Colossians 3:10a – A Wedding Story

Image shows a banquet table for a wedding reception.

… and have put on the new self …

Summary: Putting on a “new self” is a bit vague until we remember why it is important and what God has provided for us to put on. 

Having taken off the old self, we need something else to put on, but what? 

Have you ever stood in front of your closet wondering what to put on? Maybe you are getting ready for a special event like a wedding or a party. Perhaps you have been invited to be at a formal dinner and meet heads of state. Each of these situations requires a different type of attire. But what do you wear for an afternoon with God? 

If we were invited to tea in the Garden of God and the King of Kings was expected to be there, we would need to dress appropriately, but how do you dress for tea with the Creator of all things? 

Jesus tells an interesting story about a man who is invited to a wedding. All the guests wore wedding clothes except this one man. Somehow, he got into the wedding without dressing appropriately. When the king sees the man, he is surprised. Since he has provided wedding clothes for the guests,* he is also insulted.

Never insult a king! 

In this case, the king tells his attendants, “Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Matthew 22:13) We don’t want to be like him! 

What has God given us that we can “put on?” 

In a few verses, Paul will provide a list of things we can “put on” to please God. They are, in fact, the qualities of God’s Son, Jesus Christ. They are all the things we love most about Jesus! They include his “compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience” (Col 3:12). 

There is an important lesson here. Jesus is the bridegroom, and his church is the bride. He gave his life so that we can be part of his wedding party. Paul, himself, is coaching us on how to prepare for the wedding. Take off the old and put on the new!

Application: Make the effort to “dress up” for God. 

Food for Thought: What else has the King provided for us to put on? 

*Tradition has it that a king would have provided wedding garments for his guests. See:

  • Josephus, Flavius. Antiquities of the Jews. Translated by William Whiston, Kregel Publications, 1987.
  • The Babylonian Talmud, Baba Batra 10b. Translated by I. Epstein, Soncino Press, 1935.
  • Seneca, Epistles. Translated by Richard M. Gummere, Harvard University Press, 1935.
  • Augustine of Hippo, Tractates on the Gospel of John, Translated by John W. Rettig, New City Press, 1994.

8 Replies to “Colossians 3:10a – A Wedding Story”

  1. What else has the King provided for us to put on? 

    Gods desire is for our success and He has provided all we need to live our lives in His freedom and strength.

    Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight

    Our Salvation through His Son Jesus Christ, John 3:16
    Our Faith, Colossians 2:6-7
    The Holy Spirit, 1 Corinthians 12:4-7
    His Word, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Hebrews 4:12
    Freedom from Anxieties, 1 Peter 5:7
    His Peace, Hebrews 13:20-21
    His strength, Philippians 4:13, Hebrews 2:18
    His Wisdom, James 1:5, Matthew 28:20
    Our Armor, Ephesians 6:17

  2. I have a variety of different clothing for various life events. Casual, yard and debris and cleanup clothing, nice casual for eating out, business sport coats and slacks, suits and tuxedos for formal occasions, and unfortunately, all black, severe, formal attire suitable for funerals and memorial services.
    As I grow a bit more, shall we say mature, the need for mourning attire and its’ use has become more frequent.
    It is always a relief and comfort when I have the assurance that the individual who has passed lived a life which was a glowing testimony to their professed faith as a believer and fellow member of the body of Christ. While there is sadness on the part of close friends and especially family members, spouses and relatives there is also the peace and comfort of knowing they are in heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ and that one day we will be reunited and see them and live together with them for all eternity.
    The same is not true for those who vehemently rejected any admission that a Deity or any god let alone the true God or Yahweh of the Scriptures not only exists but is the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe, the Creator of all which exists, and the Righteous Judge to which every living being must give an account for every thought, word, deed, action and imagination of their heart.
    “It is appointed unto every person who has lived a day of death. All who are alive or dead will need the give an account for everything which they have done.”
    And all those who are believers and the sons and daughters of the King and truly know the Lord Jesus Christ and have trusted Him as their Lord and Savior have their names recorded in the Book of Life and will not be judged at the Great White Throne Judgement.
    However, all those whose names are not recorded in the Book of Life will be Eternally condemned to the second death, which is separation from God for all eternity. They will be cast into the Lake of Fire to be tormented day and night for all of eternity. Their soul will not cease ro exist and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth and unimaginable suffering, pain and sorrow. There will not be a single drop of water, ever to cool their burning tongue or ever a drink to quench their thrist. It would be better for them had they never been born or ever existed. Woe unto them. They have chosen HELL and ETERNAL SEPARATION from God His goodness, His grace, His Love, His kindness, His goodness, His Righteousness, His absolute Purity and Holiness and instead embraced themselves as their own God and think they are the Master and Commander of their own Destiny. They like Satan did not acknowledge that only God can be and is the only one who will ever be the Absolute Sovereign, Lord , Ruler and Eternally Self-Existing One. They exchanged the truth they knew for self-deception, lies, Sin, self-exaltation, temporary ungodly, foul, unrighteous deeds and corrupt pleasures of all sorts of unspeakable evil deeds and action I do not even wish to think about or allow to even enter my mind. Their condemnation will be just. The Lord of all, always does what is right. His grace, mercy, love, compassion and loving-kindness are overwheming and unfathomable for those who will come and believe and accept Him and embrace the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. HE is Risen, ascended, and Sits forever ready to make intercession for us who know and trust Him for salvation and eternal life. I John 1 :9. In John 14:6 Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no person can come to the Father, (no person can be, accepted, forgiven, saved, redeemed, pick any term you like, it is not possible, there is no way around Jesus, it is an absolutely essential requirement to come to God the Father through Jesus, i.e. no other way exists which will work)
    Very bluntly go through Jesus, or you just can not solve the sin problem and be reconciled with God the Father. Accept the good news or the gospel, receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and you are given eternal life. Try another way, or don’t then it is a 100% certainty you will be in HELL unless you change your mind before you die. Put your faith in Jesus, = eternal life. Refuse, wait, delay, don’t , die = eternal damnation, Hell.
    Most important question ever for this life. “Are you trusting Jesus for your eternal destiny?, do you believe the Gospel? Are you walking with Him? Do you have a real relationship and connection with the Lord? Have you ever heard the Holy Spirit’s voice giving you guidance? Do you have assurance you have acceptance, forgiveness, and right standing with God?
    Is the answer to any of these questions, anything other than an unequivicable YES! then TODAY, NOW, receive Him, accept Him, put your faith in Him, do not delay. Know absolutely and for certain that you are His child. A maybe, I suppose so, I am not sure, I think so, or not yet, is completely unacceptable about a decision of this consequence and magnitude. Be certain you know the only One who matters and have an active growing relationship with Him.
    Then rejoice, tell everyone, tell at least one other person – I received the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior today. Have a truly AWESOME and BLESSED DAY!!!!

    1. Thank you, Jeff!

      Fortunately, even before we pass from this life we are able to put on new clothes which are Christ himself! 🙂

      Galatians 3:27:
      for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.

  3. The list is already really long. I will add just one more here: We get to put on His righteousness.

    Philippians 3: 8 – 9: What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ 9and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in a Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.

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