Genesis 1:27 – Happy 4th of July!

So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

Summary: What we believe has a big impact on how we understand our country’s founding documents.

Two-and-a-half long lifetimes ago (247 years), fifty-six men signed their lives away. The document they signed is known as the “Declaration of Independence.” By signing this declaration, each signer put their lives on the line.


Why would anybody do this? Did they all have a death wish? Were they drunk? Did they collectively drink “the Kool-Aid?”

No. All were of sound mind and body. They had their wits about them. They knew what they were doing and what they were risking. In the second paragraph of this document, they explain their thinking:

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness — “

They put their lives on the line because they believed that without Liberty, Happiness would forever elude them. Without happiness, Life would have no value.


When I was young, before I understood anything about God’s Word or my relationship with Jesus, I feared death. The idea of giving up “life” for anything seemed terrifying. Looking back, I can see that the reason I was so afraid was this “life” was all I had. When it was gone, I would cease to exist. How could anyone gamble away something so precious?

As I grew to know more about myself years later, I understood that I am two people. One of me is this body of flesh. That is the part that dies. The other “me” is this invisible thing we call a spirit. Paul writes about this in his letter to the church in Rome when he says, “For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” (Romans 7:15)

Let’s deconstruct Paul’s sentence:

For what I (the spiritual Paul) want to do I (Paul’s body of flesh) do not do, but what I (the spiritual Paul) hate I (Paul’s physical body) do.

Once our spirit is awakened by God, we become aware of things we could not see before.


When our founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence, each testified to Paul’s understanding of our dual life. More than that, like Paul, each signature implies understanding we are the work of a Creator. The Creator is a higher authority than the king of England and is higher than any other human authority. Furthermore, the Creator created us with “certain unalienable Rights.”

They understood as many do today, that these Rights carry responsibility. The rest of the Declaration of Independence outlines how the king of England failed to respect these God-given rights. Our Constitution presents a roadmap for using this responsibility to protect our rights.

Today is the Fourth of July. Today we celebrate the Declaration of Independence, and with it, we celebrate the Creator who, along with life, gave us “certain unalienable Rights.”

Application: Happy 4th of July!

Food for Thought: If the heart of our Declaration of Independence rests on rights granted to us by our Creator, how does being a non-believer impact their view of the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution?

12 Replies to “Genesis 1:27 – Happy 4th of July!”

  1. I think once you remove God from your life, the Constitution becomes about freedom to sin instead of freedom to serve. Freedom to serve empowers one to love God and their neighbor, freedom to sin empowers one hate life and to push their neighbor aside. Communities can be places of sharing, or they can be places of selfishness.

    I think to a non-believer, the Constitution appears to be a source to take from. A document designed to validate that they don’t need anyone, especially God. They view the references to God in the document as “the evolution of human conscienceness” and that the core ideas are sound, even if the process of achieving them is outdated. A humanistic perspective, one thats says we are improving as people, instead of recognizing that we are getting worse as a whole. The Constitution is not the source, God is the source. The engine is not the source of power in a car. It is the fire inside its belly pushing the components.

    As believers, we recognize that God is the source of all wisdom. That whatever possible “rules” we could create in society will fail if we do not love God first, and our neighbors as ourselves. That the change in society must come first in our hearts, and that this change can only come about through Christ. He is the fire in our belly.

    1 John 4:4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

  2. 07-04-2023, If the heart of our Declaration of Independence rests on rights granted to us by our Creator, how does being a non-believer impact their view of the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution?

    They view the Constitution the same way they view the Bible. “ Out of date, does not apply for today. The ways of the world are becoming increasingly wicked, evil and are against all that is good. Seeking to eliminate everything that disagrees with their deranged concept of freedom, they are increasing displaying forms of insanity as they seem to be trying to run faster and faster into the darkness they have chosen over light which convicts them of TRUTH.

  3. Ron,

    Thank you! Your words remind me of Paul’s letter to the Romans (Romans 1: 18-32).

    Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts … ” (verse 24)

    1. Romans 11:1-10, God reserves and watches over His remnant, chosen by grace.

      I really don’t enjoy what I see, and what I know is coming. But I can still work where He points me.

      Happy 4th!

  4. Jeff,
    Thanks for sending your bible study. You are right on.
    Have happy and safe 4th,

  5. I like CH’s response that to an unbeliever it can become about freedom to sin rather than freedom to serve. I like that.

    Another answer to the question is seen in the chaos in the world around us every day. They are living it out and we see the results.

    Happy 4th to everyone.

    1. Brother Rich

      Happy 4th to you and yours as well!
      Thanks for being so faithful here!

  6. One last thought for tonight:

    Galatians 5:13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.

    1. Great verse, Chris!

      Thank you for sharing! It is such an important point, too. Indulging the flesh is a form of enslavement. I serve my body’s cravings rather than being free to pursue God’s leading.

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