Ephesians 6:17b – The Army of God

… and the sword of the Spirit,

Summary: The last piece of armor Paul talks is the soldier’s sword. Even soldier’s in the Army of God have one.

So far, every piece of armor Paul has mentioned has been defensive. The purpose of defensive armor is to protect the soldier from harm. Belt, breastplate, footwear, shield, and helmet all work together as a barrier against the enemy’s weapons. Isn’t this enough?

The answer to that question is, “It depends.”

If a soldier walks into a bar and a bar fight is going on, armor would provide an advantage against fists and flying bottles. Assuming the soldier is well-trained and physically fit, he could wade into the fight and come out on top. Anyone coming up against his armor with bare fists would only injure themselves.

But what about the battlefield? What happens when the soldier comes up against other soldiers who have weapons? Is armor alone enough?


If you go into battle, armor alone will not stop the enemy. A soldier without a weapon would soon be overrun and destroyed.

Believers in Jesus Christ can elect to serve in the army of God. This is not a salvation issue. Jesus can save us by the power of his own hand (Romans 14:4). But what about the battle for souls? What about our family and friends? Do we want to see Satan capture those around us and condemn them to the eternal lake of fire? (Revelation 20: 14-15)

We have an opportunity like no other. We are given life in the flesh for a short time. While we are here, we can have an impact on those around us. We can be agents of evil or ambassadors of good. After we leave this life and pass on, we lose our chance to influence what happens here. The battle is real. The stakes are high.

Remember Paul’s encouraging words:

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6: 10-12)

Like the Roman soldier, we who choose to serve in the army of God have both armor and a weapon. Because this battle is not a battle of flesh and blood, our sword is not made of metal by human hands. Our sword is made for spiritual warfare and made by God himself.

Application: Join the battle! Armor up!

Food for Thought: What does a spiritual battle look like?

11 Replies to “Ephesians 6:17b – The Army of God”

  1. What does a spiritual battle look like?
    It looks like today and everyday but some don’t know it, aren’t aware of it, or even care. Yet it’s right in front of them when they turn on the news. The spiritual battle starts when i wake up in the morning. Bible or breakfast?

  2. This sword of the Word is a call to action for those who believe Jesus is our Savior and King. Lord, guve us courage to be our soldiers in this world today.

  3. What does a spiritual battle look like?

    I believe different people face different battles.

    I need/want to take a couple hours off work and the thought enters my mind to use my sick leave instead of my annual leave, even though those hours have nothing to do with health. It is a spiritual battle for me because 1) my old self used to that regularly, 2) it is rooted in the love of money (I have more sick leave and sick leave is not paid out when I retire, but annual leave is) and 3) I cannot be denied sick leave, but I can be denied annual leave. This is a spiritual battle I face every time I want to take a couple hours off. Probably because I have done it in my past. It is different now for me because I recognize that it is not about leave time, but about my relationship with my Savior. See if I were to choose to be dishonest, the next attack is on who I am in Christ. “See, you haven’t changed, the Light isn’t in you.” Even more so, it is an attack on who God is. “See, Christ can’t redeem you, you are the same as you ever were.” Then I become as Adam in the Garden hiding from God because I am ashamed.

    I know that I can ask for forgiveness, and Christ is faithful to forgive, but it equates to me taking two steps back and then one step forward. That is a retreat. Choosing to do what is right in the eyes of God is a constant step forward. That is an advance.

    Spiritual warfare is designed to keep us from walking with the Lord by any means possible.

    James 4:7 “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

    Ephesians 6:10-11 “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

    1. Chris,

      I deeply appreciate you sharing this example of a spiritual battle. I can relate. It seems like it never ends, too. Today it is wrestling with the question of leave time, tomorrow my conscience pricks me if I don’t pick up a piece of trash someone else left on the ground.

      Then there are the moments when I feel like God’s Spirit is nudging me to do something, to reach out to someone in a way that is outside of my comfort zone … do I obey or not? If I don’t I feel horrible. If I do, the outcome is generally amazing.

      May God bless all of us who wrestle with these things and make us stronger every day in his Word and in obedience to his Spirit.

  4. I like the previous remarks and love how CH shared from personal experience.

    The war is real and war can get ugly. We have an unmerciful enemy whose tactics would make Hamas blush. So it is a really good idea to put the armor on – every day.

  5. Great meditation and responses!

    11-01-2023, What does a spiritual battle look like?

    We are spiritual beings living in a physical world quickly becoming a desolate wilderness. With a corrupt minority controlling the majority. Educators exchange the truth for lies, teaching compliance to their falsehoods.

    Satisfying physical wants is becoming the priority of this world which teaches there are 81 genders and counting. Powerful drugs to cover the convicting power of the Holy Spirit are easily available, and our streets are becoming filled with blue tents housing drugged people, escaping reality, dying from drug overdose at the rate of 100,000 per year.

    Jesus is our power over all demonic beings at work all around us, and with Him in our hearts we truly fear no evil as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death: Matthew 8:29,10:1, Mark 3:11, Luke 4:41,10:17

    When confronted by these evil beings, Christ in us is our example as He defeated the temptations of the most powerful demonic power, Satan, by countering each temptation with the Word of God which caused Satan to flee.

    Jesus is our example in Matthew 4:1-11, Mark 1:12–13, Luke 4:1-13.

    God’s Word is instructing each believer to fight this spiritual battle as we: Stand our ground, firmly grounded in truth, righteousness, and peace. With faith, in the full knowledge of our salvation thru Christ. While maintaining a firm grip on the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of GOD. We submit ourselves to God, as we resist the devil and he will flee from us. James 4:7

    God stills loves this world, He continues to hold the door open to those who will choose to turn from their sins, to His open arms. We must be the light they see, the light that attracts, the light that makes them ask, why are you different, We must faithfully and expertly utilize the sword of the Spirit, the word of God, which we can hold firmly as we allow the Holy Spirit to speak to the person God has called to us.

  6. Ron

    You remind me of what Paul has already said. Our battle is not against flesh and blood. We are standing against the corruption caused by the devil. We have much to learn and much to do. Hu-Rah!

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