1 Peter 3:18 (a) — The Flavors of Righteousness

Picture: Tubs of gourmet ice cream.
The ice cream in the upper left corner represents unrighteousness! – JE 🙂

For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. 

Summary: There are four types of righteousness and two of them will get you to heaven. The only problem is that the third type is impossible to achieve and the fourth requires that somebody else achieve it and offers you a free pass. Fortunately for us, Jesus does both. 

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1 Peter 3:16 (a) — Saying “No”

Picture: A car's dashboard with a red light glowing.
Notice the little red light on the dash…

… keeping a clear conscience …

Summary: Our conscience is like the red light on a car’s dashboard. It tells us something is wrong. It says, “Pay attention!” If we ignore the warning, we might survive, but our conscience suffers. Each little stain of being ignored clouds our conscience and leaves a mark that haunts us until we die. 

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1 Peter 2:5 (c) — At the Foot of the Cross

Picture of the cross silhouetted against the morning sky.

…offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

This may be one of the most important verses in the Bible. Oh, I know…it looks benign. You can read it and think, “Nice verse…” and go on with your reading. But when I look at this verse I see all the threads in the Bible coming together into one place. 

I can guess what you are thinking. You are probably thinking, “Okay, Jeff. Go ahead. Show me how this ties together all the threads in the Bible. But remember, this is ThreeMinuteBible.com, not TwentyYearBible.com, okay?” Okay. Fair enough. Since we are constrained on time, I will use large brush strokes again and see if I can paint a picture of what I see.

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1 Peter 2: 2 (a) — In Search of Truth

A picture of a man looking through binoculars.

Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk…

In looking over Peter’s letter, I get the impression that he is giving us a “Cliff Notes” version of the entire New Testament in a few words. I marvel at the consistency of God’s Word. Whether we look through the lens of Luke, Paul, James, or Peter, the message is consistent.

I’ve helped to raise a couple of amazing young men from when they were very tiny babies, but that doesn’t mean that I am an expert on babies. I do know, however, that there are different kinds of babies. The kind of baby that Peter is talking about is “newborn.” 

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1 Peter 1:22 — Checklist For Love

A "Yes" written on a chalkboard.

Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart. 

So far in these first few words of Peter’s letter to us, he has touched on a number of points: 

  • We have been chosen by God (v 2)
  • God’s Spirit is sanctifying us 
  • We are to be obedient to Jesus Christ

He continues with more insights into the Christian life: 

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1 Peter 1:13 (b) — The Quiz

The word "quiz" written on a chalkboard.

… set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. 

Peter continues. He advises us to keep our minds alert and sober. Why? He tells us to set our hope on something that will be given us when Jesus comes. What? What will be “brought to [us]” when Jesus is revealed? 

Honestly, this sentence by Peter feels a bit like a flash quiz. In school, there were the tests that you knew were coming; midterms and finals. Those you could plan for. The ones that everyone seemed to hate were those quizzes. 

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