Ephesians 6:8 – And Then He Smiled

… because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.

Summary: Recasting life in terms of a prison sentence offers us the chance to see anew what Jesus did for us and what we can do for him.

Imagine, for a moment, that you have been a prisoner in a communist country for many years. The prison cell was a small, dank chamber. It was dirty, rusty, musty, and moldy. There were no amenities. Bugs were everywhere. Food and water were scarce, dirty, and barely enough to keep a person alive. “Inhumane” is the word that describes the place you have been. “A living hell” is what comes to mind when you are asked about it.

The reason you are no longer in that place is the Lord rescued you. He personally negotiated your release with your captors, and all it cost him was his life. In exchange for your freedom, the Lord let himself be tortured and killed.

Then he rose from the dead.

After rising from the dead, he comes to visit you. You have been free for many months now, and have physically recovered from being in prison. Out of gratitude for being released, you have begun helping others.

Mostly, the help you can offer amounts to little things. You write letters to people who might be able to help free other prisoners. You find yourself doing things for people as a memorial to the One who got you released from prison. You honor the Lord in your thoughts and heart, and you find ways to honor him in your daily life.

Now he is here. You and he have a chance to talk. You suffered years of imprisonment. He suffered death so that you could be free.

Do you expect a reward for the little things you do?

Speaking for myself, I don’t think I would. Yet, if the Lord took notice of something good I had done and commented on it, I would take that as a reward. If he looked at me with love and acceptance, and even a touch of pride in seeing me try and do what is right, I would take that as a reward, too. If there was something I had done that made him smile, that would be an amazing reward.

Rewards don’t have to be money. Sometimes a smile or a hug is reward enough. Somehow, I expect that when I see Jesus face to face, if he calls my name and finds any good in me at all, that will be reward enough.

Application: Always keep the Lord in mind.

Food for Thought: What kinds of good things can we do that the Lord would want to reward?

8 Replies to “Ephesians 6:8 – And Then He Smiled”

  1. In Matthew 25 in the parable of the sheep and goats, Jesus mentions several specific things that He is pleased with when we do them. In verses 34 to 40, He indicates that when we do things for the last of these brothers of Jesus (other believers and some would say Jews as well), then it is as if we were doing that good deed unto Jesus Himself. He includes feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, caring for the sick and visiting others in prison. So in at least that passage those would appear to be some things the King rewards.

    1. Brother Rich,

      Thank you! If it is true that we are the “body of Christ” (Ephesians 4: 11-13), then when it comes to doing works of service we are doing his will.

  2. What kinds of good things can we do that the Lord would want to reward?

    I find reward a difficult topic.
    I should do the dishes and make my bed. Should an allowance have anything to do with this?

    I should drive the speed limit. Should I get anything special for doing so?

    I should do my job well. Should I expect extra thanks?

    I should tell people about Jesus, I should worship God, I should live by His commands. Should I expect a reward for this?

    If I’m focused on a reward, my heart is in the wrong place…… but I would like a hug….. or five.

    1. Angela,

      I love your attitude towards rewards. Your words reflect a humble heart. Keep in mind that we are not spiritual employees. We are children, children of God! It is okay to look for our Father’s approval.

  3. 10-02-2023, What kinds of good things can we do that the Lord would want to reward?

    Respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and in humility turn from sin, as we give our hearts to Jesus, and we experience God removing the burden of sin John 3:16, Acts 4:12

    Should we in our own power seek to do God’s work here on earth so we can obtain many rewards in heaven one day, or do we grow in spirit each day, submitting to God as we experience the many rewards He gives today? Paul got the message, and God insured it was recorded and preserved for us today. Acts 9:3–6, Romans 12:1-3, Philippians 3:8-10

    The hearts of God’s people are to become fully devoted to Him. The Holy Spirit will begin the process of transforming the faithful who by faith in Jesus are made sinless in God’s eyes and will begin to reflect His image in their lives. The Holy Spirit lives in our hearts and under His guidance, with daily study and application of His word to our lives, we become the instrument He has predetermined we are to become. Allowing Jesus Christ to use us is seen as He interacts, through us with those brought into our lives. Submission is our goal, allowing Christ to effectively minister to others is our mission and our reward.
    John 14:16-17, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 6-7, 2 Peter 1:3

    Believers should ask themselves: how can I be useful to God? How can I be an instrument for God or how can I give God’s blessing to others? God gives tasks, such as ‘make disciples of all nations’. But God also gives principles as to how we should do that. To be a useful instrument for God, we have to know the ‘what’ and ‘how’ to act according to God’s methods and principles. We must grow spiritually, increase in faith daily, as we submit to God, becoming His instrument as He ministers to others through us. Our reward is witnessing and experiencing Jesus Christ working thru us as He ministers to the lost of this world. This must be experienced to understand it is priceless.
    Ephesians 3:14-21

    1. Wow, Ron!

      Great study today! Maybe a short way to summarize is “Respond to the Word and the Holy Spirit.”

      If we can do that, we will be doing good things! 🙂

  4. You’re right, however the long way with Bible passage back-up, does have more authority than Mrs. Toole’s little boy.

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