Luke 24:5-6 – Happy Easter!

Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!

Summary: All four gospels include testimony about Jesus rising from the dead. Luke includes a story about the two angels who announce the resurrection.

Looking through the four gospel accounts of Jesus’ resurrection, I noticed today’s passage. Luke’s gospel account tells us the women who had come with Jesus from Galilee (Luke 23:55), seen him at the crucifixion, and went to the tomb Sunday morning. They found the tomb open and empty. Before they could think to do anything, two angels appeared and said, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!”

The good news, of course, is that Jesus has risen from the dead! He has demonstrated to all people and for all time that God has power over death. Today, Easter Sunday, is a day for pondering that fact and praising God.

Sometime during the day, I hope you also find a moment to ponder the angel’s question.

When Nicodemus visits Jesus (John 3), he starts to make small talk, but Jesus isn’t having any of it. He goes right to the heart of the matter and says, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” (John 3:3)

Why would anyone need to be born again if they were already alive? The answer is that they wouldn’t. Only a dead person needs to be born again.

Without Jesus, we are all dead men (and women) walking.

When we look for help among the worldly, we are looking for salvation “among the dead.” There is no healing for the soul, new life, or salvation among the dead. There is only death.

When Jesus rose from the dead, he proved he was alive. Jesus is more alive than any human being before him. Jesus had enough “aliveness” in him to survive crucifixion on the cross and three days in the tomb.

Today, when you celebrate Easter, don’t look for life among the dead. Instead, look for Jesus. He might be sitting next to you in church, or he might be in you helping someone change a flat tire on the way home. Jesus is everywhere. He is very much alive. Praise God!

Application: Rejoice! Jesus is alive! He is risen!

Food for Thought: How do you tell the difference between alive and dead?

2 Replies to “Luke 24:5-6 – Happy Easter!”


    Felt a need to check in on the blog today, glad I did!

    How do you tell the difference between alive and dead?

    In Genesis 2:17, God warned Adam, from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you shall surely die (SPIRITUALLY).

    Adam and Eve died (SPIRITUALLY) the same day they ate the fruit, and became literally separated from the presence of God as they were banished from the garden, His presence. Adam and Eve died spiritually the very day they disobeyed God.

    Genesis 3:22-24, Then the Lord God said, “Now these human beings have become like one of us and have knowledge of what is good and what is bad. They must not be allowed to take fruit from the tree that gives life, eat it, and live forever.”

    23 So the Lord God sent them out of the Garden of Eden and made them cultivate the soil from which they had been formed. 24 Then at the east side of the garden he put living creatures and a flaming sword which turned in all directions. This was to keep anyone from coming near the tree that gives life.

    Luke 15:24,32
    In this parable Jesus tells us of a son who was literally, physically separated from his father, and later returned to his father who describes being present and separated as being alive and dead.

    24, for this son of mine was (SPIRITUALLY) dead, and has come to (SPIRITUALLY) life again; he was (SPIRITUALLY) lost, and has been (SPIRITUALLY) found.’ And they began to be merry.”

    32 for this brother of yours was (SPIRITUALLY) dead and has begun to live (SPIRITUALLY), and was lost (SPIRITUALLY) and has been found. (SPIRITUALLY)

    Colossians 2:13
    And when you were (SPIRITUALLY) dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you (SPIRITUALLY) alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions.

    All are spiritually dead in their sins, and made alive in God through Jesus Christ who forgives and takes away all our sins. and give each life

    John 6:53, So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in yourselves.

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