Ephesians 3:5b – Nine Words

… as it has now been revealed by the Spirit …

Summary: Looking at the nine words in this passage, we discover a wealth of insight into how God communicates with his Creation.

The nine words in today’s passage speak to the heart of Christianity. Jesus called this Spirit “the Advocate.” (John 14:26, 15:26) The Greek word used by John in his Gospel was “paraklētos.” Different translations render the word “paraklētos” in different ways. Some translate this word as Comforter. Others use Advocate, Counselor, or simply “Helper.” A few translations use “Holy Ghost” or “Holy Spirit.”

Paul uses a different word for the Spirit in his letter. He uses “pneuma.” This word is universally translated as “Spirit” or “Holy Spirit” in English translations.

The important point here is that this Spirit is God’s Spirit. Whether we use “pneuma” or “paraklētos,” we understand it is God speaking. God is not speaking from the sky (John 12:29, Acts 9: 3-4), but instead, God speaks directly to our spirit; espíritu a espíritu.

I think this is hard for many of us to accept today.

Jesus didn’t say he would send the Advocate only to his Apostles. It turns out he sent the Advocate to all believers. (Acts 10:44-48) But what does this mean? Do we all have a direct line to God? The answer, it seems, is yes. Each of us who believes in Jesus receives some measure of the Holy Spirit. I use the phrase “some measure” because God’s Spirit appears to come to different people in different ways.

Imagine God talking to you directly.

This can be difficult, unless we are familiar with our own spirit. If we are deaf and blind to our spiritual nature, we will be deaf and blind to what our spirit hears from God’s Spirit. And if we are not blind to our own spirit and God talks with us, what would he say?

In Paul’s case, Jesus told him about himself. He explained who he was, why he came to live as a man, and why he died. He explained to Paul who he died for, and made it clear that the Gentiles are included in his plan for redemption. (Galatians 1: 11-24, 2:1-10, 2 Peter 3:14-16)

God’s timing is his own. He does not have to meet our expectations of schedules. In this passage, we see Paul referring to God’s timing (“now”) and methods (“revealed by the Spirit”) for bringing us the Good News about our salvation in Jesus Christ.

Application: Get to know the sound of God’s voice.

Food for Thought: Why did the “mystery of Christ” have to be revealed by the Spirit and not some other way?

13 Replies to “Ephesians 3:5b – Nine Words”

  1. The thought that comes to mind is that God wants us to seek His will. God is Spirit, we are spirit, and the Holy Spirit connects us. It is only way we can truely understand in love, God’s love. All the others ways aren’t a direct connection.

    1 Corinthians 2:6-16 is a great passage on this the wisdom given by the Holy Spirit. (I dont know how to link it). vs9-10 reads “However, as it is written:

    “What no eye has seen,
    what no ear has heard,
    and what no human mind has conceived”—
    the things God has prepared for those who love him—

    these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit.”

    I have often heard those two verses used in reference to Heaven. I think it goes deeper than that. That the “things God had prepared” can only be fully understood in the Spirit and not in the senses.

    1. Chris,

      Thank you! I like your summation:

      “God is Spirit, we are spirit, and the Holy Spirit connects us.”

      Somehow, we connect on a spiritual level. How we do that is very personal. I suspect each of us experience the spiritual in different ways. Some people are very “connected” that way and some of us are vaguely aware of it.

  2. Why did the “mystery of Christ” have to be revealed by the Spirit and not some other way?

    Perhaps, it has more to do with the eternal nature of our spirits. The eternal aspect of us is the means of understanding (ish) the eternal things of God.

    Perhaps, it has to do with the corruption of the flesh.

    Perhaps, it is merely because that is the aspect of God that would be with us while the mystery needs to be revealed. (don’t get too stuck in my word choice)

    1. Angela,

      I really like your point about the “eternal nature of our spirits.” It seems very appropriate that our God would emphasize this point by revealing his mysteries via the Spirit.

  3. Why did the “mystery of Christ” have to be revealed by the Spirit and not some other way?
    I believe that it could be a way of showing the power of the Spirit. How it had the ability to change a sinner like Saul to an apostle like Paul. Also to link it with Pentecost showing that this spirit was for jew and gentile. Ultimately God has a plan that we might not understand yet.

    1. Tim,

      Great comment! It is so important that we honor the Spirit of God as we honor the Name of God. We can do that by recognizing the work of the Spirit in Scripture and in our lives.

  4. Great comments and thoughts.

    I have little to add. We are born by the Spirit (John 1: 12 – 13; John 3: 3), God is Spirit and we must worship Him in spirit (John 4: 24), it is our spirit that is dead and must come to life (Romans 6: 23), so it only makes sense that our need for Christ and our understanding is spiritually discerned (1 Corinthians 2: 14 – 16).

    1. Rich,

      Thank you! You have actually added quite a bit! You remind us that our spirit was dead before we were “born again.” This second birth is our spirit coming alive again in Christ. Like the prodigal who returns home, we are reunited with our Creator. This is such an important point for us to remember!!

  5. 05-09-2023, Why did the “mystery of Christ” have to be revealed by the Spirit and not some other way?’

    Read John 14:15-31

    God the Father is our creator and the Sovereign power holding ALL things together. Jesus Christ confining Himself to a human body, came to earth to teach ministered and demonstrate God’s love for all as He gave His life for the sins of all mankind. God’s “wisdom” was seen by the prophets of old. But now through Jesus Christ the veil of mystery has been removed and God’s message is revealed to all mankind in His Word.

    The question becomes, how can we, in our flesh ever comprehend and apply this mystery of Christ. How can we accurately worship God by displaying these truths in our lives, speak God’s truths to those around us as we lead Godly lives allowing our actions in obedience to God to speak, reveal Christ to this world?

    By the power of the Holy Spirit, the wisdom of God for salvation is revealed and received by all true believers. He is the power given to each by God to turn from living in our flesh, and submit our will to His will as Christ in each of us, makes Himself known as He is seen by all those within our sphere of influence.

    Our “confidence” is in Christ in us, not in ourselves. We now come boldly to God “in Christ” We are confident “in His faith”. Life is not about believing in ourself. It is about believing in Jesus Christ, and allowing Him, through the power of the Holy Spirit to interact with others.

    God’s “purpose” is achieved through Jesus Christ. Without Him, there would not even have been any mystery in which to find hope. However Jesus equips, all those He calls into His one body of holy people. He is the power to apply the two Greatest Commandments and the power to obey the great commission.
    Matthew 22:36-40, Matthew 28:18-20.

    1. Ron,

      Your response today has me thinking! 🙂

      The mystery and power of Christ is experienced spiritually and physically, but without the spiritual connection that you describe we are blind to what God is doing for us.

      Thank you!

  6. Our goal is to become physical beings empowered by the Holy Spirit, rather than spiritual beings controlled by our flesh. Living rather than dead.



    1. Our goal is to become physical beings empowered by the Holy Spirit, rather than spiritual beings controlled by our flesh. Living rather than dead.

      Nicely said

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