Jeremiah 45 — Hanging Out With The Prophets

Hebrew writing on a scroll.

When Baruch son of Neriah wrote on a scroll the words Jeremiah the prophet dictated in the fourth year of Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah, Jeremiah said this to Baruch: “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says to you, Baruch: You said, ‘Woe to me! The Lord has added sorrow to my pain; I am worn out with groaning and find no rest.’ But the Lord has told me to say to you, ‘This is what the Lord says: I will overthrow what I have built and uproot what I have planted, throughout the earth. Should you then seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them. For I will bring disaster on all people, declares the Lord, but wherever you go I will let you escape with your life.’”

The prophets of God are an amazing group of people. Being called to be a prophet was a great honor, but the burden that went with the honor was also great. Since we are talking about prophets, and in light of the events that have been in the news recently, I wanted to share this short passage from Jeremiah.

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1 Peter 1:9 — Random Thoughts

Hundreds of small multi-colored cubes floating against a black background.

… for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

So what is the point of having faith in Jesus? Why would anyone want to believe in someone that they cannot see? Well, the answer it turns out has to do with something else we cannot see; the salvation of our souls.

Two days ago, in the post, “Testimony,” I shared the short version of how I came to believe in Jesus. Along the way, I had to come to believe in “all things visible and invisible” as it says in the Nicene Creed. One thing I firmly believe in is the existence of my soul. If I were no more than a stalk of celery or a blade of grass I wouldn’t care what happens to me. But I do care. I care a lot. And the fact that we care about what happens to us sets you and me apart from almost everything else in Creation.

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1 Peter 1:6 — Congratulations Graduate!

A large group of graduates throw their mortarboard hats into the air.

In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.

Are you graduating this weekend? Congratulations!

Are you the parent or grandparent of a graduate? Congratulations to you, too.

Let me ask you a question: Does how much you had to go through to get to graduation have any bearing on how happy you are to graduate? To put it another way, if your school is handing you a diploma for simply signing up and showing up to class a few times does that have any meaning for you?

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1 Peter 1: 2 (b) — Changed

The words "Look out for each other" on a chalk board.

…through the sanctifying work of the Spirit…

In his introduction to his letter, Peter identifies himself as an apostle of Jesus Christ. He identifies his audience as a group of Christians who have gone into exile 20 to 30 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus. He identifies the people he is writing to as “God’s elect” and then tells us the geographical region they live in. He explains that being “chosen” is because God already knows how things will play out.

There is a lot of information here, but Peter is not done. He still hasn’t finished his first sentence yet! Somehow the process of being chosen has something to do with the sanctifying work of the Spirit.


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1 Peter 1: 1(a) — Everyman

Two men work on fishing nets in the early morning light.


As we begin our meditations on 1 Peter, it seems fitting that his text begins with his name. Since this “book” of the Bible is a letter, Peter follows the tradition of letter writing used two thousand years ago. Today we would begin with, “Dear Sir and/or Madam,” or something similar. Not until the end of the letter would our signature reveal who the author is. In Peter’s time, that was not the case. He begins, “Peter…” and then continues with a description of his credentials. Only then does he tell us who he is writing to.

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Jude 1: 25e — A Reasonable Faith

…before all ages, now and forevermore!

The nature of time is an interesting and much-debated topic. It exists to help us navigate life by dividing our experiences up in three ways: past, present, and future. God’s view of time is different than ours (See Psalm 90:4; 2 Peter 3:8). In fact, time may not have any meaning in heaven except as it relates to our world and our need for temporal structure.

Jude writes that God is God, “… before all ages, now and forevermore!” He is covering all the bases. There never has been a time when God wasn’t God. There never will be a time when God is not God.

Why is this important?

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Jude 1: 25d — Something Fishy

Large aquarium with people standing outside looking in at the fish.

…through Jesus Christ our Lord …

Jude is nearing the end of his letter and his doxology. Today he tells us something very important and also very mysterious. Everything God does is through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Several questions come to mind. How does Jude know this? What does it mean? How does this work?

The reason I say that this is “mysterious” is that some things are beyond our ability to know. We can guess, and we can surmise, but we can’t know. Even though this is beyond our ability to know the answer directly, God has given us some clues in his Word.

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Jude 1: 25c — Granted

An aerial view of a high dam.

… be glory, majesty, power and authority…

To the only God, our Savior, who keeps us from stumbling and brings us to Himself…

… be glory, majesty, power and authority…

Why does Jude tell us this? Isn’t it obvious that God is worthy of all glory and majesty? Doesn’t it make sense that all power and authority reside in the Creator of All Things?


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Jude 1: 25a — Doxology

Sunrise over a mountain.

… to the only God …

The last sentence in Jude’s letter is spread out over two verses. Together they comprise a doxology. If you don’t know what a doxology is, that is okay. Even if you do, it is worth taking a minute of our “Three Minute Bible” post to review.

The word doxology comes from the Greek, doxologia. The two root words are “doxa” meaning “glory” and “- logia” meaning “divine sayings.” It a way of praising and glorifying God. It is a beautiful way of turning the reader’s attention back to God at the end of the letter.

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Jude 1: 24a — Stumbling

A paved walkway under an arched colonnade.

To him who is able to keep you from stumbling…

We begin the last sentence of Jude’s letter with this phrase about stumbling.

We live in a world of paved walkways. That may not sound significant, but it is. Two thousand years ago there may have been a few paved walkways, but they were very few. Most of the paths people walked on were on bare earth.

Like a trail through the woods, earth paths contain surprises. A stray rock here, an uneven place there, and every now and then a big root winding its way across the path. These things cause a person to stumble if they are not careful. During the day when it is light it is easy to see and the roads are safer, but at twilight and night it becomes dangerous to walk.

Another difference these days is that we tend to wear better shoes. In the days of Jesus, an open sandal was more common. Have you ever smashed your bare toe into a doorpost or a chair? That is the kind of pain you might feel wearing sandals and meeting up with a rock or a root on the trail.

Why is this important?

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