Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard…
Summary: The third warning Peter gives us has to do with false teachers. Beware!
Continue reading “2 Peter 3:17a Pt III — Danger Ahead”Daily Meditations on the Bible / We stand with Israel
Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard…
Summary: The third warning Peter gives us has to do with false teachers. Beware!
Continue reading “2 Peter 3:17a Pt III — Danger Ahead”Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard…
Summary: Things are not always what they seem. What we cannot see is greater than what we can see. Peter has warned us of several things. Today we look back at confirming our calling.
Continue reading “2 Peter 3:17a Part I — Illusions”…where righteousness dwells.
Summary: Peter tells us about a new heaven and a new earth and then tells us that righteousness will dwell there. How can this be? What will this look like? Scripture gives us clues that help us understand God’s promise of new life in him.
Continue reading “2 Peter 3:13b — The Meaning of Righteous”… as you look forward to the day of God …
Summary: How we look at the “day of God” is a good indication of how much importance we attach to our spiritual life. Our enthusiasm for that day reveals whether we are putting our weight on the foot already in heaven or the one that is still on earth.
Continue reading “2 Peter 3:12a — Stepping Out”You ought to live holy and godly lives …
Summary: Where have you been and where are you going? This is the question posed by today’s passage. Peter encourages us to live apart from the world’s values and honor God with our lives.
Continue reading “2 Peter 3:11b — A Walk in the Woods”Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be?
Summary: What will God be looking for in the ashes of his creation? When everything is “laid bare” what will be left that is of interest to our Lord? The answer lies in what God thinks is important.
Continue reading “2 Peter 3:11a Part II — God’s Vineyard”… and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.
Summary: God’s Word explains clearly in many ways that there will be a final judgment. In today’s passage, Peter repeats this truth one more time.
Continue reading “2 Peter 3:10c — Face to Face”The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire…
Summary: What will the end of time look like? Peter gives us a clue with today’s passage.
Continue reading “2 Peter 3:10b — Electric Balloons”[But the day of the Lord] will come like a thief.
Summary: Phrases like today’s passage are a mystery to some, a point of ridicule for others, and for us who believe, a warning.
Continue reading “2 Peter 3:10b — Like a Thief”But the day of the Lord …
Summary: Finality is one of those things we humans love to ignore. It is easy to put off doing what we know we should do. We think there will always be a tomorrow until we wake up on the “day of the Lord.”
Continue reading “2 Peter 3:10a — The Day of The Inspector”