Colossians 1:10d – Getting to Know You

… growing in the knowledge of God …

Summary: Knowing “about” someone and knowing them personally are two different things. It is good to understand the difference.

When we talk about the “knowledge of God,” what do you think of?

Well? … What comes to mind?

Are you thinking about what you learned in church as a kid? Does your knowledge of God come from watching preachers on television or online? How about the Bible? Is that where you get the real stuff?

If we look at what Paul wrote in this passage, we begin to understand when we notice what he does not say.

Paul doesn’t say, “growing in knowledge about God.”

Do you see the difference?

As people, we often fall into the habit of “filling in the blanks” when we read something we don’t fully understand. We do the same thing when someone is talking, and they are reaching for a word they can’t quite remember. We think nothing of offering up the word because we see where they are going with their thought. (My wife does this all the time to me!)

When we read Paul’s words, it is easy to assume he is talking about things we know about God. But that is not what he says. He says, “growing in the knowledge of God.”

The difference is simple. James points to this difference when he writes:

You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.” (James 2:19)

The demons know about God, but they don’t “know” God in the sense of having a relationship with him.

When people know each other the way Paul uses the word “know,” they actually know each other. They might not know all there is to know about the other person, but they know them enough to recognize them when they see them. They know the sound of their voice, how they look, and how their mind works. Again, they might not know everything about the person, but they know them the same way we know a rose when we see one.

How do we “know” this?

Greek is an amazingly detailed language.

One of the root words Paul used is “ginōskō.” The word describes a level of knowledge that is even used to describe sexual intercourse between a man and a woman.* This suggests an intimate knowledge that only comes from being in a relationship with the other person.

When we are in a relationship with God, we are growing in the knowledge of God.

Application: Get to know God personally!

Food for Thought: How does the kind of knowledge Paul refers to impact our faith in God?

*”G1097 – ginōskō – Strong’s Greek Lexicon (niv).” Blue Letter Bible. Web. 5 Oct, 2024.

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