1 Chronicles 16:34 – Happy Thanksgiving!

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.

Summary: This time of year is a great time to re-calibrate what we are thankful for.

Today is Thanksgiving Day. Are you thankful?

Are you happy?

If you live in the United States, you live in the wealthiest country in the world. The problems we have in this country are called “First World Problems” because they seem trivial compared to people who have nothing to eat, no place to live, and have to drink dirty water. Yet, even here in the midst of all our wealth, our neighbor might seem happier, their car might be newer, they might have more of whatever you think is important to have today.

By comparison, we are never as well off as someone who has something newer, better, or more expensive than what we have.

The Tenth Commandment (Exodus 20:17) tells us not to covet what our neighbor has. There is a reason for this.

When Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree, “the eyes of both of them were opened” (Genesis 3:7). Before their eyes were “opened,” they were child-like. They would not have cared if someone had something they didn’t have. They would have been content with the abundance of God’s Garden and the joy of his presence.

When their eyes were opened, they could see “good and evil” (Genesis 3:5), but they did not know the difference. That is why God gave the Ten Commandments. He put into writing the difference between good and evil. Coveting what your neighbor has is evil.

As we celebrate this Thanksgiving holiday, my prayer for you and your friends and family is this: Whatever place you find yourself in and whatever possessions you have, it is enough, and that you are content. I pray God blesses you with health for the day and that you find happiness in his blessing. I pray that if you have nothing this year, you find your hope in Jesus Christ and contentment in the gift of life itself.

Compared to what we have today, the first Pilgrims had nothing. Yet, those who had survived the year had life and hope. And they had food. God had not failed them. It was the simple basics of life that they gave thanks for, and so should we.

Application: Thank God!

Food for Thought: How has knowing God affected your ability to be thankful?

5 Replies to “1 Chronicles 16:34 – Happy Thanksgiving!”

  1. I used to think about what I didn’t have (time, talents, resources). Always pushing for the next best thing. Knowing God has changed the way I look at what I “have.” A tool holds no value if it is never used. I’m thankful that the things I have and my ability to use them can be used to help others. I’m also thankful that God has placed people in my life that help me.

    1. Thanks Chris!

      I love the illustration of the “tool.” I have a shop full of tools I hardly ever use but every now and then I pull an odd one out to use it and I’m thankful to have it.

      Thankfulness is kind of like that. We can have all kinds of gifts God has given us that we only need once in awhile. Meanwhile we forget we have them — we forget to be thankful we have them.

      This is a good day to meditate on what we have been given and how rich in the Lord we are. — Blessings!

  2. 11-23-2023, How has knowing God affected your ability to be thankful?

    I have lived in spiritual and physical poverty for many years, and I was blessed by God daily as He watched over me. I have been given great spiritual and material wealth and have been able to give to others as directed by God who is growing in my heart, and is truly the source of all I am.

    I have come to know God to the degree I have given my self to Him, surrendered my will to His Will and today seek fellowship with Him over all this world has to offer. I live a very blessed in Christ, knowing He has work for me on earth and do my best to give each day to Him in obedience to His will.

    Today because of the call of the Holy Spirit, I have wonderful memories of the life God has given me, and I am very thankful for all the wonderful people God has brought into my life, the ministry God has called me to, and my family with whom I will share this Thanksgiving day.

    Happy Thanksgiving To All !

    1. Ron,

      Thank you! Your words are a blessing to all of us at Three Minute Bible, too! Your life experiences add perspective to other lives, and help me and others appreciate how valuable our relationship with God is.


  3. How has knowing God affected your ability to be thankful?
    Knowing people who know God is something I’m able to be thankful of. A church family and so much more that I am able to be thankful of since knowing God.

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