; 1 Corinthians 6: 19 – 20.

  2. 04-30-2023, What does it mean to be a “holy temple?”

    I really appreciate Rich’s wonderful comments regarding today’s meditation.

    I can only define holy temple from my limited knowledge. God is Incomprehensible, He is the creator, “The Potter”, I am the created “the clay” and of myself, I do not have the ability to fully comprehend God’s definition of Holy.

    What I do know for a fact is, “Jesus Christ is Holy.” I hear His teachings, see His actions recorded in our bibles and I know these are Holy. I know I have repented my sins, am in the life long process of turning from my sins, and Jesus Christ resides in my heart by the power of the Holy Spirit. I know Jesus Christ stands between God and I, and God sees me as positionally Holy because of what His Son has done for all mankind.

    I believe a holy temple is one in submission to Jesus Christ, glorifying God by allowing Jesus Christ to be seen in every choice they make and everything they do, knowing full well their works are by the power of Jesus Christ, and are the only acceptable sacrifice we can offer to God.

    1. Ron,

      Maybe the “hole” in “holy” is where our self-will used to be and what makes it holy is when the love and light of Christ fills that hole.

  3. By Golly you may be onto something there young man!
    Kinda like Swiss cheese. 😊

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