1 Peter 1:12 (a) — Whom do you serve?

Blurred picture of a crowd at night.

It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. 

What sets a prophet apart is being called by God to be a messenger of God’s Word. I am capitalizing “Word” because these messages are holy. Mundane or spectacular, the Word from God is special. But never forget, prophets are people, too. They are not Superman. They have feelings like you and me. 

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1 Peter 1:11 (c) — Glory

Stained glass window showing face of Jesus in glory.

…and the glories that would follow. 

Today’s passage rounds out the thought that Peter is sharing with us in this passage. The prophets of old were hungry to know about God’s plan of salvation. They understood that the Messiah would come. The question was, “When?” They understood he would suffer for our sins. The question was, “How?” They also understood something else: Glory would follow suffering. 

When Jesus finally came, the whole world turned against him and cried, “Crucify him!” When the whole world seems to turn against one person, how is there any glory in that for that person? The answer depends on your point of view. 

If you are standing with the devil the sight of God’s Son dying on the cross seems like a victory. The glory goes to the victor and Satan appears to have won. But Satan doesn’t win. The victory is fleeting. Like everything else about Satan, this victory is false. 

The Author of Life has endured death on the cross for a very specific purpose. He is, as Isaiah prophesied, our redeemer. (Isaiah 47:4) From the perspective of God, the death of Jesus was not a loss, but a gain. Having endured the shame, accusations, torture, abuse, and crucifixion, Jesus rises above it all and draws us to him. Jesus has accomplished the will of his Father. (John 19:30) That is glory. Everyone redeemed by Jesus knows what he has done. That is glory. When Satan himself is thrown into the lake of fire, he, too, will know that Jesus is King. That is glory. 

Each victory over Satan, no matter how small, brings glory to our King. The “glories that would follow” include your victory over sin and mine. Praise God!

Application: Think about how far you have come and where you would be if it were not for Jesus. Then give glory to our God. 

Food for Thought: What other thoughts do you have about glory? 

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1 Peter 1:2 (d) — Sprinkled

Red paint splattered on a white background

… and sprinkled with his blood…

Let’s continue with our deep dive into Peter’s opening words. We’ve talked about who and what Peter is and then moved into his description of the people he is writing to. Looking at the key concepts he has included it reads almost like a creed. We who believe are chosen by God, exiled from the world, known intimately by our Father, sanctified and continuing in sanctification to be obedient to Jesus Christ. And then we come to being sprinkled with his blood.

The thought of writing about this is daunting for me. I don’t even like the sight of blood. Yet being “sprinkled in blood” is an important part of Jewish history. It is one of the key prophetic pointers in the Old Testament that foretell the work of the Messiah.

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Jude 1: 25e — A Reasonable Faith

…before all ages, now and forevermore!

The nature of time is an interesting and much-debated topic. It exists to help us navigate life by dividing our experiences up in three ways: past, present, and future. God’s view of time is different than ours (See Psalm 90:4; 2 Peter 3:8). In fact, time may not have any meaning in heaven except as it relates to our world and our need for temporal structure.

Jude writes that God is God, “… before all ages, now and forevermore!” He is covering all the bases. There never has been a time when God wasn’t God. There never will be a time when God is not God.

Why is this important?

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Jude 1: 25b — Saved

… our Savior …

As we continue with Jude’s doxology, we follow him from praising God for what he does for us (keeping us from stumbling and presenting us without fault) to describing the attributes of God. The first attribute is that He is the only God. There is no other God. He does not have any competition.

Today we turn to his most important work; the saving of his creation.

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Jude 1: 24b — The Heart of Jude

The nativity is intertwined with the word, "Love" against a colorful background.

…and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy—

At the beginning of Jude’s letter (verse 1) he writes: “To those who have been called, who are loved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ…” These people, he adds, will be presented before Christ “without fault and with great joy.”


This is the heart of Jude. This is what he wanted to write about in the first place. What is the amazing secret? How are sinful people to be presented before Jesus Christ without fault? As he pointed out earlier, the answer is Jesus Christ himself.

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Jude 1: 23b — The Colors of Love

A heart outlined in colored pencils.

… to others show mercy, mixed with fear …

Mercy and fear. What an odd combination! What could Jude mean?

The meaning of the word “mercy” seems self-evident to me. To be merciful to others is to accept them as they are, warts and all. If they have offended me I show forgiveness in return. If they are offensive to me, I ignore the offense and treat them as I would want to be treated myself. But what about fear?

Are we to be afraid ourselves, or are we to instill fear in others?

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Jude 1: 21a — Word’s Dawn

The sun rises over a wide calm river.

… keep yourselves in God’s love …

Jude’s language is interesting. He does not say, “Thank God, we who believe are saved!” He doesn’t rest on his laurels. There is no pointing to how smart he is to have chosen to believe in Jesus. Instead, he offers some advice and encouragement when he writes, “… keep yourselves in God’s love.”

Remember how he started his short letter? In verse three he urges us to “contend for the faith.” In the next verse, he warns us about “certain individuals” who have “secretly slipped in among you.” Immediately we, his readers, are on the alert. Our minds may have started to sift through every “brother” and “sister” we know. We are suspiciously comparing them to the list of clues that Jude gives us to identify the ungodly.

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Jude 1: 20c — Whisper

Close up of an ear.

… and praying in the Holy Spirit …

In Jude’s closing comments he provides some encouragement and advice for his readers. The goal he encourages us towards is eternal life. The way we get there is by believing in Jesus. We need to keep our relationship with Jesus strong by being strong in faith.

The key to successful relationships is good communication. One way we communicate with God and Jesus is by listening to Him speak through His Word and Spirit. Another way is by speaking to Him in prayer.

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Jude 1: 14b — Enoch’s Prophecy

several piles of gold coins each larger than the last.

See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

I am a little out of my depth when we get the End Times Prophecy department. Pr. Rich is the expert in that area as far as I am concerned. So outside of taking a contextual look at Enoch’s prophecy, let’s take a specific look at this passage and see what we can learn.

First, Jude is using a source of information on this topic that is not mentioned anywhere else in the Bible. This is new information about Enoch.

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