1 Peter 1:14 — Heresy?

A picture of a football game at the line of scrimmage.

As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance.

What am I about to write might be considered heresy by some. If any of you reading this are in that camp, please consider that as a child of God, I may still be living in ignorance. My life is a journey and for these last many years my journey has been all about getting to know God better. If what I write does not fit with what you believe, please feel free to gently correct me in the comments. 

Peter presumes that as believers we are “obedient children.” How I wish that this were true! I see many who walk in faith moving from ignorance to knowledge of God’s ways. To some extent, that is all we can hope for in this life. As Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 13:12; 

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1 Peter 1:12 (b) — Beyond Measure, Part III

A dove flies against a black background.

Even angels long to look into these things.

Today is the third installment of what salvation means. We are exploring this topic because Peter is. He has just pointed out that the prophets were serving you and me when they wrote down the things that we have been told about the gospel. The “things,” he goes on, are of such significance, that “even angels long to look into [them].” 

The first thing we noted (and remember, we are speaking in broad terms here!) is that Jesus redeems us from spiritual death. In referring to a “spiritual death” the scriptures point to our separation from God as being dead to God. (Genesis 3: 3; 3: 8-10)

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1 Peter 1:12 (b) — Beyond Measure, Part II

Large eyes against a black background.

Even angels long to look into these things.

In yesterday’s post, I started by saying, “Peter is telling us about salvation. Broadly speaking ‘salvation’ in this case refers to several things.” And then I went on to tell you about only one thing. Today I would like to follow up on that thought with another thing related to salvation. 

As we discussed yesterday, the first thing salvation refers to is the restoration of our relationship with God. The second “thing” is that the restoration of this relationship is complicated. Human nature was irreversibly altered by the sin of Adam and Eve. In Genesis 3: 5 the serpent says, 

For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

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