Take Heart – John 16: 33b

Yes, this is a visual pun. I make no apologies. 🙂

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

What does the world tell us about trouble? It seems to me that the answer the world gives always has to do with the word, “more.” More money. There’s an answer. If I had more money, I would 
 What? You would do what? Would you buy your way out of trouble, or would trouble find you because you have money?

The world’s idea of security and peace is elusive. The goal post keeps moving even as you get closer to it. Whether it is more money, better friends or spouse, or a new diet or exercise regime, more is always what is needed but is never enough.

Jesus, on the other hand, has overcome the world. He did that in part by rejecting Satan’s offers of physical satisfaction, power and authority, and pride. (Luke 4: 1-13) The finality of his victory was in letting the world kill him only to discover that Jesus is life itself.

“Take heart!” Jesus says. That is a choice we make when we choose to believe what Jesus says. If we don’t believe, we lose hope. If we do, we take heart.

Food for thought: How does life change when one chooses to “take heart”?

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More Peace – John 16: 33

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.

Isn’t it interesting that Jesus is more concerned about his disciples than he is about himself? Who among us, knowing what Jesus knows about his future, would be concerned about those closest to us rather than our selves?

Imagine that you have been unjustly accused, tried and convicted, and the punishment is death. Not just any death though, a nasty, painful death. What do you do? Do you think about the concerns and feelings of others? Or, do you rail against your fate to anyone who will listen? It puts Jesus’ words and deeds into perspective, doesn’t it?

And then there is the reason he told the disciples the things that he did. He wanted them to have peace. Isn’t that amazing? While Jesus goes to his death, untimely by the world’s standards, he wants to make sure that his disciples, his friends, are at peace.

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Friends – John 16: 32

A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.

In John 15: 14-15 Jesus calls his disciples ‘friends,’ because they have been with him and heard everything that the Father had told Jesus to say. Yet in this verse, Jesus says, “You will leave me all alone.” What kind of friend does that?

Being a friend is a remarkable thing. I think at the heart of friendship is a kind of love. To be a friend you have to like the person. That doesn’t mean you have to be liked by the person you want to befriend. Sometimes that comes later.

Jesus picked his disciples for reasons only God knows, but at the heart of those reasons is love. The disciples love Jesus, too, but in a different way. It is not yet the kind of love that Jesus talks about in John 15: 13 where he says, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” That will come later.

Food for thought: How does it feel to be left alone by someone you thought was a friend? How does that feeling help you understand what Jesus did for us by going to the cross?

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Diary – John 16: 29-31a

Then Jesus’ disciples said, “Now you are speaking clearly and without figures of speech. Now we can see that you know all things and that you do not even need to have anyone ask you questions. This makes us believe that you came from God.”
“Do you now believe?” Jesus replied.

Do you keep a diary? I do. It’s not much but in it I record the highlights of the day. It is amazing how quickly I can forget what I did yesterday. If I need to know something the daily diary is a great prompt to help me remember what was going on.

As we read through John’s gospel we have the advantage of seeing what amount to his notes of what happened each day. We see the disciples convinced that Jesus is God in John 6:69. They have certainly heard Jesus talk about this more than once. So it might seem a surprise to hear the disciples say, “Now we can see
” Why didn’t they remember that they had seen that Jesus is God before?

The reason Jesus didn’t pick an engineer to be a disciple is that he didn’t want anyone dragging pencils and notepads around writing down notes all of the time. He wanted his disciples fully engaged with him all of the time. Later there would be time for writing down memories assisted by the Holy Spirit. So if the disciples find themselves going over the same ground that they have gone over before, we can understand. After all, they are only human.

Food for thought: If you had been a disciple in Jesus’ day would you have wanted to take notes of everything he said or would you be content to just hang out with the most amazing man in the universe?

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All Packed- John 16: 28

| came from the Father and entered the world; now I am leaving the world and going back to the Father.

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you know that several posts are talking about the fact that Jesus isn’t from around here. He does things that no other human being has ever done or will ever do, and he talks like he is from another place, too. Now we know where.

“I came from the Father
” is a simple statement, yet packed with interesting topics. Where is the Father? Who is the Father? Why does he call him “the Father” instead of my Father?

I remember Jesus trying to explain to Nicodemus that the Son of Man is the only one to have come from Heaven. Then Jesus tells the Samaritan woman that “God is spirit
.” (John 4: 24)

Jesus came from being what he calls “spirit,” and became what we know as “flesh.” Now he is telling the disciples that he is going back to the place of spirit again. In essence, he is all packed and ready to go.

Food for thought: Which do you suppose seemed more real to Jesus; being in the spirit form or being in the flesh?

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Direct Connect – John 16: 26 – 27

In that day you will ask in my name. I am not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf. No, the Father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God.

Which day is “that day”?

“That day” is the day when those who believe in Jesus rejoice with a joy that no one can take away. It is a day that happens after Jesus was crucified. It is a day when Jesus can send us the Advocate. It is a day when we can ask the Father for whatever we want directly. We do not have to ask Jesus, although we need to ask in his name. We have a direct connection with God.

What does this mean?

In Jesus’ day, the temple worship was still in place. The priests were still officially the representatives of God before the people. To ask God for anything meant asking through a priest. People didn’t just casually talk with God.

Why is this possible?

Jesus. Really, that is the whole answer; Jesus. God becomes a man called Jesus. Jesus speaks God’s word and will to the people. The people kill Jesus. Jesus rises from the dead, the perfect sacrifice. So in love with his creation that he suffered death on the cross to be able to redeem those who will believe in him.

Food for thought: If you were to ask God for something, what would it be?

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It’s About Time! – John 16: 25

Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father.

It must have been frustrating to be a disciple. Jesus spoke “figuratively” a lot. Trying to decode what he meant is challenging enough today. And we have the written record of Jesus’ life and words. As a disciple, all of this figurative stuff was being thrown at them real-time. Who could blame them if when Jesus said he was going to speak plainly they thought, “It’s about time!”

Has that time come when Jesus speaks plainly about his Father?

I would like to suggest that it has. Over the past few days, we have learned about the connection between the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. We know that when we hear the Spirit speak, we are hearing Jesus’ words. We know that Jesus speaks only what the Father wants him to speak and that he glorifies the Father. As a believer who has received the Holy Spirit, we are in direct connection with the best possible source of information about the Father; Jesus.

Food for thought: What better way is there to learn about God than through a direct connection with His Spirit?

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That Day – John 16: 23-24

In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.

“That day” is a day when Jesus is seen again. “That day” is after Jesus has ascended. “That day” is when the Advocate has come to make his home in our life.

Now Jesus returns to the theme of asking. As anything. Ask in His name. Ask and you will receive. Ask, and your joy will be complete.


Food for thought: Have you asked the Father for anything? Has it been given to you?

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Good Grief – John 16: 20b – 22

You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world. So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.

Charlie Brown cartoons are timeless. Even though the Charles Shultz strip first appeared almost 70 years ago, his cartoons are still popular today. While other comic artists rely on contemporary topics for humor, Mr. Shultz tapped into the core of the human condition: grief. Charlie Brown’s favorite expression was, “Oh Good Grief!” and grief seemed to follow him wherever he went.

Fortunately for Charlie, his grief was a gentle kind of grief. A child’s grief over child-like things. The disciples had to face very adult-like grief. This grief would be like a knife to the heart. It would paralyze them and deny them the ability to think straight. The grief they will face will be unlike anything they have ever experienced because it will tap into the very bedrock of their existence. The one they have come to know as God will die.

Once again we see Jesus preparing his disciples for what is to come. Once again we hear his reassurance that everything will be okay. Once again he promises that he will return and we will see him again, and no one will take away our joy.

Food for thought: How is our situation today similar to what the disciples are about to experience? Do you find encouragement in Jesus’ promise that a time of rejoicing is coming?

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Weaving Soon – John 16: 20a

Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices.

As Jesus prepares his disciples for what is to begin the next day, he weaves a pattern of ideas before them.

You will not fall away (v1)
They will put you out of the synagogue (v2)
People will kill you (v3)
I warned you! (v4)
He is going to the Father (v5)
He goes for our good (v7a)
Jesus will send the Advocate when he is gone (v7b)
The Advocate will prove the world wrong (v8-11)
The Spirit will guide you into truth (v13)

The paradox of spiritual life, life in God, verses the physical life, life in the world, is the main pattern in the tapestry Jesus weaves. In today’s verse he continues the pattern; “
 you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices.”

How could life with God be so out of sync with life in the world? Why would the world rejoice at the death of the one who healed and forgave them in the name of God?

Jesus knows. The answer is not pretty.

Food for thought: Draw two circles on a piece of paper. Label one circle “’Life with God” and label the other circle ‘“Life in the world.” Put a mark in the circle that includes most of the things you want in life. Now put a mark in the circle where you hope to spend the eternity that comes after this life. How does your heart and your hope align?

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