Ephesians 6:11a – Fear Can Be Deadly

Put on the full armor of God …

Summary: We live in dangerous times, both physically and spiritually. Only one of these realms is eternal, and that is where the greatest danger lies.

God’s timing is always perfect.

Lately, with the news full of terrifying stories about death and mayhem, it is easy to fall into the trap of worry. Worry, of course, does absolutely nothing but feed more worry. Eventually, if nothing is done to intervene, worry leads to fear.

Worry and fear do nothing constructive. Both eat away time and act like an acid on the soul. Fear shuts down our cognitive abilities and limits our thinking to fight or flight.

Fear is our enemy. That is why terrorists rely so heavily on causing acts of terror. Terror is a form of fear. Terror can cause the victims to freeze or fall into traps.

Fear can be deadly.

So why is God’s timing perfect? Because in the midst of a weekend of especially fearful news, God comes to the rescue. His Word says, “Put on the full armor of God…”

Now, there’s an idea!

What could hurt me if I am wearing the armor of God?

The answer to that question depends on the definition of the word, “me.”

If I am nothing more than flesh and blood, then there is a lot to worry about. The flesh is doomed to die, and pain and suffering are its lot in life. However, if I am a spiritual being with a physical “tent” for a body (2 Peter 1:13), there is something to live for. The spirit of man is destined to exist for eternity (Ecclesiastes 3:11). The only question is, “What kind of eternity?”

Our Creator wants our eternity to be with him (1 Timothy 2:3-5). The devil wants to deprive us and our God of that pleasure. Like a terrorist of the mind, Satan attacks and tries to take us captive to fear.

So where can we get some of this “armor of God?” How can we protect ourselves against spiritual terrorism?

I have good news for you! Paul is going to tell us.

Application: Consider why we need spiritual armor.

Food for Thought: When is the best time to put on the armor of God? Why?

11 Replies to “Ephesians 6:11a – Fear Can Be Deadly”

  1. I like T&A’s response!

    In is NOT the best time for a goalie to put his equipment on after the starting buzzer sounds. Our spiritual armor is put on in reading His Word, prayer, walking with Him in daily life. Then we are ready! The best time is anytime and all the time. The armor is put on and it is fortified.

    1. Chris,

      Your comment makes me smile. As a young man I was often late for … well, everything! There is nothing more embarrassing than arriving at a hockey game late and rushing out to the goalie box after the game has started, dragging your equipment with one hand and holding a cup of coffee in the other.

      The other team probably isn’t going to wait while you finish your coffee and gear up.

  2. I agree with the other comments. The sooner the better and then keep it on all the time. We are told to put on the spiritual armor. We are not told to take it off. Since each day has new attacks, from a practical standpoint we need to check our armor every day (Luke 9: 23). First thing when we wake up is a good time to do so.

    1. Great point, Rich!

      “Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23)

  3. 10-10-2023, When is the best time to put on the armor of God? Why?

    Great stuff! Your Luke 9:23 ties in nicely.

    Found some interesting, information as I was doing research this morning and I post it for consideration and encouragement.

    God calls for all believers to be alert and of sober mind as our enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

    Satan’s power is over all the nations of the earth. Jesus calls him the ruler of this world who is subordinate to the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. John 12:31, John 16:11, 2 Corinthians 4:4, Luke 10:19, 1John 4:4, John 14;30

    Spiritual warfare is often seen as an individual believer’s call to put on armor and fight the demonic forces themselves, as if this is a test to prove his faith. Spiritual warfare is about God’s people joining their Lord in His warfare. He equips and empowers us to accompany him into enemy territory and proclaim His kingdom purposes.
    Ephesians 4:7–16, 1 Corinthians 12:11, Matthew 28:20

    The armor of God passage is not written to stir up fear, but to encourage believers of God’s total provision for us. We can stop feeling vulnerable to the enemy and start feeling equipped by God to contend with and defeat temptations.

    Paul could be reminding us of the prophet Isaiah’s description of our warrior King, Jesus Christ who is in our hearts every moment of our lives. Believers are encouraged to live our faith, aware of the power Jesus Christ brings into our lives. He in His armor protects us as we walk in faith.

    We find courage knowing our Savior girds Himself with a belt of truth to speak on our behalf Isaiah 11:1–5.

    Our joy is in the knowledge of our Lord coming with shoes to pronounce gospel peace Isaiah 52:1–10.

    Our Savior enters satan’s darkness with a breastplate of righteousness and a helmet of salvation to deliver His people from all oppression Isaiah 59:17.

    The Lord’s servant speaks words like a sharp sword, bringing salvation to the ends of the earth Isaiah 49:1–6.

    It is to this Savior that King David flees to be shielded by faith during his enemy’s attacks Psalm 18:29–42.

  4. Thanks Ron!

    You write, “Spiritual warfare is about God’s people joining their Lord in His warfare.” This is such an important point. We do not have to go it alone. This is a battle the Lord is willing and able to help us with.

  5. Exactly, which tells me we should daily Matthew 6:33 and Jesus will as always watch over and care for His people.


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