Galatians 2:2a – The Naked Truth

I went in response to a revelation …

Summary: The two key words in this passage are “revelation” and “response.” The Bible is full of wonderful examples of both.

How do you respond to revelation from God? Do you remember?

“What,” you ask, “do you mean by, ‘remember?’ When did I ever get a revelation from God?”

If you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, the Bible says that the good news of the gospel comes to us with “power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction” (1 Thessalonians 1:4-5). Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians describes what it means to have God reveal his truth to you.

After all, the word “revelation” means to “lay bare,” or “reveal” something. In biblical terms, it means that God has revealed something. The way that God does that is by using his power and his Holy Spirit to create a deep conviction of what he wants you to know.

When Jesus met Paul on the road to Damascus, he revealed himself to Paul. That was a “revelation” that resulted in the “deep conviction” that Jesus was alive and truly the Son of God. That revelation changed Paul’s life.

There are two parts to a revelation that Paul brings to light in this passage. The first is the revelation itself. The second is our response.

When God revealed himself to Abraham and instructed him and all the males with him to “undergo circumcision,” Abraham responded immediately. He didn’t hesitate or allow himself to think about it. The revelation resulted in a deep conviction that he must act immediately, and so he did (Genesis 17: 1-14).

Later, when God revealed that he wanted Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, we see the same response. There is no delay, no hesitation in Abraham’s response. The Bible tells us Abraham was up “early” the next morning. He immediately set out to obey God’s will for him.

Paul doesn’t give us details about the revelation that caused him to go to Jerusalem, but we can see the effect it had on him. He didn’t wait, and he didn’t hesitate. He obeyed God.

Does God still reveal himself to us today? If we believe what Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, the answer is yes, he does. The question that remains is how will we respond. How do we respond when we know what is right and we feel the deep conviction of the Holy Spirit? Do we respond like Abraham, or do we stop and think about it?

Application: Spend time with God’s Word so that when he reveals his will to you, your confidence in knowing what is right by God spills over into an immediate response.

Food for Thought: Is it fair to say that God gives his people “revelations” today, and if so, how do we know?

9 Replies to “Galatians 2:2a – The Naked Truth”

  1. I believe He still gives us revelations today through His word, through our conscience, through people we meet. However I don’t know that we always feel safe or confident to act on it. For myself, when God gives me the revelation to speak to someone I do not know (which is out of my comfort zone) it is easier to approach the little elderly lady in the craft store than the homeless guy on the street corner. The prompts to speak to each of them are the same but the uncertainty or fear is different for each. I am not as bold to seek out the homeless man. Is it because I am a woman or is it something more? It is the same God prompting me.

    The more I am in His word, the more revelations I have from Him. He can speak to us through anything. We only just have to be listening and willing to hear (because listening and hearing are not the same) and not be afraid to act and move as He directs us. It is easy to say this is more difficult in today’s world but it was even difficult back in Jesus’ time and before.

    1. Thank you, Darla!

      So much truth in what you say! I believe that God likes to nudge us out of our “comfort zones” so that we can be more effective in his “reality zone.” I also like your point about listening and hearing. It is like the difference between an EMERGENCY BROADCAST ANNOUNCEMENT and mellow background music. Only we have to choose what to listen to.

      Thank you for sharing!

  2. It’s an interesting question. I believe the Bible is God’s revelation to us. That it is a well that runs deeper than the human mind can deplete.

    When I think about “revelations” from God I think about “I once was blind but now I see.” In that context, one can listen to a parable from the Bible and not understand it, but one day understand it as God reveals His truth to that person. The truth then sets them free by changing their heart. It is not something heard and stored away for later use, it changes the trajectory of their life now. I know there are some that have claimed “revelations” or “new truths” from God that do not line up with the Word of God, either outright or in the concept of God’s love, righteousness, holiness, mercy, or forgiveness. I believe a person today who is close to God, spends time in His presence, seeks His truth in all facets, is well-versed in His Word, would understand the “origin” of a revelation. That any “revelations” must line up with the Word of God.

    1 Corinthians 2:10-12
    10 these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. 11 For who knows a person’s thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12 Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God.

    Psalm 146:8
    The LORD gives sight to the blind, the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down, the LORD loves the righteous.

    1. Thank you, Chris!

      Lots of wisdom in your comment! As you point out, claims of “revelation from God” can be abused, and I believe they are. To the believer in God who knows the Word of God, these abuses are horrible. Yet there is one good that comes out of any claim of a “revelation from God.” You hint at it yourself. True revelation must align with the Word of God. The only way to know if a revelation aligns with the Word of God is to study the Word of God … endlessly! 🙂

  3. Thank you both for your wonderful comments. Chris I enjoyed the verses 1 Corinthians 2:10-12.

  4. 01-19-2024, Is it fair to say that God gives his people “revelations” today, and if so, how do we know?


    Great Questions and Comments!

    I have come to understand, every single good thing done by me and every believer is by the power of God working through believers as we submit and act according to His will over our own.

    Mark 7:21, For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries,
    Ephesians 2:1-5, Psalm 16:2, 53:3, Mark 7:21, Acts 17:24–25,
    Romans 7:18

    God’s word is very clear regarding the natural condition of all mankind, and the process by which God forms Christ’s character in believers by the ministry of the Holy Spirit. This process involves the revelation and transformation of the whole person in thoughts, behaviors, as we relate with God and others on earth.

    Ephesians 4:24,  and put on the new self [the regenerated and renewed nature], created in God’s image, [godlike] in the righteousness and holiness of the truth [living in a way that expresses to God your gratitude for your salvation]. AMP

    1. Thank you, Ron.

      I remember many stories you have shared where God has revealed something to you about yourself and your need for God. That is a powerful testimony to the power of revelation.

  5. Good comments. This subject is pretty well covered. I really resonated with what CH wrote.

    God’s word is a complete revelation we will never deplete. Well said CH. And I know that any revelation someone claims to have should be in agreement with God’s word.

    I am probably not the best one to answer. I have seen people have revelations that make me wonder. Just this week someone wrote to me as a “watchman on the wall.” Of course, God was telling them what I should do. This person always tells me what a terrible job I am doing and how I better shape up. If this is God speaking I admit I am in trouble as I can’t seem to get anything right no matter how hard I try. If this is God speaking then I am not getting much grace and I am storing up wrath because of my ineptness – again, even in those times when I am trying to do my best. This last week I finally blocked their emails because it felt abusive. They would say I am blocking God. I don’t think that is what I am doing. But yet, they had a revelation. So I might be on shaky ground. So pray for me.

    1. Father,

      Protect our brother from the voices of anger, hate, and manipulation by false claims of revelation. Guard his heart from the arrows of the Evil One and heal the wounds in his soul from those who would do him harm.

      We pray in Jesus’ name,


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