Colossians 2:23c – Two Different Things

[Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with] … their false humility …

Summary: Three little words set us to wonder about the ways some people try to manipulate the beliefs of others. 

Why would Paul rail against false humility? 

Let’s take a second look at his sentence structure. He wants us to know the “appearance of wisdom” is created by things like “self-imposed worship” and “false humility.” 

On its own, false humility is offensive. For one thing, it is pretentious. The fact that it is “false” humility means it is not real. 

Real humility stems from an awareness of our own insignificance. True humility comes from knowing God. People who know the living God understand their place in the universe. 

False humility is only possible if a person doesn’t know God’s heart. 

Of course, the “rules” Paul is talking about are designed by people who don’t know God’s heart, either. (If they did, they wouldn’t mess with God’s rules!)

The first child of Adam and Eve turned out to be a bad egg. He knew God as well as anyone could know God in those days, but he didn’t know his heart. He understood that he needed to bring an offering to God. In the story, he actually talks with God! Sadly, even knowing God as he did, Cain still opposed God (Genesis 4:1-12). 

I mention Cain because there are people, even today, who oppose God. Despite his intimate relationship with God—talking with Him directly—Cain still rejected God’s ways and sought to do things on his own terms. This illustrates how even those who are familiar with God’s commands can, in their pride, resist true humility and choose false paths.

Many of us who know God are humbly grateful for the forgiveness and salvation offered through God’s Son, Jesus Christ. There are people who have yet to hear about God or the forgiveness offered through Jesus and have no reason to fear God or be humbled by him. And it appears there are people who resent God, even among those who know him. 

Whatever their motives, ignorance, or antagonism, people who oppose God seem prone to either set up competing “gods” or add to the rules  God has already laid down. 

People with “false humility” want to look humble because they know that is what God’s Word says they should do (2 Chronicles 7:14). But looking humble and being humble are two different things. 

When God’s people are humble before their God, it is a good thing. 

When people pretend to be humble before God, he knows. 

Application: Don’t even think about trying to fool Father! 

Food for Thought: Why is “false humility” such a powerful tool for those who want to control what we believe? 

5 Replies to “Colossians 2:23c – Two Different Things”

  1. People are attracted to humility as opposed to pride. I think we all tend to respect and admire a humble person, whereas pride is a definite turn off.

    Someone who is falsely humble is a fake. They want to appear humble. They want the title without the reality. In reality, it is the opposite off humility. It is pride masquerading as humility. Humility says don’t look at me, look at God. Pride says look at me. False humility says “look at God” while really wanting others to look at me.

    I think there is a warning in this for all of us. It is easy to want to feel significant and be noticed as someone special. That search for personal significance in the eyes of others can lead to a downfall. Our job is to point others to Christ. If people see us instead of Christ, we fail.

  2. Why is “false humility” such a powerful tool for those who want to control what we believe?

    I recall a time, many years ago, as a young believer I was studying how I needed to humble myself before God and He would lift me up. I knew in my mind, I did not need to be more humble, but I should probably go ahead and ask about it. I did, and God dropped a hammer on me. It was exactly what I needed.

    For a brief moment God showed me exactly what I was, and where I was going. It was the most frightening experience of my life, and drove me to tears as I knew, for a fact, I was dead. I felt God put His arm around me, He whispered in my heart, “ That’s ok, I have always known what you are, it is just time for you to know.”

    False humility is a facade used by many to manipulate others to do their will. It is an outward show of humility while their heart, seen only by God, is full of pride and arrogance.

    2 Corinthians 11:14, And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

    True humility will begin to come as we receive an understanding of exactly who/what we are before God, it is the fruit of a process, a progressive revelation of truth from God.

    Matthew 23:12, Luke 14;11, Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.

      1. He made Himself known to us, gave us the strength to respond to His call, and has been with us every step. He catches us when we stumble and encourages us to walk on. We have become His children and eternally blessed with His presence, and the encouraging words of our brothers and sisters in our Lord!

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