Ephesians 6:16c – And Then There Was Jōb

… the flaming arrows of the evil one.

Summary: Pondering the meaning of “flaming arrows” leads us to consider the fate of Job.

As I have pondered the topic of “flaming arrows,” I find my mind ranging from Genesis to Revelation. There are many examples in Scripture of different kinds of arrows.

The very first “flaming arrow” was aimed at Adam and Eve. Conned into touching the forbidden tree and eating its fruit, mankind has suffered the pain of sin ever since. (Genesis 3:1-20) And isn’t that the definition of a flaming arrow? It pierces us, and the flame burns and burns. It never goes out.

Shortly after, sin, “crouching at [the] door” of Cain’s mind, shot another arrow. This one resulted in the death of Abel and guilt for Cain. (Genesis 4: 1-14)

Then there was Job.

Job took a whole quiver full of arrows from the evil one. In one day, all his great wealth was taken away. Sabeans took his oxen and donkeys. The “fire of God” burned up his sheep and his servants. Chaldean raiding parties took his camels.

Minutes later, Job received word that his seven sons and three daughters were killed when the house they were in collapsed.

Do you think your day was bad? Job’s was worse! Yet even with all of these “flaming arrows” in his back, the Scriptures say “Job did not sin.” Instead, he says:

“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
    and naked I will depart.
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;
    may the name of the Lord be praised.” (Job 1:21)

Later, as if losing everything he ever had was not enough, God allowed the devil to afflict Job with physical pain. He found himself covered with “painful sores from the soles of his feet to the crown of his head.” (Job 2:8)


All Job had left was his wife.

Possibly, he looked to her for sympathy and compassion. If he did, he was disappointed. Scripture tells us she looked at him sitting among the ashes, scraping his sores with a piece of broken pottery and said, “Are you still maintaining your integrity? Curse God and die!” (Job 2:9)

Job’s response? “Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?”

Job’s suffering was epic. His three friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar, tried to convince Job that God was punishing him for some sin. Job would have none of it! These arrows burned because they were undeserved. None of this was fair, yet even though Job complained long and loud to his friends, he did not fault God.

Job’s faith was rock solid. His shield was in place. Yet, trouble still found him. The shield of faith may not protect our pocketbook or even our health, but it does protect our relationship with God.

Application: Do not be distracted by worldly troubles. Our goal is to keep our eyes on Jesus.

Food for Thought: How did Job’s shield of faith protect him?

8 Replies to “Ephesians 6:16c – And Then There Was Jōb”

  1. May we have faith of Job! Great application, Let’s us keep our eyes only on Jesus!

  2. It is hard to answer this question. Job’s shield obviously held in a great and devastating spiritual battle. He serves as a model for us to walk with the Lord in the same kind of intimacy and trust.

  3. 10-26-2023, How did Job’s shield of faith protect him?

    We are eternal spiritual beings, confined in temporary, physical housings, and we are wrestling against spiritual wickedness in high places.
    Ephesians 6:12

    Knowing he was being held in the Hand of God, Job was spiritually secure in His faith, and quietly, in his spiritual strength endured all the physical attacks of satan.
    Job 12:10, Psalm 63:8, Isaiah 46:4, John 10:28-29

    We are called to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.allowing His strength to be our might as we are called to be calmly quiet as He fights for us.
    Ephesians 6:10, Exodus 14:14

    Job’s strong, enduring faith and strength from God allowed him to suffer loss of his family, every material possession he had acquired, and in the end endure the increasing pain of failing health, and the ridicule of all those around him calling him a fool for remaining faithful to God. Job was able to live in reality, Spiritually protected from all powers of satan, Job fully understood the difference between temporary prosperity in this present physical world, and spiritual prosperity in the presence of our eternal God.
    He chose to live by faith in God, and as satan fled, God restored all to Job, giving him twice plus of all he had before and restoring many relationships, and 140 additional years of life.

    1. Thank you, Ron!

      Great verses!
      I really appreciate your comment that “Job was able to live in reality.” Reality, the REAL reality, is invisible to our eyes of flesh.

      1. Yes, I get there every now and then, looking forward to being there full time when I get finished here.


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