Ephesians 4:9 – Finding Heaven

What does “he ascended” mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions?

Summary: Looking at today’s passage tells us as much about Paul as it tells us about Jesus.

If I close my eyes and still my thoughts, I can imagine that I’ve traveled back to the time and place where Paul is writing his letter. In my imagination, I can adjust the time of year to whatever I want. We have no idea of the season when Paul wrote his letter. He is too caught up in his topic to give us a clue about the weather.

In my mind’s eye, it is late summer. Fall is coming on, and people are preparing for winter. There is a sense of seriousness about the way people are moving around. The harvest is in, and there is much work to be done to prepare for shorter days and cold weather.

Paul is living in Rome in a rented house. He is kept under guard by a bored Roman soldier. It is not that he minds listening to Paul expound about Jesus to his many guests, rather it is that he would rather be out on patrol with his regiment. As to keeping “guard” over Paul, he wasn’t worried. He had learned by observation that Paul was not going anywhere unless his God told him to. Besides, Paul was chained like a dog. His chain kept him from wandering on his own. *

As to Paul himself, he didn’t mind being a prisoner all that much. He had Luke and others with him to keep him company, and a constant stream of people came to see him. Some people would go crazy being chained to one place all the time, but not Paul. All he had to do was to close his eyes and turn his inner eye to the Lord. There he found a world of things to do and discuss. Paul was an intellectual. Living in his head was where he liked being the best.

We get a peek at Paul’s inner world in today’s passage. Reading from a scroll with the Psalms recorded on it, Paul “sees” with his mind as well as with his eyes. He knows that Jesus existed before the earth was created. He also knows a bit about the “third heaven” (2 Corinthians 12:2). Paul wants us to know that Jesus came from heaven, but instead of simply telling us that, he gives us a question to think over.

Paul’s logic is simple: If Jesus ascended into heaven, he must have come from heaven. How else would he have known how to get there?

Application: Don’t be afraid to apply logic to God’s Word.

Food for Thought: What stands out to you most about Jesus descending to earth from heaven?

*We know these facts about Paul’s time in Rome from Acts 28: 16-31.

7 Replies to “Ephesians 4:9 – Finding Heaven”

  1. What stands out to you most about Jesus descending to earth from heaven?

    I remember landing in the middle east for the first time in the month of July. The airplane crew opened the doors of the airplane waiting on the military inspector to board to give us a briefing. The heat that quickly rolled into the plane was suffocating. We sat locked into our seats, sweating, our minds racing with both anticipation and frustration. Funny to say, but we alll knew the only thing keeping us in our seats was our willingness to obey at some level.

    In my mind, that is a small shred of what it must have been like for Jesus. I know Jesus was born a baby, but I also believe He was Himself there inside. He had to exercise that part of Gods creation that is natural. Getting the body to obey the mind. All the while using His discernment to recogize sin enabled Him to accompish this without sin. More importantly, to go from the presence of God to Earth, to have His pure righteousness wrapped in a shell of flesh. He had to feel that seperation that sin brought upon man. Like trying to breath and communicate with a thick blanket wrapped around your face. Jesus Himself did not sin, but He was submerged into a physical world where sin was rampet and the inhabitants could not see the spiritual war that was taking place around them. Jesus had one earthly body. He experienced what we do, and yet showed us that it was possible to have a relationship with God despite what was going on around us and inside us.

    John 17:24 Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.

    I read this verse and wonder at the line “be with Me where I am.” To me it speaks to more than a location but also a state of the heart and mind.

    1. Wow, Chris.

      Excellent analogy! Being trapped in a plane without ventilation is a claustrophobic experience. Being baked at low heat while sitting there would be many times worse. Tying this all into obedience paints a picture I can relate to. Thank you!

  2. 06-20-2023, What stands out to you most about Jesus descending to earth from heaven?

    Heaven is the dwelling place of God. Heaven is Holy, spotless, orderly, a place of purity where there is no sin. It is the place where Jesus has dwelt for all eternity.

    Earth is a broken cess pool, filled with sinful self-centered beings and chaos.

    Jesus chose to , leave His Holy dwelling place, humble Himself as He exchanged His Omni-present, Self-sufficient existence, for one confining Himself to an enclosure of skin, to serve an ungrateful people who He knew would one day demean, brutally beat and crucify Him as the woman who gave birth to Him, and His Father in Heaven looked on.

    He came in Love knowing He was giving Himself for our sakes, To provide a way to salvation for His creation,. Eternal salvation for very man woman and child that would believe in Him and welcome Him into their hearts.

    1. Thank you, Ron!

      Well said. It is quite a contrast to think about where Jesus came from before coming to earth. It is comforting to know that he cared enough to do that for us.

  3. Well done CH and R2T2.

    I too am impressed that Jesus would be willing to go from a perfect place to a “cesspool.” He was also willing to die for sin that He did not commit. Philippians 2: 5 – 8 describes well what Jesus gave up and embraced to save humanity that would trust in Him. The motivation was love. What is not to like. I am definitely impressed.

    1. Thanks Rich!

      What is not to like? One thing I find challenging is that I don’t look so good in the Light of Jesus’ perfection. That said, the warmth of his Love is commanding and assuring. I know that I am safe with him. 🙂

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