1 Peter 3:1 — The Same Old Deception

Picture: A statue of a child listening to a sea shell.

Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands …

One of the things that is difficult to get our heads around in this life is that we are not alone. There is a saying that goes, “What you see is what you get,” but that is not true for the world we live in. There is so much more to life than what we can see. 

In our recent post, “The Back Side of the Page,” we took a look at what is behind the facade of what we call reality. Behind the stage props we call “life,” there is a larger and more real existence. It is where we find God, the angels, Satan, and his demons. It is also where we find our spiritual existence. What is hard to see are the connections between the physical and the spiritual, but they are very real. 

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1 Peter 2:19 — Pain Gauge

Picture: Detail of old woodcut depicting hell.

For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God. 

Peter is going to talk about “unjust suffering” for a while. As he explores this theme, he segues into the topic of wives submitting to their husbands. I’m not saying that there is a connection here, but I suspect that the wives who are reading this might have some special insights on this passage. Anyway, for now, he is content to focus on the general topic of unjust suffering. 

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1 Peter 2:11 (b) — Impressions

Picture of shoe with wad of gum stuck on bottom.

Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires…

…which wage war against your soul. 

Today we look at the second half of verse eleven. These six words are profoundly meaningful. As we put on the wedding garment, the righteousness of Christ, we wonder, “Do we have to wear these clothes all the time?” The answer is yes, and these six words explain why. 

In this passage, Peter does not warn us against doing sinful things. He has already done that in verse two when he writes, “…be obedient to Jesus Christ ”

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