1 Peter 2:19 — Pain Gauge

Picture: Detail of old woodcut depicting hell.

For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God. 

Peter is going to talk about “unjust suffering” for a while. As he explores this theme, he segues into the topic of wives submitting to their husbands. I’m not saying that there is a connection here, but I suspect that the wives who are reading this might have some special insights on this passage. Anyway, for now, he is content to focus on the general topic of unjust suffering. 

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1 Peter 2:17 (c) — An Appropriate Kind of Fear

Picture: A splash of red hot lava against a black background.

… fear God …

Are you afraid of God? Should you be? Peter seems to think so. 

It seems to me that if God can create and sustain the universe if he created life as we know it, and if he became man and died for our sins, he is a bit beyond our comprehension. We can’t outthink God. We shouldn’t even try. 

And let’s talk about power. How much power does God have? 

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1 Peter 2:17 (b) — Family Love

Picture: A dozen or more goslings are all the same but all different.

… love the family of believers …

Peter’s theme is submission. He wants us to “submit … for the Lord’s sake.” We are to put ourselves under others in importance. By doing this we lift others up. They become more important in our eyes. 

This feels counter-intuitive to our egos. The part of us that stands apart from God does not want to submit. We glory in our independence and our power. We enjoy taking control of our lives and living large. At least as long as things go well. 

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1 Peter 2:16 — Ultimate Freedom

Picture: Silhouette of man standing on beach at sunset.

Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves.

If I put on my “ignorant” and “foolish people” glasses⁠1, it is easy to see this verse as a contradiction. After all, Peter says, “Live as free people…” and then in the same sentence he says, “live as God’s slaves.” Which is it, Peter? Free or slave?

How are we to understand this apparent dichotomy? 

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1 Peter 2:15 — Doing Good

Picture: two hands holding a candle against a black background.

For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.

There are some words in the ancient texts that give translators trouble. If you look in the NIV it might say something different than the King James Version. Sometimes out of thirty or more English translations you might find as many as ten different English equivalents. “Ignorance” is not one of those troublesome words. 

Except for one or two exceptions, every English translation uses the word “ignorant” to express the Greek, “agnōsia.” In English, the word “ignorant” is often confused with “stupid.” These are two very different words. The word “ignorant” means a lack of knowledge. The cure to ignorance is knowledge. 

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1 Peter 2:13-14 — Human Authority

Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.

We have spent two days talking about the first seven words of verse 13. In “The Meaning of Submit” and “For His Sake” we looked at what it means to submit, or “put under,” and why this is important to Christians. Now we look at the rest of this verse and the next. 

We live in a time where everything is seemingly being turned upside down. The year of this writing is 2020. If you are reading this at some future date, you will know how 2020 turned out. For the rest of us, reading this in the middle of this unusual year, we are still wondering what will happen. 

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1 Peter 2:13 (a) — The Meaning of Submit

Picture of man's silhouette kneeling before the cross.


The word “triggered” has taken on new meaning in the English lexicon. It has always been around, of course, and used in the practical sense of activating something with a trigger. During the war, if a booby trap was set off you would say it had been “triggered.” These days the word is often used to describe a strong adverse emotional reaction to something. For example, “The student in the front row was triggered when the instructor mentioned that they had voted for the president.” 

Words that set off an emotional reaction are “trigger words.” One of the oldest trigger words in the English language is the word, “submit.” 

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