Galatians 3:19a – Waiting for Jesus

Why, then, was the law given at all? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come.

Summary: Paul asks a question and then provides the answer. Why do we need the law? We need it until our Shepherd shows up in our lives.

I like Paul’s style of teaching. He asks a question, and then he answers it. Reading Paul’s letter to the Galatians is almost like having a conversation with Paul.

Most of the questions are rhetorical. That is they are directed at the audience, but Paul doesn’t expect (or need) an answer. Today’s question is a bit different. This question lays the logical foundation for what is to follow.

“Why, then, was the law given at all?” (Gal 3:19)

It is a good question. One that all believers have probably asked themselves at one time or another.

Paul’s answer is a bit cryptic. He says, “It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come.

What does this mean?

Imagine that you own a large house filled with valuable artwork. The entire house is devoted to your love of art. Your son and daughter-in-law ask you to keep “the kids” for a while so they can do other things. You agree.

Your grandchildren come into the house and, as children do, they start to explore, run around, make noise, play, and … break things. Perhaps not intentionally, but they are children. They do not know how to respect the artwork you have collected. There is also a danger of the kids getting injured by breaking glass or sharp edges.

To keep the grandchildren and the artwork safe, you “lay down the law.” You gather the children into one place and explain that there are rules. This is what you can do, and this is what you must not do. These are the places you can go, and these are the rooms to stay out of. Then, until your son and his wife come back, you have to enforce the rules.

The law of God functions the same way. Before Christ was born into this world, mankind needed rules to keep us from hurting ourselves. God’s “artwork” is doing what is right. Rebelling against God and putting ourselves first is breaking God’s artwork.

When Jesus arrived, he called his children to himself (John 10:3-4). The children are now responsible to him, and he is responsible for them. The “rules” were only needed until the Savior arrived.

Application: Look to Jesus to lead you on the right path.

Food for Thought: Why is it hard for people to give up the law?

5 Replies to “Galatians 3:19a – Waiting for Jesus”

  1. Why is it hard for people to give up the law?

    Because we are all guilty of breaking God’s written Law, He offers a pardon to all that trust in Jesus and His substitutionary death on the cross! John 3:16

    This requires an act of submission on the part of mankind. Submission is not a natural act, and obeying the true laws of God are not necessarily attractive to our flesh. This makes the goal of becoming believers, people who obey God’s preceived laws, a goal not desired or sought. Instead we prefer living according to a mixture of God’s laws as we choose to preceive them, and our own. We justify these as our knowing a loving God, acting according to our standards, would surely understand and approve. In truth, unless we have been reconciled to God, justified, and then reborn, we will always live in lawlessness.

    We reject the words communicated by men, calling us to repent, and it is only by the conviction of the Holy Spirit, John 16:8, that our true state is revealed to us and in His power we turn to God.
    Romans 3:21-22, But now apart from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe.

    In Christ we come to understand our righteousness is as filthy rags, Isaiah 64:6, Romans 3:19-23, and we reject our abilities to please God in anyway, as accept the true righteousness of God, Jesus Christ who during our new life of submission to His will express’s His will toward others through us. And the true righteous purpose of God’s Law’s becomes reality to us.

    1. Thank you, Ron!

      As I read through your comment, one word came to mind in all capital letters: PRIDE.

      When we use the shorthand of that one five letter word, the meaning is often lost because there is more than one way we use the word. To read through your explanation, your illustration of the word, makes everything clear.

  2. Pride, that is the Spirit blocker. We all are born with it, and are born again when we surrender it. Interesting how our God patiently works with each of us.

    Blessings Brother,


  3. Why is it hard for people to give up the law?
    Because it is something that could be twisted in a way so that some could use it in a sinful way. Sometimes I think of the teachers of the law as lawyers twisting technicalities of the law.

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