Ephesians 3:15 – Noah’s Sons

… from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name.

Summary: Paul’s words in this passage point us back to the Bible to discover our roots.

This passage is both interesting and fun. Paul points us to the fact that every family in heaven and on earth derives its name from God. If you have any interest in genealogy, this statement will catch your eye.

The Bible tells us that mankind originated with two people, Adam and Eve. (“Science” is still rather conflicted about this topic but from what I have read we may eventually find the genealogical record confirming the biblical record.) From these two people came all the people who populated the earth, and all of them, with very few exceptions, were rotten to the core. Finally, God decided that the whole batch was corrupt and he needed to clean house except for one man and his family; Noah.

Noah was instructed to build a boat big enough to house a sampling of every animal on the planet. Then the rains came, and the “floodgates” were opened (Genesis 7:11). God made his word good, and he flooded the entire world with water. Then he started over with Noah and his family.

Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Each of these men had wives, and each of them fathered many children. The children intermarried, and the population of the earth began to be replenished.

Genesis, Chapter Ten, is called “The Table of Nations.” It records the children of Noah’s three sons and lists the people groups that came from each son. All of humanity and all of the current nations of the world can be traced back to these three men.

While it is interesting to trace our human lineage back through the biblical record, I don’t think that is what Paul was thinking of when he said our family names came from the Father.

In Genesis 1:26, the Bible says:

“Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

Every family on earth is part of mankind. We are all made in God’s image, and we call bear the name “man.” This name was given to us by our Father.

Application: Consider the fact that all people on earth are part of one big family.

Food for Thought: What does it matter that at the end of the day, after sorting through all of our family names, our national origins, and our genealogies, we find that we are all part of one big family?

17 Replies to “Ephesians 3:15 – Noah’s Sons”

  1. 05-29-2023, What does it matter that at the end of the day, after sorting through all of our family names, our national origins, and our genealogies, we find that we are all part of one big family?

    The Bible tells us this and I have just had no desire to review what someone say’s is a list of my ancestors, who have no bearing on who I am, and the choices I make. There are only two genealogies I have developed an interest in. One in the Book of Matthew, one in the Book of Luke. Both are the genealogy of Christ, predetermined, and preserved by God.

    They are both different and end with Joseph because one is of Joseph’s lineage and one is Mary’s lineage. And at the time the lineage of a woman’s family ended in her husbands name.

    We will each one day stand before God and account for our actions
    of choice, our ancestors will answer for theirs.

    1. Ron,

      As Gentiles, our family lineage is different than our Jewish brothers and sisters. Their genealogy impacts their relationship to the Old Covenant. Since we are under the New Covenant in Christ’s blood, we stand before God as individuals; sons and daughters of the Most High, so your answer makes total sense. Thank you!

    2. We will each one day stand before God and account for our actions
      of choice, our ancestors will answer for theirs.
      Yet we can still pray for those whom don’t know Jesus. For their salvation. Even if we have to walk away from family members we still need to pray for them to be saved. It’s a battle over souls. Each one matters. Pray for forgiveness of those who do not know what they are doing. Pray for their eyes to be open. To stop sacrificing babies, mutilation of kids and their body’s, and living lives full of sin. We still need to pray for the strength to forgive them and lead them to Christ. My heart feels hurt in you Ron. You and me have both been adopted into a God knowing family. Some of our brothers and sisters are a bit crazy but we all know Jesus.

  2. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Jeff. Happy birthday to you.

  3. I think that understanding that we are all created in God’s image and that according to the Bible there is only one race – the human race, would lead to healing, unity, equality and hope. If only we would all believe the truth from God’s word.

    1. Thanks Rich!

      Yes, “if only…”

      That is a big “IF” and one that we can all pray for and work towards. The two Great Commandments are really the key to getting there.

    1. T&A,

      Yeah… So true.
      It is a very sad thing to realize that we allow ourselves (speaking generically) to come to blows. Whether it is on the streets of our cities, or in a foreign war.

      1. Even I am guilty as a sinner being
        Angry, upset, bitter towards others including my own family and not forgiving even though they are created in the image of God and I have been forgiven for so much.

        1. T,

          I appreciate your honesty. You are not alone, brother. Jesus made that clear when he set the bar for sin at the level of a simple thought.

          “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”
          (Romans 8:23)

          1. Happy birthday Jeff. I was going to bring you flowers but the caretaker has been keeping an eye on me lately. Angela is dissatisfied that she hasn’t gotten as many flowers also.

  4. Even I am guilty as a sinner being
    Angry, upset, bitter towards others including my own family and not forgiving even though they are created in the image of God and I have been forgiven for so much.

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