Colossians 2:2b – Game Changer

[My goal is] … that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love …

Summary: The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross bridges the gap between our hearts and our minds, drawing us together in love.

Perhaps the most powerful concept associated with Christianity is the power to connect hearts in love.

Intellectually, it doesn’t make any sense. There are so many things we like to argue about. Each of us has our reasoning. Each one has their own perspective.

Jesus Christ somehow ties us all together.

He doesn’t do it through arguments and intellect. Instead, Jesus reaches out to each one of us in love. He touches our hearts, or at least tries to. If we dare to let him in, the touch of God is a game changer.

To be “encouraged in heart and united in love” is the power that unlocks everything else.

Do you want to know what love looks like? Would you like to learn how to connect hearts in love? The example that comes to mind is Jesus when he is hanging on the cross (Luke 23:24-43).

Jesus had argued with the Pharisees. He had reasoned with the people. He demonstrated his power and authority by the signs and wonders God had given him to work.

Did that change any minds?


The Pharisees, with few exceptions, had their minds bent on murder (John 11:53).

The people, with few exceptions, had their minds set on stoning Jesus (John 8:59, John 10:31).

When they finally arrested Jesus and took him before Pilate, their argument was simply to yell, “Crucify him! Crucify him!” (John 19:6, John 19:15)

When Jesus hung from the cross, stripped and beaten, barely able to breathe, there was still more pain. In addition to the nails in his hands and the nails through his feet, there was the pain of being rejected, mocked, and insulted.

It was in this place, stripped of all human dignity and faced with certain death, that Jesus reached out once more to touch hearts. He said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34).

Imagine having lived through that day. Remember back through the trial, the shouting, and the mob’s anger. In your mind’s eye, you can see Jesus struggling under the weight of his cross, his back bleeding from being flogged. On his head, draped in a crimson shroud of blood, the crown of thorns the soldiers had made for him.

Through all of this, your emotional response is “he must really have done something bad.” At this point, facts don’t matter. Jesus is a walking dead man.

And then you hear the words, “Father, forgiven them …”

Tell me that doesn’t cut to the heart and touch you in places you didn’t know existed. Tell me you can’t feel the love of the Lord.

Application: Love changes things.

Food for Thought: How do we become united in love?

7 Replies to “Colossians 2:2b – Game Changer”

  1. How do we become United in love? I will keep my answer very simple and basic today. We become united in love by being united in Christ. As we pursue Christ above all else, we end up in the same place.

  2. I agree with Rich. I would add that I think in a lot of ways being united in love requires compassion. If we lack compassion for one another it is difficult to love as Christ does. Compassion is a common ground, and can unite our hearts and minds under Christ. Christ looked upon people with compassion. He did not hold onto any sense of entitlement. Even more so, His compassion moved Him. He acted upon it. Compassion fosters humility and a tender heart. In compassion, showing love for one another, acting in love for each other, we are united in the love that Christ has shown us.

    1 Peter 3:8 Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.

    1. Thanks, Chris!

      That is a great point. Scripture often talks about the circumcision of the heart. The result is tenderness and compassion as you point out.

  3. Actually simple is good. Thank you Rich!

    How do we become united in love?

    Historically, human beings seek unity as a way to achieve power over others through violent acts of force. God sent His only begotten Son who willingly gave His life as payment for all sins of all mankind as we chose to believe and submit to His power over our lives and live in unity and peace. Jesus is the source of our peace to the degree we submit to His righteous will over our own.

  4. How do we become united in love?
    Great response but I first thought of a different answer. I will keep it short also. Same Spirit, the Holy Spirit in each of us.

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