Ephesians 5:1a – Wrath & Patience

Follow God’s example …

Summary: When we think about God, we find ourselves drawn to the God revealed in the Bible. At first glance, the Old Testament God seems different than the New Testament God. But as we get to know God, we find that he is the same in the Old and the New.

The first sentence of chapter five continues for two full verses, but I thought we should focus on just the first three words, to begin with. “Follow God’s example…”

When you think of “God’s example,” what do you think of?

I have to confess that my mind goes to the Old Testament. I associate the New Testament with Jesus and forgiveness. When I think of the Old Testament, I think of rules, laws, and judgment.

The Bible, ultimately, was written by God. If we view it any other way, we miss the boat. It is written to us by God, and it is written from God’s perspective. We can learn a lot about God from his example.

And what is his example?

Is the Old Testament full of “wrath,” as so many preachers seem to think? Is God taking glee in passing “judgment” on us mortals? Is God’s example one of a petulant child who doesn’t get his way?

No. Quite the opposite!

Viewed from an historical perspective, the God of the Old Testament is patient and kind. Isaiah records God lamenting Israel’s stubbornness in rejecting him:

“All day long I have held out my hands to an obstinate people, who walk in ways not good, pursuing their own imaginations—a people who continually provoke me to my very face…” (Isaiah 65: 2-3a)

Even with people who were not children of Abraham, God displays enormous patience. In Genesis, God explains to Abraham why the Israelites have to wait before they go into Canaan and wipe out the inhabitants there. The “sin of the Amorites [had] not yet reached its full measure.” (Genesis 15:16)

In the parable of the vineyard and the evil tenants (Matthew 21: 33-41), Jesus explains how all through the Old Testament times God was trying to get the attention of mankind. This “life” in the flesh is not all there is. There is also a life in the spirit to be considered as well. Without God’s Law and his Son, Jesus, we are doomed to a spiritual life without God.

“Ho Hum,” says mankind, thinking that spiritual life is nothing compared to life in the flesh. But life in the flesh doesn’t last very long. Spiritual life is forever. Without God, spiritual life is called “Hell.” The Bible uses words like “wrath” to describe how hellish Hell is. Peter sums it up nicely in his second letter:

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)

When we follow God’s example, whether in the Old Testament or the New, we find ourselves walking a path of selfless patience and love for others.

Application: Read the Bible every day so that you can better understand God’s example.

Food for Thought: What are examples of “God’s example” that come to mind?

8 Replies to “Ephesians 5:1a – Wrath & Patience”

  1. What are examples of “God’s example” that come to mind?
    Being a servant. Answering a question with a question maybe?
    Patience, setting up clear boundaries, righteous wrath, jealousy, vengeance, mercy, discipline, turning face away…..

    Sorry, we’re reading the curse in Deuteronomy right now.

    1. WaTAN,

      Isn’t it interesting, that even in the “curse in Deuteronomy,” there is love? God doesn’t curse the Israelites for no reason. He gives them a choice. He warns them of danger. He says, in essence, chose life because if you don’t you will suffer horribly.

      Isn’t warning someone of danger a good example?

  2. 07-29-2023, What are examples of “God’s example” that come to mind?

    Jesus Christ, set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity” 1 Timothy 4:12

    We need to die to self as we allow Him to live, grow and be seen in our lives. Allow Him to be the power to follow God’s example in our lives as we walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Allowing God to minister to this world must become the only way we know. We need to be a good example of a God-centered life, living in His truth and letting our actions be ones that people will want to follow. We need to cause others to ask, “ Why are you different?”

    In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching, show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us”
    Titus 2:7-8

    We are living in a seriously hurting, increasingly evil world which requires we remain alert at all times as we walk with God on a full time basis, living for God rather than ourselves. The work of God is serious, and we need to be serious about it. We need to be serious about presenting the Gospel to those brought to us by God, saving souls. We need to be serious about discipleship of our new believers. We need to be serious about church fellowship, Bible studies, prayer, our personal growth as we focus on leading a Godly, Christ centered life, letting His actions through us be ones that people will want to follow!

    1. Ron,

      Your thoughts about “living in a seriously hurting, increasingly evil world” are important and true. Our world is increasingly evil, or perhaps the evil that was already there is becoming increasingly obvious. Either way, there is less and less room in the middle to stand. We have to decide — do we believe in Jesus or not? If we say we believe, are we going to act on that belief or not? Time is short.

  3. Great point, those who believe live and act in the faith given to us by God. Pretty simple actually.

  4. In the OT I think of Jonah. God was patient and loving, full of grace and mercy even in the OT. In fact, we even have Exodus 34: 5 – 7 quoted in Jonah 4: 2. Another place where I would think of God’s example that connects with your excellent devotion today, would be that Exodus 34: 5 – 7 passage where God introduces His character to Moses. Then there is God clothing Adam and Eve through a sacrifice that foreshadows Jesus in Genesis 3. Or the promise seen in Genesis 3: 15. The examples are numerous – those are a few.

    In the NT, I have just one word: Jesus.

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