Galatians 1:8a – When Paul Met Jesus

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, …

Summary: Paul is adamant that the gospel message he was given by Jesus remain pure. This makes us wonder what it would take to get Paul off-message.

Can you imagine Paul changing his mind about the gospel he has been preaching? The mere idea of such a thing boggles the mind. When it comes to his theology, Paul is rock solid and unmoving.

And why not?

Paul (aka “Saul”) was a man fully dedicated to the ways of the Pharisees. He was the enemy of “The Way” and persecuted anyone who believed in Jesus until he met him face to face.

When Paul met Jesus, his world turned upside down. He went to Arabia (Galatians 1:17) for a time and then returned to work. When he returned, it was as a representative of the Truth, Jesus Christ. Since then, Paul has been unwavering in his faith in Jesus and his story about Jesus.

But what if Paul lost his mind? What if he were abducted by aliens and had his brain sucked out to be replaced by a robot brain? What if Paul suffered delusions and started experiencing hallucinations? Could such a Paul change his story? Of course! Should we believe it because it is Paul speaking, even though it doesn’t match what he used to preach? No!

This is war!

We are in a war against death. Death wins when the devil tempts us into sin. Sin in this case, is not forgetting to count your steps on the Sabbath. Instead, it is forgetting Jesus. When we rebel against God, when we distance ourselves from God by refusing to believe, when we rely on our power to save instead of Christ’s, we are sinning. When that happens, if we don’t return to Jesus, death wins.

Jesus chose Paul to be his messenger. Paul refuses to take his eyes off his mission. Don’t mess with Paul’s message. Even if you are an “angel from heaven.” He won’t let you.

Application: The message is clear. We need Jesus.

Food for Thought: How do you know if someone is tampering with Paul’s message?

6 Replies to “Galatians 1:8a – When Paul Met Jesus”

  1. If someone diminishes Jesus by their message, by either adding something else or not exalting Jesus as the only Savior, then run. Philippians 3: 7 – 11.

  2. If they add any type of barrier between us and Christ. Usually a barrier of works or worthiness, or places wisdom, understanding, or knowledge above God’s Word. All knowledge is from God, and is to bring us closer to Him, not serve to keep us from Him. Our worthiness comes only about through Christ’s sacrifice, and our works are nothing unless we are seeking and doing the Will of the Lord through thr guidance of the Spirit. God has given us His Spirit and His Word to guide us. Everything else fall short.

    1. Wow, Chris, you’ve said a mouthful!

      How many churches add a layer of priesthood or something similar between laity and God? How many academics have built a wall of big words to obscure the meaning of God’s Word?

      Jesus is personal.

  3. 12-16-2023, How do you know if someone is tampering with Paul’s message?

    God has inspired. Instructed men to correctly, truly record His Word, exactly as He spoke. He now preserves His forever. God does not change His message to men.
    Isaiah 40:8, Matthew 5:18, 24:35, 2Timothy 3:16

    We are called to not trust every spirit, but rest the spirits, determine if they are of God, and have been given the word of God which is our sword against false teachings, test all things and old fast to what is good.
    1 John 4:1, Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 4:12, 1 Thessalonians 5:21

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