Galatians 5:20a – The Acts of the Flesh Part II: A Walk in the Dark

The acts of the flesh are … idolatry and witchcraft

Summary: Idolatry and witchcraft are related. They both lead people into dark places reminding us that our hope is in Jesus Christ, the light of the world.

Interestingly, Paul has paired these two words together — idolatry and witchcraft. Idolatry represents the worship of beings and things other than God. Witchcraft represents the manifestation of dark powers in the world.

Speaking in general terms, God divided the world into light and darkness (Genesis 1:4). Jesus famously said, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12). Light is good, and everyone understands that darkness is bad. Things are done in the dark that we can’t see, and things we can’t see are more of a threat than the things we see.

For some reason, the flesh is drawn to idols and false gods. This makes sense when we realize that the flesh is only interested in satisfying itself, and idols and false gods represent a way to get what we want.

Witchcraft, aka sorcery, is another expression of getting what we want. Using the dark arts to control others is a means to gaining power over people. Power over people means other people do the work, and you (your flesh) get the benefit.

If the spiritual realm consisted only of God, these two evils would be relatively harmless. Unfortunately, the demons described in the Bible are real. They were real in Jesus’ day, and they are real today. Evil spirits are those that distract us from the truth of God. They lead us from spiritual light into eternal darkness.

The word “idolatry” means “image worship.” In our world today, this encompasses a large field. We even use the word “idol” to describe the “stars” we idolize in the music industry, movies, and television. Concepts like “success” and “power” can also become idols. When we give our lives to the acquisition of money without acknowledging God in our lives, we are really worshiping false gods.

The Greek word translated as witchcraft is pharmakeía. This word is where we get our modern word, pharmacy. Sorcery, witchcraft, and dark magic are often associated with drug use. Even if we don’t call drug use by those names, the effect is the same. Drugs affecting the mind and consciousness open the doors of the mind to demonic influence because they break down our resistance to things done in the dark.

Without God, the spirit of the flesh realizes that it is alone in the world. It wants to survive because it has no hope of life after death. Its other goal is self-indulgence. To fully indulge the self requires the services of others, and the need to control others requires the use of every form of manipulation known to mankind: lies, deceit, threats, bribes, enticements, and manipulation by the dark forces of demons and magic.

Thank God that Jesus was not afraid of death. He overcame the darkness and brings us into the light of life (John 8:12).

Application: Stay close to Jesus. Avoid all forms of idolatry and witchcraft.

Food for Thought: How does knowing about idolatry and witchcraft help a believer walk more closely with Jesus and minister to others who do not yet know the Lord?

9 Replies to “Galatians 5:20a – The Acts of the Flesh Part II: A Walk in the Dark”

  1. How does knowing about idolatry and witchcraft help a believer walk more closely with Jesus and minister to others who do not yet know the Lord?
    By being more understanding of those lost souls, what your really fighting against. Ephesians 6:12

    1. Tim,

      Great verse for this topic:

      For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
      — Ephesians 6:12

  2. Your question brings to mind Romans 10:17

    17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

    I can think of some large obstacles, that in the “younger days” of my walk with the Lord, He revealed to me areas of my life where I had placed “things” above Him. I was depending on those things for comfort or control, and in reading and meditating on His Word, He convicted me of them. The thing about that conviction is that it was not condemnation, but Him asking me to measure it against His Word, the intension of God’s Word and His presence in my life. Another thing about that conviction is that He also promised to give me what I was seeking: peace, joy, security, comfort, but through faith in Him and in His Will, and not a temporarily “feeling” of those, but an everlasting placement rooted in my faith of Him. Its not that He doesn’t still do that, He does, it’s just in my mind in those time of the past I remember them to be a bit more “breakthrough.”

    In remembering the breakthrough moments of faith, and how Christ changed my mind and heart about them, I find a relatability to those in the same situation. When God presents an opportunity to minister to others who are not believers, I find it best to limit my talking until I hear the whole enchilada. I find people usually start with how something brings them peace, joy, comfort, and security, but somewhere in the mix is the failure of those things to bring everlasting peace, joy, comfort, and security. That they always return to the same point of loss, hopelessness, or despair. I am able to then express the relatability of common experience and share how Christ has changed that for me. Express His Word in how it directly addresses what they are seeking. I find though that, although I am talking with another person, I am at the same time expressing gratitude to Christ for His presence in my life. I believe the other person senses that they are a part of a larger conversation, rather than being talked to.

    Philippians 3:12-16 Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you. Only let us hold true to what we have attained.

  3. Thanks Chris!

    It is good to see the benefit to the hard times in life. God uses them to allow us to meet others in their need, and as you say, and that is a blessing to all parties.

  4. How does knowing about idolatry and witchcraft help a believer walk more closely with Jesus and minister to others who do not yet know the Lord?

    In the US Military, classes in “ Know your Enemy “ are a large portion of training. The objective is to understand and avoid their tactics and deadly traps.

    As a believer, we have the Holy Spirit of God dwelling in our hearts and guiding us through this life, opening our eyes and hearts to the tactics and traps of our spiritual enemy as we overcome his temptations to draw us from the hand of God.

    Matthew 7:15-20, Jesus ends with, V20, Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

    John 8:32, Jesus teaches, “ Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

    Galatians 5:16-18, So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

    When Paul is teaching to be “led” by the Spirit, he is referring to the fact that we should live being open and receptive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God who wants us to avoid sin by doing the right things. He will convict our hearts and minds of right and wrong. This conviction provides the desire and power of the Holy Spirit, so we recognize sin and can avoid or repent as we choose turning to God over any and all conduct that would take us from His guidance and presence in our hearts and lives..

      1. So what my mind turns towards understanding all of the comments is that I should know and study how to fight myself…..
        That scares me because that guy doesn’t fight fair, goes way overboard, extremely hard to stop or predict, knows too many bad tactics, and to be blunt he’s just crazy.
        I’m thankful for Jesus using horrible people and turning them to good to glorify His Father.

        1. Hey Tim,

          Our enemy is beyond any power we can imagine, or even come close to defeating.
          As Believers we fight as we die to self and allow Christ in us by the power of the Holy Spirit to have our battles, defeat our enemy. Accept our weakness which allows God to bring reality into all battles against evil

          By the power of the Holy Spirit, reject temptations as they come up. We turn from these as we turn to Jesus whose transforming power will take away the powers placed in us by this world and replaces these by God’e power.

          Put on the full armor of God, Ephesians 6:10-20 and spend every possible moment in the presence of God, becoming familiar with and His power with our one offensive weapon, His Word.

          All will be well as all fears will be replaced by assurance of His presence in ALL things!


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