Ephesians 6:18c – Request Granted

… with all kinds of prayers and requests.

Summary: All who believe are called to be part of the body of Christ. As Paul reminds us, there are many different parts in the body. All of us need the armor of God, and all of us have questions.

I suppose that an experienced warrior, whether a Roman soldier or a U.S. Marine, knows the ropes well enough that they do not have to ask lots of questions. When they get their orders, they don’t have to ask “Why?” or “How?” They simply do what they are told.

Paul was an experienced warrior in the battle between Good and Evil. He had served in God’s army as a student of the Law and a Pharisee. He knew the ropes. Then Jesus called him to his true mission — teaching the Gospel. Paul learned what he needed to learn by revelation from God (Galatians 1:12) and then went to work. Paul spread the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout the known world. He went everywhere.

Now, it is our turn. Some of us are well-trained in the Word and the history of the Bible, but most of us are not. We are not seasoned recruits. That is why Paul explains the armor of God and the sword of the Spirit. He is teaching us the basics of being a warrior in God’s army. But Paul has gone to be with Jesus. We have his letters, but he is not here. Where do we go with our questions and needs?

We go to Jesus.

Jesus, of course, points us to the Father.

We begin as slaves to Satan before we are saved by Jesus. Deceived by the devil, we believe we are serving ourselves until by the grace of God, we realize we need a savior. When we submit to Jesus as Lord, and accept forgiveness and his promises of salvation, we are reunited with God.

At first, that is enough. We are content to be saved. Then we feel the call to serve, to enlist, if you will, in God’s army. We choose to put on the armor of God and pick up the sword of the Spirit, intent on doing battle for our Lord.

But how?

We have questions. We need direction. We stumble and fall, and we need help.

Our Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, is with us. He is our direct line to headquarters, our link to the living God. He is, if you will accept it, God within us.

Ask your questions. Make your requests. Our God is not a god of limits, so ask all you want. Our Father and King rejoice in our willingness to take up arms against the Foe. There is nothing they will not do to ensure our ultimate success. Just like there was nothing our Lord would not do to ensure our freedom from sin.

Application: Talk to God … about everything.

Food for Thought: 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 describes different parts of the body of Christ. Why do all these parts still need the armor of God?

7 Replies to “Ephesians 6:18c – Request Granted”

  1. Whether we are talking metaphorically or in actuality about ourselves or the Church, in spiritually, or about our physical bodies, we give ourselves wholly to the Lord, and have to understand that the enemy will look for any “chink” in the armor to distract, delay, or thwart our effectiveness to give ourselves wholly to Him. If we are not wearing the armor, we make ourselves an easy target.

    Romans 12 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.

    1 Corinthians 12:26 If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.

  2. Just like whether someone is a medic, chaplain, soldier, officer, news correspondent, etc. they need to wear armor and have gear while on the battlefield in a physical war, so every person needs to have on the proper equipment in the spiritual battle. If you are in the war, you are a target. Whatever your role, it is all in the same effort against a deadly spiritual enemy. 1 Peter 5: 8 – 9.

  3. 11-13-2023, 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 describes different parts of the body of Christ. Why do all these parts still need the armor of God?

    In church yesterday, a young man, 37 y.o. asked me what I thought about all the anti Israel protests going on. Recalling 2 Timothy 22:23-25a, “Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness”. I called on the sword of the Spirit and replied, “we both know our bibles are the Word of God. His truth’’s revealed to, recorded by men, and I quoted John 16:8.”

    John 16:8, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit: “When [the Spirit] comes, He will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment”

    I asked if he believed we are all individual creations of God, aware of right, wrong actions, thoughts, and the coming judgement by God. He said yes, and I told him I believed we should focus on our behavior allowing God to do the convicting and judging of the actions of others, and the matter was closed.

    We are all spiritual beings, confined to physical bodies, prepared by God to spiritually be specific parts of the body of Christ, all exposed to attacks from our enemy even in our church. Paul describes the armor all believers are to put on Ephesians 6:10-18 and I believe live in full time.

    1. Ron,

      Thank you for sharing the story of your conversation yesterday. Paul’s advice to Timothy about “foolish, ignorant controversies” is well remembered. There are so very many opportunities for such disagreements these days.

      Jesus didn’t say, “the Spirit will convict you [meaning believers] of sin and unrighteousness” because we have already been convicted! We find peace before our God because we have confessed our sins and “If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.” (1 John 3:20)

      You are right to point out that the Spirit will “convict the world.”

      We see it all the time. People acting out because they are not getting their way. In some form or other they are being convicted of being in the wrong. When people lash out and try and hurt others, it is not because they are happy and at peace with themselves.

      Not only do we have to put on the armor “full time” as you propose, but we need to keep our minds and hearts in the Word of God so that the power of the armor is kept in top shape and not diminished by selfish or vain thoughts.

  4. Great feedback Brother. Our God’s power is beyond our comprehension and will give our spirits all we can handle. Walk in Him and enjoy His peace as we live both detached and heavily involved in the battle being fought around us.

    God’s Blessings!


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