
In today’s post, “Satan’s Sights,” I made a statement that could be misread to mean something I did not intend, nor do I endorse in any way. Satan has not succeeded in his goal to separate us from God. He has succeeded partially, but not completely. To that end I made the following correction to the second paragraph. The correction is in italics and underlined below.

Continue reading “Correction”

Genesis 2:3 – Change of Schedule

Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

Three Minute Bible has, with a few exceptions, been published seven days a week for about five years now. Times are changing, and so is our mission. As of today, we will be going to a six-day-a-week format.

Thank you for being part of this Bible study! I hope it has blessed you.

Jeff Englund

Application: If Three Minute Bible has blessed you, share it with someone else. Encourage them to be in the Bible every day.

Food for Thought: Questions and comments are welcome.

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Continue reading “Genesis 2:3 – Change of Schedule”


There are times when things pile up faster than I can shovel. Today was one of those days. I invite you to explore the more than 1,000 past posts on this website. I will leave comments open on this post if you would like to share what you found.

Blessings! I hope to be back on line tomorrow, Lord willing.

— Jeff

Continue reading “Overloaded”