Ephesians 6:18d – Safety First

With this in mind, be alert …

Summary: When Paul tells us to be alert, we are prompted to ask the question, “Alert for what?”

Paul tells us to “pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” Now he adds we are to “be alert.” Be alert for what?

He explains that he wants us to pray for “all the Lord’s people.” From this, we can surmise that we should be alert to what is happening with the Lord’s people. Which brings to mind the question, “All the Lord’s people??”

In Paul’s day, there were no telephones, cell phones, television or internet. Messages could be carried by courier or carrier pigeon. Important letters were copied and shared. Getting information was difficult, slow, and sometimes dangerous.

Knowing how information traveled in Paul’s day provides us some context for what Paul meant by “all the Lord’s people.”

Today, if you want to know about “all the Lord’s people,” the internet can bring news of thousands of souls all around the globe. We can read about events that happened minutes ago and see videos of things happening in real-time. Information comes at us so fast that it is overwhelming.

So what does Paul mean by “be alert,” and what does that mean for us today?

Here are some suggestions:

Be alert for the devil’s attempts to penetrate your armor (1 Peter 5:8). As they say on the airplanes when they demonstrate the oxygen masks, you can’t help protect anyone else if you don’t protect yourself first.

Be alert to your family’s needs and any threats to your family’s well-being. We live in a time of unprecedented access to perversion and evil brought to us over the internet and television. We literally invite the voices of questionable morality into our homes and minds. Texting and social media are other portals to demonic influence. Covering our families in prayer is important, as well as taking practical measures to guard and protect against dark influences.

Be alert to who your neighbors are and what their needs are. Do you know your neighbors? In today’s world, it is entirely possible to live next to people for years and not know them. Make the effort to know your neighbors and pray for them.

Be alert to what is going on in your church group. Whether you are in a home church or a mega church, look around. What is going on? Is everyone okay? What about your small groups? Are the individuals you serve with and know well okay? Pray for the protection, well-being, and spiritual health of your church.

Finally, as to the rest of the world, be alert to the prayer needs of the city, county, state, and country you live in. Be aware of other countries and their needs. Be aware of the persecution happening because of our faith in Jesus Christ. Pray for God’s kingdom to come into every heart in the land. Pray for God’s will to be done. Pray “with all kinds of prayers and requests.”

Application: Be alert and be in the Word and prayer.

Food for Thought: How does praying for your own spiritual well-being aid your neighbors and the world at large?

7 Replies to “Ephesians 6:18d – Safety First”

  1. Our ability to effectively pray for others depends on the condition of our hearts. A little bit like the “clean hands” doctrine in court. If one petitions the court in a matter, but is found to have committed wrongdoing themselves in the matter, the court will not hear the case.

    The further away from sin, the closer you can be to God. The closer you are to God, the greater your faith in Him. The greater your faith, the more effective your prayers. More effective in the sense that your thoughts and heart are in tune with His Will.

    James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

    1 Peter 3:12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
    and his ears are open to their prayer.
    But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”

    Matthew 5:23-24 So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.

    1. Chris,

      I appreciate you bringing the “clean hands” doctrine up as an example. That illustrates our situation before the Father very well.
      (Its a bit like telling a little child to ‘go wash your hands’ have have them come back from the bathroom with hands that are all sticky and grimy.)

  2. Good comments CH.

    I think if we are doing good personal “soul care” we are in a healthier position to help others. Those who can see are qualified to lead the blind. If the blind lead the blind it will end poorly.

  3. 11-16-2023, How does praying for your own spiritual well-being aid your neighbors and the world at large?

    Believers must be prepared by God for His ministry through each of us.

    The believers in Acts 1:8 were told to wait. In Acts 2, the Spirit came upon them and they received the ability to speak with power.  And in Acts 4:31 they are filled with the Holy Spirit and they boldly speak the word of God.

    Our unseen, Omnipresent God is the source of all power to effectively communicate His will for others to others, bringing them to the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We simply, according to His will, step aside and allow Him to minister to others through us.

    John the Baptist new this when he spoke the words in John 3:30 “He must increase, but I must decrease.” This should be our prayer as we wait on the Lord to to prepare us effectively serve as He has predetermined.

    1 Peter 5:6-11, Clearly tells us to remain in Gods waiting room, grow in humility, faith, self discipline and He will complete, confirm, strengthen and establish each as He requires for His purposes. We should pray and study as we cooperate with God in our maturing process.

    Also see, Matthew 6:9–10, John 5:30, 15:5, Luke 22:42, John, 2 Timothy 1:9, Ephesians 4:11.

    1. Ron,

      I can appreciate being in the “waiting room,” as we wait on God to prepare us with his Word and his Spirit. Sometimes, we wait for our Lord to indicate with a nod or a finger what we should do. When we do step out in faith, that is when the excitement begins. 🙂

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