Ephesians 4:24b – Following Jesus

… created to be like God …

Summary: The idea of being like God can feel a little intoxicating … to the old self. To the new self, being like God is to be like Jesus.

When I first read today’s passage, I did a double take. We are created to be like God? Really??

Like everything else in the world of communication, context is everything. So what is Paul talking about here?

Looking back at verses twenty and twenty-one, Paul tells us about “the way of life you learned when you heard about Christ.” He says we were taught to “put off your old self, which is being corrupted.” (Verse 22) Then he tells us to “be made new in the attitude of your minds” (verse 23) “and to put on the new self” (verse 24).

It is the new self that is created to be like God. But what does that mean?

The answer to this question depends on which “self” is being asked.

The “old self” sees the power of God as a means to gratify its corrupt desires. The “old self” sees God’s power the same way Satan does; as something to be subverted and manipulated.

The “new self” sees Jesus and says, “Here is God in the flesh! If I follow him I will be like God.” In fact, Jesus himself commands us to follow him.1

So all we have to do is to follow Jesus … right?

Application: Follow Jesus!

Food for Thought: What does it mean to “follow Jesus?”

1Matthew 4:19, 8:22, 9:9, 10:38, 16:24, 19:21

15 Replies to “Ephesians 4:24b – Following Jesus”

  1. What does it mean to “follow Jesus?”

    Matthew 16:24-26 Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?

    Deny yourself:

    Seek understanding of the things that create a barrier in your relationship with God, and turn away from them.

    Take up your cross:

    Jesus gave Himself completely to Gods will. He bore our sin. He is able to do this because of love. Love is greater than sin. God is love.

    To follow Jesus means we too must suffer when sin seeks to destroy love. But we dont face this alone, Jesus is with us, and God is with us.

    In saving your life you will lose it:

    The finality of physical life as we know it becomes evident. No matter how hard you try, your Earthy body will pass. If you put your trust in Earthy knowledge, you may succeed for a season, but all seasons eventually end.

    In losing your life for His sake you will find it:

    Giving your heart and limited time to God, allowing Him to draw you closer means not only discovering the wonders of His creation, in you and around you, but means spending eternity with Him.

    1. Chris,

      Thank you! Very well written!

      I would add one thing: When you write “Deny yourself” I would expand that to “Deny your old self.”

      I think Paul is trying to help us understand the intricacies of our “selves” and how we choose between the material world view and the spiritual world view.

  2. Uh oh, I disagree, Jeff. The new self, as I understand is how Adam and Eve began. In the image of God, in the presence of God, without shame. Gensis 1:26-31 We were created to be like God, which is the irony of the Fall. By trying to be “like God” the way the serpent offered, we became less “like God” in almost every way but one. Genesis 3:22 Discerning good and evil for ourselves, instead of trusting God’s words. Then, of course, the curses and the banishment changed our environment.

    That’s why the new self is so hard. We are trying to return to trusting God’s Word on things while hearing everyone around us repeating a shadow of the serpents words, “If you do this/buy this/look like this you will be like God, power/fame/love/money will be yours”

    That’s why this verse is followed by warnings of the snares set in our lives. Do not give the devil a foothold! Do not be the old self, the Fall self, but do the work to be the new self, the truly like God self. God made the way for this to happen.

    This is why I like the song “The Struggle” it says “Hallelujah we are free to struggle, we’re not struggling to be free! Our God bought and made us children, children drop your chains and sing!”

    AKA we are free from the slavery of sin, so we get fight to not sin. The new covenant, though the work is done by God, we are still responsible to drop the chains after He broke them. We are still responsible to walk the walk.

    What does it mean to “follow Jesus?”

    I agree with CH. 🙂

    1. Angela,

      You disagree?! 🙂

      I disagree that you disagree! I think we are saying the same thing.
      So there! 🙂

      You are right to say that the “new self” is how Adam and Eve began. The problem with their example is that they didn’t stay in the new self. With Satan’s help, the invented the “old self.” So while I agree that the original relationship they had with God is the same as the “new self” Paul is talking about, I don’t see them as a model for life in the Spirit.

      Okay??? 🙂

      1. So there??!!!

        Okay. I don’t even remember which sentence it was that made me think pre Fall was excluded, but our ‘debate’ was fun!

        Further down the rabbit hole…. I wonder how long Adam and Eve lived in Eden, right with God, before they messed up? How many great examples of obedience did they have, that won’t be remembered because of one choice?

        1. A –

          You pose a very interesting question. I have explored this Rabbit Hole before, but only in my imagination. God’s Word gives us very few clues to the complete answer.

          But let me ask a few questions:

          1. How many days have you been alive?

          2. Does your life “feel” as long as it has actually been?

          If your answer is like mine, life is a river that flows by without effort. Whether they lived in Eden seven days or seven thousand, it probably felt the same.

          3. What did the word “obedience” mean before the Fall?

          4. Was disobedience even possible?

          At that point in history, before the Fall, it may not have been possible to disobey, except for God’s One Rule: Don’t touch the forbidden tree. So no matter what they did, aside from touching the forbidden tree, was obedience.

          5. Was Christ’s obedience different that Adam and Eve’s, pre-Fall?

          6. How did the number of rules differ Pre and Post Fall?

          7. Why did the number of rules differ Pre and Post Fall?

          Your thoughts?

          1. 9675 days old, not including leap days

            The meaning of obedience doesn’t change. Perhaps it was less challenging to obey in Eden, but it is still: listening to the instruction and doing what you were instructed.

            Regardless of how often or available disobedience was, God made us free to choose. “Sit here and name all the animals” did Adam have to? He could have said no, or refused to give them names, but with what motivation? He was made to rule over these creatures. Regardless of his options he obeyed, and he had no shame.

            Perhaps there were rules perhaps not, but God has order and Adam would be expected to live within that order Regardless of the spoken instruction.

            Yes, Christ’s obedience is different. And no.
            The omniscient relying on another’s knowledge, the omnipotent relying on another’s power, the omnipresent limiting himself to one place and time to act. Sometimes, we say Jesus obeyed because He’s perfect so it was easy…. ummmm you don’t get tempted if nothing is hard. I think if we were in His place to give up, even for just 33 years, power…. we’d be doomed. Yet, isn’t the instruction still the same? Do the Father’s will.

            Number of rules…. this makes me think of Roman’s 1. If you only look at what’s blatantly stated, you’re missing the obvious. The only increase in rules, were the rules needed to be accepted by God again.

            1. A –

              May you live many thousands of days more!

              May the mystery of rules and obedience before the Fall give us something to think about for a long time.

              May what’s blatantly stated and blatantly obvious never be confused!

              May the love of God always guide our thoughts and paths. (Even on the rabbit trails!)


              Jeff 🙂

  3. 07-12-2023, What does it mean to “follow Jesus?”

    I met my wife in China, led her to the Lord, and of course brought her to the US after we were married. She is a beautiful, humble person with a beautiful voice and this morning she is singing a hymn while I am contemplating “ what does it mean to follow
    Jesus? ”

    We are living in peace as we have chosen to follow Jesus.
    We live in this world where “ALL” follow someone or something. In obedience, Adam and Eve followed God for a time, they were Holy, had a relationship with God and lived in peace with all His creation. They experienced “LIFE “ as fully intended by God.

    Then they chose to follow Satan, live in disobedience, and were separated from God by sin. Today we live in a world dominated by growing sin which is manifesting itself in insanity as people are choosing self destruction in ever increasing acts of perversion over “LIFE” in the peace of God.

    To follow Jesus is to return to life as created, to live life in humble obedience to God. Jesus came to give not take, to serve not be served as He devoted His entire life to teaching God’s truths, healing the broken hearts of others, and giving His life to pay the price for all mankind’s sins.

    To follow Jesus is to experience the great peace and joy received from God as we humbly submit to His will over our own, and seek His power to serve Him in every aspect of our lives on earth.

    As posted by Jeff: Matthew 4:19, 8:22, 9:9, 10:38, 16:24, 19:21

      1. Just listened to ” I have decided to follow Jesus” brings tears of great joy to my eyes and blesses my heart.

        Thank You Brother!


        1. That one seems to have that tendency. I danced to that one for a few years at churches and nursing homes. Always powerful.

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