Colossians 2:20b – All or Nothing

[Since you died with Christ] to the elemental spiritual forces of this world …

Summary: “Life” and “death” from God’s perspective is very different from our own. What the world refuses to acknowledge is the truth that every human being is eternal. When we are with God, we have life. When we are apart from him, we are dead.

This is the second time the text of Paul’s letter refers to “elemental spiritual forces.” (See “Colossians 2:8c – Spiritual Dangers” for the first discussion on this topic.) Since we have already discussed the roots of this phrase, let’s talk about the application of Paul’s words. 

The “elementary spiritual forces” could be a lot of things. Paul, in my opinion, is being intentionally vague for a reason. God understands that the words Paul is writing on his behalf are for the benefit of future generations. It would be a mistake to tie his point to a single threat. 

For example, what if Paul had written this: 

Since you died with Christ to the worship of angels … (See Colossians 2:18). 

If his statement had been that specific, anyone reading these words would have ignored his comment unless they were involved in the worship of angels or knew someone who was. But since Paul has used a broad brush to paint his word picture, each one of us reading Paul’s words is challenged to wonder what he means by “elemental spiritual forces.”

The first thing that comes to mind is that God is an “elemental spiritual force.” In fact, you might say that God is THE Elemental Spiritual Force. But Paul did not say he was talking about all spiritual forces. Instead, Paul points us to the elemental spiritual forces of this world

Death, the way God sees it, is illustrated by the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32). In the story, when the youngest son turns his back on his father and leaves home, he is “dead” to the family. When he decides to return, the father sees him as “alive” again (vs 32). 

To put ourselves into the parable of the Prodigal Son, we are born into a family that turned its back on God (Genesis 3:1-7). Since that time, every descendant of Adam and Eve has been born “dead” to God. 

Like the father in the parable, God waits for us to turn to him. When we do, he embraces us and welcomes us home. We become “alive” to our Father in heaven. Like the story, God’s family celebrates when we awaken to our need for our Father and come home (Luke 15:10). Just as we “die” to God by living apart from him, we “die” to the world when we turn back to God. 

Can we be “alive” to both worlds at the same time? Can we be faithful to God and still dabble in the philosophies and spiritual teachings of the world? 

I am convinced Paul would say “No” (Romans 8:5-8). 

Application: Choose Life!

Food for Thought: What are examples of “elemental spiritual forces” that people today like to dabble in?

8 Replies to “Colossians 2:20b – All or Nothing”

  1. What are examples of “elemental spiritual forces” that people today like to dabble in?

    Elemental spirits are spiritual beings or forces having control over the elements of the natural world, often seen in pagan beliefs and practices of certain forms of paganism, New Age spirituality.

    Restricted practices rather than universal Christian doctrine which is focused on the belief in one God, the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), and spiritual sin, salvation, and resurrection available to all mankind. John 3:16

    Philosophies, and deceptive teachings that are based on human tradition and the elemental spirits of the world, rather than on Christ.

    God led Paul to write about how we were enslaved to the elemental spirits of the world before coming to know Him through Christ. Galatians 4:3

    God, warns against our being taken captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human traditions which are according to the elemental spirits of the world, (physical) restricted, and not according to Christ (spiritual) universal. Colossians 2:8

  2. The Greek word “stoicheion“ is interesting. I was reading about it as this devotion peaked my curiosity in the word translated “elemental spiritual forces”. It has the idea of marching in a row, taking orders from, beating to the drum of – in this case the world.

    So I think examples are many and diverse, as you mention. It is when the world promotes something we must adhere to in order not to be “canceled.” It will often have an opposite perspective from scripture. It will promote pride over humility, conformity over transformation, group think over thinking biblically. It will not value grace or mercy and will make a mockery of love. It is contrary to a life lived in Christ.

    1. Thank you, Rich!

      You point us to an interesting aspect of this passage. The word “spiritual” is not in the Greek. Translators who insert “spirit” or “spiritual” into the text (about half of English translations include this reference) are basing that on the larger context of Paul’s writings.

      This was one of the more challenging aspects about writing this particular meditation!

  3. I’m sorry I’d like to dive deeper into this question?
    Can we be “alive” to both worlds at the same time? Can we be faithful to God and still dabble in the philosophies and spiritual teachings of the world?
    By philosophies and spiritual teachings of the world your referring to other religions and philosophies like those of Buddha, Confucius, Descartes, and Derrida? If it’s of other religions/other god’s then no. I guess I just needed to clarify the root of the teachings out to myself. Now how do we know where any of the things we were taught originally came from? There’s many questions I’m still sorting out in my mind and I guess I need to be in the word more to distinguish things more. Sorry for my babbling.

      1. Whenever I wrestle with this biblical Guy, He always gets me to bend, move, twist into all these different positions to see things in a different way. It really changes a person when God removes your head from a location of yours where all you could see was yourself and filth. The heart transplant isnt the only surgery some people need.

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