Ephesians 5:4b – Worse Than Death

… but rather thanksgiving.

Summary: Paul has a simple instruction for us, when we talk, we should speak words of thanksgiving. Finding something to be thankful for can be a challenge. Fortunately, when we step back and take a look at the big picture, our reasons to be thankful become clear.

Paul has a suggestion for us. Instead of indulging in sexual immorality, impure or greedy thoughts, obscenities, foolish talk, or questionable humor, Paul recommends that we give God thanks.

Thanks for what?

Maybe your foot hurts. Did you get enough to eat today? Are you working at a job that you like? Do people dislike you? Do they often disagree with you? Are you confined to a wheelchair 24/7 because of a degenerative disease?

Life on this side of heaven is hard. Breathing is hard if you have COPD or asthma. Losing weight is hard if you like to eat. Getting along with people is another hard thing, especially if the people around you are not agreeable.

What, exactly, are we supposed to give thanks for if things aren’t going our way?

There is a scale of relative suffering, much like a ruler or a tape measure. On one end are the little things, and on the other are the big ones. Let’s use a twelve-inch ruler as an example.

At the far left end of the ruler, at the first tick mark, let’s put little complaints like a stubbed toe or a paper cut. At the far right end of the ruler, up at the end of the twelve-inch mark, let’s put the worst possible thing that could happen to a person; being condemned eternally to hell.

The question we are left with is, “Where does everything else go?” Where do we put all the other complaints that we might have in this life?

Let’s go back to the first mark where we put “paper cuts.” From there, move over to the quarter-inch mark. Mark this spot, “The worst thing that can happen to anybody in this life in the flesh.” Everything else that could happen to people falls within the first quarter inch of the ruler.

That’s how bad hell is. Everything on the ruler between the first quarter inch and the last tick mark is what we can be thankful for when we believe in Jesus Christ. He saves us from an eternal nightmare that is beyond human imagination.

But what about the here and now? Well, as Paul mentions earlier in his letter to the Ephesians, he gives us power. Power to make changes. Power to believe. Power to do things we never thought we could do. (Ephesians 1:18-19) He fills our hearts with something we are all hungry for. He gives us love (2 Timothy 1:7). If we ask, he gives us wisdom, knowledge, and understanding (Proverbs 2:6). Most importantly, we are made children of God through faith in Jesus (Galatians 3:26-27). In doing that, we are saved from a fate worse than death.

Application: Praise God with thanksgiving!

Food for Thought: What happens to our complaints when we praise God with thanksgiving?

9 Replies to “Ephesians 5:4b – Worse Than Death”

  1. What happens to our complaints when we praise God with thanksgiving?
    Our complaints seem to pass and dissappear. Their insignificance becomes apparent. Sometimes we thank God for allowing us the freedom of questionable humor to have fellowship and be a Gentile to the Gentiles.

  2. 08-07-2023, What happens to our complaints when we praise God with thanksgiving?

    Thanksgiving and praise are our way of honoring God with our words and actions. It means promoting the Lord’s mercy and compassion to those around us by telling them about the great things He has done in our life. Blessing our Lord, in every circumstances, declares His full time sovereignty in every detail of our lives. The strength of our faith grows as we come to understand and live knowing, in all things, our loving and all knowing Father has only our best interests in mind.

    Submitting to His authority, His decisions in our lives are the path to spiritual growth and we grow in peace as we begin to live knowing all things have purpose and allow Him to be in control on a full time basis. As we properly take up our rightful place in submission to His will, even when it is beyond our understanding.

    Psalm 8:1 reminds us: “O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens.” Thanksgiving and praise reminds you just how powerful your God is. He is the creator of all the world and the universe. Nothing is beneath His notice. If He is in your corner, how can you lose?

    Psalm 22:3 says God inhabits the praises of His people. When you enter into thanksgiving and praise, you invite God’s glory, His presence, to fill your life and your situation. At times of high praise, the Shekinah glory of God will fill the whole place with His sweet presence.

  3. When we praise God with thanksgiving our problems are put into perspective. We also remember the many blessings He has provided. I think this is why it is His will for those of us in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16 – 18.

  4. God has total control of my life! I no longer have any room in my life for hate or anger! It’s just gone. I am Thankful to Jesus fo showing me the way! 🙏

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